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2023-08-21 21:05:17

9 MUSCLE Building Foods (Gain Weight FAST)

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Yo , look as a struggling ex skinny guy myself .

I know what it feels like .

I was 6 to 100 and £65 and look like a walking lollipop .

And as a positive for you guys , this video is sponsored by the National Pork Board , which means you're about to get tons of good information on what type of meats you should be putting down and even funnier .

I would actually try to look bigger in the gym .

Now , I fluctuate anywhere from 1 90 to no 1 94 solid in the mornings .

And that's because I ate the right foods .

The truth is that it does not matter how much weight you put up or how many times you go to the gym in a week .

If you're not packing down enough of the right foods and eating enough food daily , you're never gonna be a big guy .

You're gonna be skinny the rest of your life .

But as you know , I'm not gonna leave you there , I'm gonna share with you the foods that I ate the best muscle building foods .

Nine of them that you could try out that helped me pack on almost £30 of muscle .

If that sounds interesting .

Let's hop into it .

Number one , dark chocolate .

I know .

I know .

This probably sounds a little bit out of whack .

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But this one is a great quality , kind of like those guilty that you can have when you're dieting that will satisfy your sugar or sweet tooth while also being beneficial to your muscle growth .

A chocolate bar that's at least 70% co cola can be packed with almost 600 calories and packed with fiber and other healthy compounds like magnesium and antioxidant .

Number two eggs , these I swear I eat a whole family of chickens of wheat because I'm eating about six of these every single day .

They contain high quality amounts of proteins , healthy fats and other important vitamins .

What's interesting is that protein are made up of amino acids and eggs contain large amounts of lucine amino acid , which is particularly crucial for muscle growth .

Number three , pork tenderloin because I get it while chicken breast is awesome for muscle growth and lean muscle , it could taste a little bland sometimes .

And what most don't know and why I'm putting it in this video is that pork tenderloin , it's actually leaner than chicken breast .

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And also it's tastier , in my opinion , an analysis by the USDA found that pork tenderloin only contains 2.8 9 g of fat her serving , whereas skinless chicken breast contains 3.03 g of fat .

So yes , it actually tastes better and is scientifically leaner and has about 22 g of protein per serving .

On top of all this , this healthy meat is packed with healthy vitamins , like vitamin B six diamine niac phosphorus and so much more .

I'm gonna take you boys back to school a little bit because I , like , I've always said it's important to not only know what to eat but also know how to cook it because this will help you in muscle building because you're gonna prepare your own foods and know the fuel you're putting in .

But also it's gonna help you out for relationships .

When you start dating a girl and you cook for her , she's gonna melt .

If you do that on the first date , I promise you that's gonna give you a second date .

But you already know that today , I'm gonna show you how to cook pork tenderloin .

It's super simple .

Once you add the seasonings or however it is that you're gonna prepare it .

There's hundreds of recipes online .

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You could throw it in the oven and cook it .

Once it comes down , you need to make sure you own a thermometer , a meat thermometer , you can it at your local grocery store .

They're like five bucks point is you wanna make sure that the internal temperature of the pork tenderloin is 100 45 degrees .

If it is , then you wanna set it aside and let it sit there for about three minutes .

To cool down .

This is to make sure you have the most flavor tenderness and make sure the pork is safe .

This is gonna leave you a light pick center making it juicy to eat .

Like I said , boys , if you guys wanna check out more on pork and all the information and all its healthy benefits , I would click the link down below to the National pork board .

So you can read more about that .

Number four , cottage cheese .

This is a great snack to mix in with your fruits or your crackers because only one serving of low fat cottage cheese can have up to 28 g of protein while also having a massive dose of that important loose amino acid that I've talked about .

That's important for muscle building .

Number five , honestly , go ask my wife every restaurant that I go to , especially Asian ones that they have a as an appetizer .

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I always order it like clock work .

Not only are they a good and tasty snack , but they're also great for muscle building because just one serving of this can have up to 17 g of protein and 8 g of fiber .

And it also contains foliate which helps your body process amino acids which are the building blocks of life .

Number six quinoa quinoa , while it's a great protein source , it makes it even better fuel source .

So you can kill it in the gym and while you're being active , which will induce bigger muscle growth .

Just one serving of quinoa can contain about 40 g of carbs on top of 8 g of protein .

Number seven is almonds , just half a cup of almonds can contain large amounts of protein and also large amounts of healthy vitamins like magnesium , vitamin E and phosphorus .

These also make a great midday snack which you also get essential oils that are hearty and healthy for your heart versus filling your stomach and body with crap like chips .

Number eight is avocado .

This remains the king of healthy fats because of all the nutrients that it contains and the healthy fatty oils .

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This remains still to the they being one of the best foods to eat .

If you're trying to gain lean mass , just one avocado can have about 350 calories , about 39 g of fat , 17 g of fiber .

Plus it's a load of vitamins like vitamin ce and K .

And finally boys number nine , ground pork .

If you guys like any sort of ground meat , you guys have to try ground pork because just like the pork tenderloin , it is filled with juiciness and in my opinion tends to be more tasty than other forms of meat .

Now , what I'm recommending is because most people have never tried ground pork or use that as a source for muscle building .

If you do , I promise you chances are you're not gonna go back to any other type of meat because pork like I've said , it always tends to be a little juicier than other cuts and that's it for this week's video .

Guys .

I hope you enjoyed it .

Those are nine healthy foods that you can put down to build more muscle if you guys like this video and found it informative .

Don't forget to drop us a like down below .

Also , don't forget to check out our sponsor , the National Pork Board .

They're gonna be linked down below as well .

That's it for me today .

See you next time .


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