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2023-08-22 22:08:07

9 Foods You Can Eat at Night Without Gaining Weight

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Quick hide the potato chips and dip .

Here are nine snacks you can safely munch at night .

So who doesn't like to eat ?

It's usually a highly enjoyable process , right ?

But is it just me or does food taste even better at night ?

Uh-huh , I see a lot of hands raised out there .

Unfortunately , most of us have been repeatedly told that having snacks at midnight is a terrible thing to do .

Quote , whatever you eat late at night goes straight to your hips and waistline .

End quote .

The first thing is that very few people know about a study that was published in 2015 .

It discovered some new perspectives on night time eating .

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According to the research , there are some very tasty products that you can eat at night without gaining weight .

Now , remember to click the subscribe button before you learn what you can safely munch on at midnight .

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You just need to ring the small notification bell right here is the list of foods that are high in protein , low in sugar and have a low G I in GL .

Uh The two abbreviations stand for glycemic index and glycaemic load .

The glycaemic index shows how quickly a product breaks down into sugar in your blood .

The glycaemic load specifies how many carbohydrates there are in each serving of food .

The lower these two indicators are the healthier A product is .

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In addition , you should keep in mind that the key to healthy midnight eating is moderation .

So don't forget about that .

Let's count it down from number nine cheese .

Now , cheese is a high protein food .

So if you find yourself starving at night , a piece of cheese will help keep you full until the next day .

Plus you can have low fat cheese for some late night snacking to keep your weight under control .

On top of that cheese is a cool source of trip to .

This is an amino acid that your body uses .

Not only for development and growth but also for the production of serotonin .

As a result , you'll be in a good mood and get a great night to rest again .

Moderation , moderation , moderation .

What did I just say ?

Oh , yeah , moderation .

When you decide to have cheese as a late night snack , it means you can have a slice of cheese , not a huge hunk of it .

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Number eight , cottage cheese .

This is the kind you eat in a very small house at the lake , you know , cottage never mind .

Cottage cheese contains a protein called KC , which has a very slow digestion rate .

This is why it's the best sort of protein for late night snacking .

It staves off hunger and increases the feeling of fullness .

Another amazing benefit that comes from choosing cottage cheese as a midnight snack is its super rich vitamin and micro nutrient content .

When you eat this product , you support the health of your muscles , enhance your immune system , improve your blood quality and make your bones stronger .

Wow , all that .

And you thought you were just getting a snack number seven , hummus .

Oh , this is one of my favorites .

Hummus is a great source of protein .

Even if it's homemade .

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If you hear your stomach growl , carrots or celery sticks dipped in hummus are an excellent option .

The chickpeas and hummus are well known for their satiating qualities and they curb hunger quickly and effectively .

And while some people believe that hummus is too fatty and high in calories , just watch your portions and you'll be fine .

Number six yogurt scientists have proved that Greek yogurt is a perfect late night snack .

It's high in protein , low in fat and very low in sugar .

This makes it a perfect low calorie snack that can satisfy even the most severe late night cravings .

What's more yogurt like cheese also contains crypto fat .

This contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin which have relaxing , calming and sleep inducing effects .

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In addition , yogurt aids your digestion and helps to build muscle , add some fruits or berries to your bowl or eat yogurt with whole wheat toast to make your snack even more delicious .

Number five crackers .

Now , when I say crackers , I mean whole grain crackers with complex carbs that are low in calories .

When you buy this product , make sure its ingredients list mentions that they're 100% whole grain .

If you see something along the lines of made with whole grain , put the package back on the shelf , this most likely means that the crackers are made from white flour with the addition of some whole grain ingredients .

Now , if you put some hummus , a slice of cheese or some cottage cheese onto your crackers , you'll have a delicious whole grain snack .

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Number four popcorn .

Now , it may seem surprising but popcorn is a perfectly safe snack to eat at night .

However , this doesn't refer to popcorn in a microwave bag which is loaded with butter , but the air popped popcorn you make on your own is ok and it will keep your waistline safe .

It's high in protein and fiber , low in fat and calories and free of salt and sugar .

And since popcorn is mostly fiber in air , it's also pretty filling season .

Your popcorn with garlic , salt , chili flakes or some herbs and spices .

If you wanna have some extra taste .

Number three eggs .

Now , an egg is another amazing snack option .

One egg contains only 75 calories , but it's very high in protein and will make you feel full for a long time .

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In addition , eggs are as good a source of trip to as cheese and yogurt .

This means that after eating an egg , you'll start to feel content and sleepy .

Sorry , dozed off there .

Number two veggies , veggie snacks are the best .

They are healthy and low in calories .

They contain nutrients , vitamins and a lot of fiber and you can eat as many as you wish .

The trick here is that you often use as many calories to digest the veggies as they contain .

And if some calories are left , there's no chance that they will be stored in fat cells .

If you're aware of your annoying tendency to get hungry at night , prepare some celery carrot sticks or a mixed vegetable salad in advance .

And number one banana .

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Although bananas are quite high in calories , they also contain a high amount of potassium and magnesium .

Thanks to these elements , bananas are unbeatable relaxers .

This fruit also contains a lot of fiber which is great for digestion and heart health .

Bananas are also rich in trip to as you already know , trip helps produce melatonin which will make you sleepy .

Wow , yogurt , cut of cheese and bananas .

That's a trip to triple frat .

Now , all these products are real lifesaver when you want to quench your hunger and keep your waistline slim at the same time .

But there are products you should never let yourself indulge in late at night or before going to bed .

Here's a bonus foods to avoid fast carbs .

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If we get into the scientific explanation , fast carbs are carbs with a high G I and GL .

As a result , they don't make you feel full for long , but they do make you way more in the morning .

The list of such products is simply too long to include here .

Generally speaking , avoid sweets , cakes , candies , doughnuts and so on .

They all go straight to your waistline .

Apples surprise .

Although apples are low in calories and loaded with all sorts of nutrients .

It's best to eat one in the morning or early afternoon .

The reason for this is that apples are rich in fiber and pectin , which is found in their peel .

It takes your body a while to digest them and this may disturb your sleep and make you feel uncomfortable , alcohol , although alcohol can make some people sleepy , it also dehydrates your body and makes you feel hungry .

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As a result , you may wake up in the middle of the night .

Feeling exceedingly hungry .

Spicy food is no secret that spicy and salty foods dehydrate you .

And when you wake up in the wee hours of the night to drink some water , you'll most likely want to eat as well .

So do you have your own late night snacking tricks ?

Which is your favorite tip ?

Share your secrets in the comment section below .

We would all like to eat at night and stay slim and healthy .

If this video was helpful to you , give us a thumbs up and share it with your friends .

Remember to subscribe and join us on the bright side of life .

Stay healthy and happy and we'll see you soon .

Yeah .


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