How welcome to the cartoon .
Quick draw .
I'm Mr Dan .
And today we're drawing a Stegosaurus .
I'm gonna start closer to the bottom of my page on the left side and I'm gonna draw what looks like part of a triangle at the end .
I'm gonna curb it around and just draw a straight line out .
Mhm Then at the top of our little half triangle , I'm gonna draw a curve line up and down and back around .
Thank right here .
I'm gonna draw part of a rectangle and then I'm gonna draw a little curve line going up a little , not a whole lot , just a little bit .
Yes .
Then right here , I'm gonna draw a slight curve .
It goes into my part of a rectangle .
I'm gonna draw an invisible line through the leg , just follow it through to the tail .
I'm gonna draw a little line down in front of the leg , not as far down as the whole foot and then curve it into it .
I'm gonna do the same thing on the back .
A Egas saurus are known for the bony plates that go along , they're back and the best way we're gonna do that .
Is , we're gonna start here closest to the head and we're gonna make a tiny house .
I'm just gonna draw a line up to a point and back down .
And the trick is that as you go up the back , each house that you're gonna draw , it's gonna get bigger .
And so the biggest one is gonna be at the top of the back and then as we go down the back , we're gonna start getting smaller again , just drawing our little houses .
Mhm And then inside each house , I'm gonna draw two or three lines just to give them texture inside our small triangle .
I'm gonna draw a nice big circle with another colored circle on the inside .
And then on the bottom line past the eye , I'm gonna draw a small curve line up with a T on top inside the legs .
I'm gonna do three upside down .
Use on the back ones .
You might only get two in and that's OK .
And then finally at our tail , we're gonna add a few spikes by just adding a few points going out , one going out that way and then a couple going out this way , then underneath by our feet , I'm gonna add nice thick black line to add the shadow who are Stegosaurus .
And that's how you draw a Stegosaurus .