How to add a new email account on the iphone six .
So here at the bottom , you can see there is an email account .
If you tap that , there's no email account set up yet .
So before you can start , go off and use the email , you need to set up one up , you can set up using uh some of the more popular uh email services such as Google , Yahoo AOL or Exchange or Outlook .
Now , you can also choose order if you um if your mail services is not available in this list here .
Now first let's press on the home key to go back to the home screen .
You can tap on this mail icon or you can go into settings and in settings you want to tap on mail contacts and calendars .
So tap on that and then tap on add account .
Now choose from one of the followings .
I will choose Google in this example .
So we'll set up a Gmail account .
Now you need to put in the email address , so I'll put it in .
So this is a test account .
So you put in your Gmail address , they will put in the password once you put your password in the password field , you can tap on sign in .
Now , if your email uses a two step verification , then the code will be sent to your mobile number or your email address .
You can put in this code to verify and then tap on done .
So put in the code and then tap on down here and on the next screen , it will ask you if you want to allow the following .
If you're happy , just tap on a loud button at the bottom .
Now , on this next screen , you can choose what you want to think such as mail contacts , calendars or not , but the result of this uh selected .
So tap on save and we have now successfully added a new email account to your mailbox .
And you can also add any other additional email accounts that you have by simply tapping on add account .
And from here , you will need to follow the process again .
So you can choose icloud Exchange uh outlook or Yahoo .
Finally , you can press on the home key to go back to your home screen .
And then if you tap on the mail icon and then you can see here immediately , it will lock , it will go into the inbox .
You can tap on the mail boxes here and choose what you want to see .
So you can tap on the inbox here .
And from here you can see there are some uh uh emails that already loaded into the list as you can see .
And that's it .
That's how you can set up an email account on your iphone six .
Thank you for watching this video .