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2023-08-19 20:46:25

How to Draw Ash Greninja _ Pokemon

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Hey there and welcome back to the club today .

I'll be showing you how to draw Ash Grin Ninja from Pokemon .

So let's get started with the eyes .

I'm gonna draw two equally sized ovals on the left and on the right for the ice .

So starting on the left side , I'm gonna draw an oval .

Let's leave quite a bit of space in the middle and we draw the same oval on the right side starting from the top , making sure they're lined up at top and bottom from here .

I'm gonna cut through these ovals for the eyelids down to the center .

So just below the eye line , I'm gonna start on the left side , I'm gonna intersect a curve going down towards the middle of the face and curve back up and intersect the oval on the right .

Let's go ahead and draw on some pupils .

So just in the center of this oval , I'm gonna start up here on the brow line and just curve towards the inside of the eye .

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Let's do the same thing on the right side , we draw a little highlight .

So on the top corner here , I'm just gonna draw a small circle .

And on the top left of this A , I'll draw a small circle .

Now , we're gonna draw a straight vertical line down the middle to the top of that lift starting from the top .

So we're gonna go pretty high here .

We gonna start up here and just draw a straight line down the middle from here .

I'm gonna take this top and just curve out and just touch that bottom line and we'll do the same thing on the right side .

So curbing out and then coming down towards the bottom , let's go ahead and draw in the bottom chin .

So down here , we're gonna draw a sort of a rounded point for the chin .

So just on the side , not on the very bottom , but just on the side of the eye , we curve down and just round out the bottom , we're gonna go up on the right side .

So curving up and into the eye on the right , let's give them some nostrils .

So on the left here , just draw a little curve and on the right , we'll draw a little curve .

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Now let's draw some angled lines with the detail inside the head .

So from this corner of the eye , we're just gonna angle up towards that curve and on the right , we'll do the same thing curing in like that .

Now , from the top of this eye , we're just gonna round out and come back to that point there .

So from the very top , we're gonna come in and then just do a kind of a hard turn back into the bottom edge of that corner .

There , do the same thing on the right side .

So coming out and then back in and then up here , just on this curve , we're gonna draw a curve going up towards that center point to do the same thing on the right side .

So curving up from this point , we want to draw in the sort of the flares on the side of the head .

So just on the top of this eye , I'm gonna draw an angled line going out to the left slightly .

So right about here , let's do the same thing on the right side , making sure they're roughly the same height .

Now , from here , I'm just gonna flare out the sides of the head .

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So from here , I'm curve out and then I'm gonna pull this back in with a curve coming in just towards that eye .

Let's do the same thing on the right side so we can balance this out .

So curving out .

Now , we're gonna curve back in , rounding it out , curving back in .

We're gonna do a couple of little ones along the side here .

So here we go out and then we'll curve that back in , let's go to the right side and do the same thing so out and then back in the reason why I go back from left to right , just make sure that I bounce things out as I go from here , I'm gonna curve back out with a longer curve and then I'm gonna curve back in right about there .

Just do the same thing on the right .

So curving out and then pulling that back in .

Now , these are the little ones on the side here .

So I'm gonna do a little overlap .

So coming up on the left side , curving out and then pulling this back in towards the eye , leaving a little gap , do the same thing on the right side .

So overlapping and then pulling that back in .

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Now , the final one , we're just gonna draw these ones angle downwards .

So we're gonna curve down and I'm gonna pull that with the curve back underneath the eye , do the same thing on the right side .

So coming down and tucking that in underneath the eye from here , I'm just gonna finish off the top of the head .

So right here on the corner of the eye , I'm gonna go up , just draw a curve , going up to the center doing the same thing on the right side .

Now we're gonna just draw the connectors .

So from here on this point , I'm gonna angle down and I curve this up into that center point .

I'm gonna start on the inside this time on the right curve down and then angle up to that point , let's draw in the tongue wrapped around the head .

So just left of center , I'm gonna come to here , I'm just gonna curve around towards the right side .

So curving around and then back up underneath the flares on the right side and then over here on the left , I'm just gonna tuck one in underneath .

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So it looks like it's sort of wrapped around the head from here .

This tongue is actually gonna go behind the head and scroll up on the left side of the head here .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start on this side .

So imagine this curve around behind the head .

I'm gonna curve down and out to the left and I'm gonna switch directions .

I'm gonna curve out towards the right and up .

We're gonna make this tip really big .

So we're just gonna curve around and then bring this back and then start to get a little bit narrower as I get in towards the head .

So you can see it's tapering in .

OK .

So we got the head , let's get into the body .

So just below the chin here or the tongue here , I'm gonna draw a V right in the middle , little V shape there .

And then on the side , I can move out and just curve almost like the half circle coming down along the bottom , on both sides , leaving a little gap at the bottom , the bottom here .

I'm just gonna connect those two points with a V like that .

Now , on the side , we're gonna draw the sides of the body , we're gonna move over on the left side .

I'm just gonna draw a curve coming down .

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Let's do the same thing on the right side .

So , coming down like this , now this goes in towards the legs .

I'm gonna have the legs bent up , but we're gonna have to draw on the lower torso here .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a curve that goes along the bottom just to finish this off .

But in the middle , it's got this little piece that comes in .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start here and draw a little bump like this and then I'm gonna come up towards a point in the center .

It's like that from these points .

I'm just gonna curve up so it looks like it's aiming to that point , but I'm gonna leave a little gap here .

All right .

So we got the two sides .

Let's get into the legs now to make the legs really simple .

I'm gonna start up here on the side of the body curve around and wrap this underneath this little curve here , starting on the left curve around and it gets big at the tip of the uh , uh knee cap and it comes back in .

So this is the knee here .

I'm gonna draw that little plate on the knee .

So up here , I'm gonna round it out and just pull that back in along the bottom .

Let's take that and draw the exact same thing on the right side .

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So we're gonna start on the top , curving around to the knee and then pulling it back into that point , starting here on the side of the body on the right curving around and then tucking this underneath the center torso .

There up here , we're gonna draw that same curve starting on the right curving around and then back to the bottom of the knee .

Now here , because the legs are bent , you're not gonna see the shins , you're gonna see the feet coming out this way .

So it's got these big two big toes with these balls on the end .

So right underneath this knee , I'm gonna draw a curve going out and towards the left .

So it's got a nice little curve like this at the tip .

Here , we're gonna draw a circle , but I'm not gonna close it off .

I'm just gonna do a slight overlap .

So here I'll do an overlap , draw a circle .

It's almost like ac shape .

It's got a little open end there from here .

It's gonna do another overlap and curve up from here .

I'm gonna curve back down in the opposite direction .

This now I'm gonna draw that same C shape , but I'm gonna turn it so that the opening is facing straight up .

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So right here , we'll do an over that round out and then just keep that little end open from here .

I'm gonna draw a curve going up towards that little spike at the back of the heel .

So coming up , now we're gonna pull this back in the opposite direction and we're just gonna stop right there .

We're gonna draw the back side of this toe .

So up here , just gonna draw a curve overlapping that point .

We're just gonna close that off a little bit .

Now , in , in between the toes , he's got this little wedding .

So right here where the overlap is on the left to the right , we're gonna draw a curve going up and then back down .

Very simple foot .

Let's do the same thing on the right side .

So we're gonna start on the outside again underneath the knee right here and curve out .

So I'm gonna draw that C shape .

Now , this time the opening is gonna be aiming up that way .

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So starting up here , I'm gonna curve around and close it off , but we're gonna leave a little opening there , do a little overlap and curve up towards the inside of the toes and then we curve in the opposite direction coming down .

Let's draw that open ended C again with the open opening at the top around like that .

Now , from here , we're gonna flare out towards that heel that spike in the heel coming up trying to make sure that we're lining up the tops from here .

We're gonna come down in an angle .

Now , I'm gonna draw that curve just to finish off the back of that toe like that All right from here .

01 thing , let's draw on the webbing between the toes .

So from here we'll curve in like that .

Let's draw on the arms , I'm gonna have the arms coming out to the elbows and then down to the three fingers that are kind of like this .

So , starting up here beside the eye height .

So just along the bottom of the eye , we're gonna move across here , I'm gonna draw a curve curve going out .

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It's got a little bit of a bend curing like this , that's coming this way on the ends here , I'm just gonna draw an oval that's angled this way , starting from that end of that line , draw a little oval like that .

Let's go to the right side and do the same thing .

So start it from that point , we'll draw an angled oval like that .

We draw the inside part of the arm .

So down here , we're gonna come out and come in towards that point , that elbow , but it's gonna get a little bit narrower as we come in .

So from here , it's gonna curve down tuck that in underneath the tongue on the right side , we curve up towards that elbow , leaving a little gap on the end .

Let's go to the left side and draw on this arm .

So from here , from this elbow point , this little oval , we start here on the end and curve out .

Let's draw on the inner part of the arm So we're gonna draw an overlap , drawing a curve coming in towards the wrist .

Now , we're gonna go back to this side and we're gonna draw on the fingers just like how we did the toes .

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We're gonna do an overlapping open-ended circle circle with an open end there .

We would draw a curve with an overlap .

OK .

So you see , I'm overlapping here , curving in toward the middle of those fingers , then curving in the opposite direction .

For the second finger , we draw that open ended circle again right here and then we do an overlap coming up and we're gonna come down in the opposite direction .

Let's draw that open ended circle one last time , right ?

Like that .

Now , we're gonna connect here to that wrist .

So we're gonna do a little overlap here .

So from here , make sure it overlaps a little bit coming in towards that finger in between the fingers .

We're gonna draw a curve for the webbing just to cross like that .

Let's do the exact same thing on this side .

So let's start with the inner part of the arm .

So right here , we're gonna do an overlap coming in towards the wrist , on the outside .

On the end of this oval , we're gonna curve out towards the finger .

Now we're gonna draw those open ended circles .

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So here I'm gonna start with an overlap coming around .

Now , up here , we're gonna do an overlap coming in towards the middle of the fingers and curving in the opposite direction down , do that open ended circle again .

Now we're gonna do an overlap coming up again out in the opposite direction and we'll do one last fingertip with this .

Now , we're gonna do an overlap and come in underneath that forearm coming in like that .

All right , let's draw in the four pointed wings coming out on the top and on the bottom .

So on the right side , you're gonna see it pretty clearly because there's nothing overlapping here .

So starting on the side of the head here , we're gonna draw a curve curve going to the point .

Now , we're gonna curve down in the opposite direction and just tuck this in underneath the arm .

We would do the same thing on the left side , but you could see that the tongue is covering most of it .

So I wanna make sure that we line up the top .

So it's gonna come out to about here , the tip , but we want to draw that curve .

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So you're only gonna see a little bit of it on the top and on the bottom , it's gonna tuck into the top of that arm .

So I just sort of wanna imagine a line coming from the tip of my finger down towards the arm .

We would draw some little stripes on the inside .

So on the right side here , we're gonna start on the inside curved , we'll draw a thicker sort of band and then up here we're gonna draw it sort of narrow .

So this , the line spacing is a little bit tighter .

So you can see that this one is smaller , this one's bigger .

We do the same thing on the left side , curving this way that way .

And now there's one up here curving along like that .

Now , he's got two more wings coming down this way .

So we're basically taking this , flipping it over and drawing them down this way .

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start in the armpit area and curve down to the tip of the wing , which would be right here .

So curving up into the armpit .

Now this is gonna tuck in underneath the knee .

So we're gonna go in the opposite direction up .

We do the same thing on this side .

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Starting down here in between the knee and the finger coming down and then curving in underneath the knee .

We're gonna draw some stripes just like we did here .

So starting up here , we're gonna draw one curve into the knee and then a small one there .

And then up here , we're gonna draw the spacing a little bit wider , do the same thing up here , two curves and then right here , he's got two little ones here .

And the last final thing is I'm gonna add a little lightning bolt on the side beside the eye .

So right beside this eye , I'm gonna go up in an angle , come straight down , we go up in an angle again .

Now we're gonna come back and just trace this out , but we're gonna get a little bit wider as I come down just like that .

Let's do the same thing on this side .

So we're going up in an angle straight down , up in an angle and then coming back and opening up that space in between and that is pretty much it there we have it .

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There's ash green ninja from Pokemon .

I hope you enjoyed the session .

Make sure you check out our Pokemon playlist .

I add a new one every Tuesday .

Thanks for watching and we'll see you again soon .


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