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2023-08-22 22:02:22

Zero Gluten Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast _ Gluten Free Diet Plan _ Lose 7 Kgs In 2 Weeks

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I'll be sharing with you all zero gluten diet plan that can help you lose seven kgs in just two weeks very effectively .

So in this start plan , I'll be giving you lots and lots of options of gluten free meals and at the same time , great for weight loss in each and every manner .

Recently , my lots of clients hold a start plan for immense weight loss and they were able to see a great transformation happening .

And so you so for personalized weight loss diet plans , you can always email me at lose more seven and three gmail dot com or whatsapp me on the given number and we can start your weight loss transformation with me and begin the weight loss journey .

So without any , let's get started with zero diet plan to help you lose seven cages in two weeks .

Super defectively starting a day with early morning drink which will be warm lemon water with a inch of cinnamon powder and pitch of black pear powder .

Now , this particular drink helps in detoxifying the system very quickly in the morning itself .

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Avoids all the types of constipation issues .

And at the same time clears your bowel movements very easily .

If you cannot have this , you can always have ginger Turri tea .

And the recipe for tea is on my channel .

And here is a complete recipe in a pan .

I'm adding hair approximately 1.5 glasses of water to this .

I'm adding hair healthy .

Now this is fresh amba healthy or you can even call it green healthy , which is the purest form of healthy available in the market .

All you have to do is simply create it and use it .

Now this fresh healthy is 100 times much , much better than the powder health that you get in the market .

Along with that .

I'm adding hair ginger very important for antiinflammation .

And the same point , I'll be adding here one teaspoon of fennel seeds that is soft .

Now , why soft ?

It is great when it comes to your acidity levels .

And at the same point , it regulates the ph levels in your body .

Let it simmer for approximately two minutes and your generic tea is ready for early morning drink .

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Have a sip by sip and enjoy follow it and you'll be amazed to see the skin benefits and at the same time , anti-inflammatory properties with this tea .

Now let's proceed towards our breakfast option for zero gluten diet plan .

The first option will be for all the Indian lovers out there which will be a small bowl of .

Now , I prepare my po with beetroot eye to it .

And here is the complete recipe for veggie po in the pan .

I'm taking some mustard oil here allowing it to heat some time .

At the same time , I'll be adding lots of peanuts into it .

Good amount of fat at the same time .

Very high in protein as well .

Roast them .

Well , for at least two minutes when the color changes to golden brown , just take it out and keep it aside .

Now , in the same oil , I'm adding some mustard seeds that is butter for at least two seconds .

And at the same time , I'm adding here some ginger and chilies chopped .

You can add some curry leaves as well if it's available to you , then I'm adding some chopped onions to this , cooking it for approximately two minutes and giving it some golden color to this .

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I'll be adding my chopped capsicum .

These are very finely chopped , allowing it to cook very well .

And then to this , I'm adding some chopped potatoes as well with a finely finely chopped potatoes .

And to this , then I'm adding some peas and the final touch to this .

I'm adding graded beetroot as well .

It gives lots of a good amount of iron to the and at the same time , very beautiful color as well .

Adding in all the spices as per your own preference .

And then I'm adding to this .

Now , you can see that I'm adding very to it .

Now , the key to this fiber rich POA is adding more of the veggies and less that is less carbs and more fiber rich veggies to this .

And then I'm adding to my roasted peanuts and a delicious high protein , high iron POA is ready .

You can have approximately 30 to 40 g of this in the morning itself as your breakfast with one cup of tea or coffee as per your own preference .

But make sure to add no sugar to your tea or coffee in any manner .

You can add Stevia if you're too great for it .

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A second option for zero gluten breakfast will be you can have spinach veggie omelet .

Now , if you like to have eggs in the morning for breakfast , prepare this omelet with 3 to 4 egg bites , avoid the yolk , add spinach mushrooms , onion capsicum , whatever you want to add to the veggie omelet and prepare a good , full heavy omelet with this .

And at the same time , you can have tea , coffee as per your own preference , but make sure to add no sugar to a tea of coffee in any manner .

And now let's proceed towards our midmorning snack for midmorning snack .

I'll be giving you one option which is you can have any one seasonal fruit that is available nearby pineapple , papaya , whatever is available seasonally local and fresh .

You can have one fruit of your own choice for your midmorning snack .

Now let's proceed towards our zero golden lunch options and as usual before our lunch , we'll have apple cider vinegar in lum water .

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Now , what exactly does apple cider vinegar in Newcom Water does to our system before our lunch ?

It helps to digest your lunch very quickly .

Second , boost the metabolism in each and every manner .

And third , it avoids any kind of insulin spike when it comes to your lunch intake .

And it's great for insulin sensitivity as well .

Add two teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of lim water , mix it well and have it 30 to 40 minutes for your lunch .

The link is given in the description box below to buy the best apple c vinegar available in the market these days and you can buy it online very easily .

Now , let's proceed towards our zero gluten lunch options for weight loss .

The first option will be for all the roti lovers out there .

You can have all roti or you can even have oats Sheila and the recipe for oats roti is yet again a channel and here is a complete recipe for you all .

Take it more .

Lose most gluten free oats flour to this .

I'll be adding grated beetroot and just need the dough with a little water and your soft dough is ready .

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All you have to do is Sprinkle little oats flour over it and prepare chapatis with this flour .

Trust me , it will come out so tasty and at the same point , very healthy in each and empty manner .

They are soft in nature and very amazing .

Please have it with any of your tasty and favorite subi or curries .

And along with that , do not forget to have lots of salad along with it .

Super easy to prepare and yet very healthy in each and every manner .

Now it is gluten free in nature because we'll be using here gluten free oats flour .

The link to buy this flour is given in the description box , but you can go and check it out very easily and buy it online .

Does not contain any kind of gluten in it .

It's vegan in nature , organic and very easy to prepare the out of it fluffy and at the same time , very soft .

You can have it with any seasonal subs and make sure to have lots of salad with it along with this oats roti .

Second option for a zero wooden lunch option is brown rice .

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You can have brown rice with any curry or any subs plus salad at the side .

Now to prepare brown rice , here is a complete recipe .

I use no salt when it comes to my brown rice .

And the same time , it's tasty nature .

Very good and tastes very similar to buy rice .

Here is a complete recipe of brown rice .

One tablespoon of olive oil to this .

I'll be adding one teaspoon of jira and it is platter for at least two minutes .

Then I'll be adding freshly chopped green chilies to this .

Mix it all .

Well , this , I'll be adding one whole cup of broccoli .

Now this is very fresh broccoli along with this , I'll be adding bell peppers , red and yellow , bell peppers chopped fresh red carrots approximately one cup again , one cup of green peas .

So here we have added all the green vegetables and to this , I'll be adding salt according to taste , black pear powder and turmeric powder along with this , I'm also adding coriander powder , mix it all .

Well , you can add the spices according to your own choice , whatever you feel like .

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And to this , I'll be adding soaked brown rice , make sure to cook the rice before for at least two minutes properly .

And to this , then I'm adding fresh coriander leaves for taste .

They are amazing to give good flavor .

And to this , I'm adding three cups of water , makes it all well and , and let it cook for approximately three whistles and once the whistles are over , do not open it immediately , let it cook in its own steam for approximately two or three minutes .

And once done , you can open it and you can see how well a brown rice pillow is ready .

And our third option for our zero gluten lunch option is basin chila .

Now here is the recipe of my basin chila .

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So I'm using here approximately two tablespoon of basin at the same time , half a tablespoon of Suji to give the chila a little crunch at the same time , one tablespoon of oats , flour , mix it all well and adding here some ginger green chilies , chopped green bell peppers , yellow bell peppers and red bell peppers , all finely chopped and some coriander chopped as well .

Fresh to this .

Add all your spices of your own taste .

Salt , red chili powder , pinch of turmeric or healthy powder , some coriander powder and the same time some crushed as well .

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I prepare the batter with some curd and soak in you and always add just the consistency with some water heating here , a nonstick pan and to this , then I'll be adding a little bit of oil and then over this , I'll be adding the batter , make sure the batter is not very running the consistency , flip it over when it's done and seems golden brown in color and your delicious basin Sheila has already added lots and lots of veggies to it and soak in you any season vegetable can be added to this Sheila and it still nature have it along with or salad and enjoy a delicious gluten free lunch .

And now let's proceed towards our mid evening snack for me evening snack .

We'll have high protein seed mix , 30 g of this seed mix can give you the protein content of the entire day .

So make sure to consume this seed mix for a mid evening snack or you can even have it for your mid-morning snack .

The link is given in the description box below to buy this high protein seed mix organic vegan .

And at the same time , gluten-free nature at space .

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Along with this , you can have tea coffee as per your own preference or you can even have one cup of green tea with this .

But make sure to consume only sugarless tea when it comes to your mid evening snack , no sugar to be adding any kind of tea or coffee when it comes to your weight loss journey .

And now let's proceed towards our dinner option for dinner .

I'll be giving you two options .

The first one is gonna be grilled or stir fried veggies .

It's very important to consume your jeans when it comes to your weight loss journey .

So we'll be having good amount of stir fried veggies and here is a complete recipe of my stir fried veggies .

You can add anything to these veggies .

Any seasonal vegetable can be added .

I'm adding here mushrooms , onion capsicum , bell peppers broccoli .

You can even add some panne or tofu to it when it comes to your protein intake .

Grill these properly and also try to avoid some soil to this .

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You can always season your veggies with lemon juice , roasted gea powder , black pepper powder or you can even season with organo chili flakes , Italian seasoning as well and enjoy delicious grilled vegetables .

Now let's proceed towards our second option for zero gluten dinner .

You can have lemon coriander soup .

Now , the recipe for lemon coriander soup is yet again up on my channel .

And here is a complete recipe for you all just to pinch off or half a teaspoon of oil .

And I'm using here olive oil .

You can use oil in this .

I'll be adding chopped green chilies and ginger , just sauter it for two seconds .

And then in this , I'll be adding chopped broccoli .

One cup , broccoli is enough .

You can just stir fry it for at least two minutes .

And then I'll be adding here one cup of corns and one cup of carrots .

Saute it all for two minutes and then add salt according to taste .

And then black pear powder .

You can also use Jira pow to this .

Mix it all well and stir fry it for two minutes again .

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And then to this , I'll be adding freshly chopped coriander leaves and coriander gives a very amazing flavor to this soup .

And you not need to add any kind of corn flow to this to prepare the slurry , mix it all well , saute it for two minutes and then I'll be adding two cups of water to this .

Let it boil for at least 5 to 6 minutes .

You can even close the lid and let it simmer for at least two minutes .

And then we'll be adding approximately two teaspoons of lemon juice to this .

Mix it all well .

And your lemon coriander soup is ready to serve .

This soup is very warm in nature and gives great result .

Comes to your weight loss journey and you can definitely see a number going lower on the scale next morning .

If you cannot have this soup , then you can always replace it with chicken soup or egg soup or veggie soup .

As per your own preface , if you like to add some non veg to your dinner , but make sure to consume only 12 to 200 MLS of this soup for dinner .

And now let's proceed towards our bedtime drink for bedtime .

You can have chamomile tea .

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One cup of chamomile tea gives you great good sleep for the entire night .

Promotes weight loss at the same time , releases all the stress of the entire day to give you good sleep for the entire night and also boost the meols for the entire day .

One cup of chemo mile tea can help you with lots of skin benefits as well and you can buy the best sourced Chemo Mile tea from the Himalayas with the link given in the description box below .

It is very easily available online .

You can buy it online very easily .

With this data plan .

Please make sure to consume at least 2 to 3 liters of normal room temperature water without any fail to give you good hydration properties and to remove all the bad toxins from your body very quickly .

For personalized weight loss diet plans , you can always mail me at E four lose more seven at three gmail dot com .

Or whatsapp you on the given number and we can start a weight loss transformation with me for the start plan A two Z for immense weight loss .

And you'll be amazed to see the results as well .

If you like this video , please hit the like button .

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Comment below if you have any queries , any , any of the diet plans and I'll be more than happy to help you with any kind of queries .

Follow on Instagram to stay a bit for all the upcoming weight loss tips and tricks that plans .

What are in a day video use and at the same time , time transformations as well and as you next want to then stay healthy and save it always .


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