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2023-08-19 21:15:53

19 Foods to Build Muscle and Gain Weight Faster

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Who losing weight is a battle .

But trying to put it on as well as gain muscle mass can be even harder .

If you're looking to bulk up quick , then you'll definitely want to add these foods to your diet .

Number one milk , I'm sure you know that milk is essential for strong bones and lasting energy .

And that's because it's full of calcium as well as the proteins , carbs and fats your body needs .

But one study from the American Journal of Clinical nutrition proved that drinking skim milk right after a workout also helps build muscle mass more effectively than any soy protein drink .

And if you don't exercise , just drink a glass of milk with your regular meals to get the same effect .

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Number two , homemade protein shakes , even though store bought protein shakes are great .

Too many of them have loads of sugar and almost no nutrients .

It's always better to make your own homemade shakes .

That'll give your body all the vitamins .

It needs to gain weight and muscle .

For example , there's the chocolate banana nut shake .

Sounds good .

Right .

To make it , you'll need two cups of milk , one banana , one scoop of chocolate we protein and one tablespoon of peanut or another nut butter of your choice .

Throw all the ingredients in a blender and you're good to go .

Another great recipe you can try is a vanilla berry shake .

Here .

You have to combine two cups of milk and one cup of fresh mixed berries .

Ice , one cup of high protein , natural yogurt and one scoop of vanilla way protein blend and drink up .

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Number three , avocado avocado is the top dog of healthy fats .

It's super nutritious and has powerful health benefits that can help you on your way to enviable muscle mass .

Plus it's just downright delicious as an added bonus .

Avocado doesn't even have that many calories just enough to gain a healthy amount of weight .

So don't forget to add some avocado to your salads and sandwiches .

It'll give you fast and visible results .

Number four , red meat , red meat has pretty much everything you can ask for when it comes to putting on weight and building muscle .

First of all , it contains lucine and creatine , two powerful nutrients for muscle protein stimulation and new tissue formation .

It's also loaded with both protein and fat and awesome combo .

That's not that easy to come by .

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There's just one important detail .

You need to remember eating too much red meat can wreak havoc on your system .

So , moderation is key number five , beef jerky .

If you're looking for a protein packed snack on the go , look no further than good old beef jerky .

The thing is most of the fat gets removed while making jerky , which means you're only getting calories from the protein in the meat .

Just make sure that your jerky is naturally prepared and great quality .

There should be no preservatives and minimal salt content .

Number six , tofu tofu is a plant based source of protein , lucine and calcium components that are essential for proper muscle function .

According to the Dupont Nutrition and health company , the soy protein in tofu is basically one of the best plant proteins .

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You can find one more reason to add it to your muscle building .

Menu .

Number seven , oily fish , oily fish like salmon and tuna , provide your body with high quality protein and healthy fats that not only help you bulk up but also benefit your overall health .

The best way to go is to combine this type of fish with rice and vegetables for a hearty and nutritious meal .

Number eight , tilapia tilapia doesn't contain nearly as much healthy fatty acids as salmon and other oily fish do but it has its own admirable qualities .

The most important being lots and lots of protein .

It also contains a good number of vitamins like selenium and B 12 which support the health of your blood cells and nerves .

What all this means is that you'll be able to do even the hardest muscle building exercises effortlessly making your gym visits even more effective .

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Number nine , scallops , get this A 3.5 ounce serving of scallops contains about 20 g of protein and just 0.5 g of fat .

Impressive .

Right ?

Not to sound like a broken record , but that protein is your key to putting on pounds of muscle mass in a short amount of time .

Number 10 whole eggs , eggs are easily the best of the best when it comes to healthy muscle building .

They combine high quality proteins , healthy fats and antioxidants , which makes them one of the most effective weight gain foods out there .

That being said , don't forget that all these amazing benefits come from the yolk .

So it's important to have whole legs at least once every single day .

If you follow this simple rule , your muscles will be looking exceptional .

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Sorry , I just had to number 11 .

Brown rice .

Don't get me wrong .

White rice is delicious , but brown rice is what you need .

If you're looking to get more fiber , vitamins and minerals , just one serving of brown rice can provide your body with the necessary amounts of carbs and calories while keeping it relatively low in fat , make it a habit to have brown rice protein meals and vegetables and it won't be long till you're flexing those big muscles in front of the mirror or you know , in a certain person's direction .

Oh , again , disclaimer here , brown rice does contain small amounts of arsenic and phytic acid .

So don't overdo it just 1 to 2 portions a week is enough .

Number 12 beans rich in protein , low in fat , affordable and widely available .

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Yep , it's all about them .

Beans cooked .

Pinto , black and kidney beans contain around 14 g of protein per cup .

Plus they're high in fiber , vitamin B , magnesium and iron and yes , you guessed it .

All of those are perfect for supporting muscle tone and promoting a healthy appetite .

Number 13 chickpeas , chickpeas are a good source of carbs , which means they can help you gain a healthy amount of weight pretty quickly and easily they contain protein as well .

It's just usually considered a bit lower quality than animal sources .

Still , chickpeas would make a great garnish for the meat or fish of your choice just so that you can jazz up your menu a little bit .

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Number 14 , buck wheat , buck wheat , which can actually be used instead of your usual flour provides your bones and tissues with a high vitamin and mineral content protein , vitamin B magnesium phosphorus .

And that's just the tip of the nutritional iceberg that is buckwheat .

Thanks to all these properties .

This unique product boosts the muscle building power of other plant protein sources , making your body ripped and toned .

Who needs traditional flour anyway .

Right .

Number 15 lentils , lentils are a secret weapon you ought to have when you want to gain weight quickly .

There are three main lentil types , brown , green and red .

All of them can instantly stabilize your blood sugar and enrich your body with the long lasting energy you need for an effective workout .

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So choose the ones you like the most and add them to other healthy dishes like rice soups and salads to double the effect .

Number 16 , nuts , nuts and nut butters in particular are two more products that should definitely make it into your muscle building meal plan .

Pretty much all of them are filled with good calories , protein and healthy fats .

You can use nuts as your daily on the go snack or add them to salads and other dishes as for nut butters , put them on sandwiches or any other snack you like , just make sure that the nut butter you're buying is 100% so that you get all those awesome health benefits .

Number 17 dried fruits , speaking of snacks , simple dried fruits like pineapples , cherries or apples can do a good job of gaining you some muscle mass too .

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Despite popular opinion , fruits do not lose their nutrients when dried because their fiber content helps retain all the vitamins .

So instead of endlessly getting granola bars and other store bought snacks filled with sugar and preservatives , carry some dried fruits around with you to eat in between meals .

You can add them to your protein shake or natural yogurt to make a great mix of healthy fats and protein .

Your muscles will soak up .

Number 18 soybeans , soybeans contain vitamin K , iron and phosphorus .

Sure , they're all important for your health , but it's iron that beats them all .

It stores and transports the oxygen through your blood and muscles , which is crucial .

If you do muscle building exercises regularly , soybeans are also full of antioxidants that can help your body recover .

That's why the best time to eat them is right after an intense training session .

No more sore muscles .

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Number 19 , dark chocolate .

Now , here's one for those of you with a sweet tooth like no other .

Yes .

Finally I know I hear you dark chocolate can help you get toned and fit .

The thing is dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is the ultimate source of antioxidants that can boost your health and exercise performance .

So don't hesitate to grab a bar of dark chocolate as a snack or even add unsweetened and natural cocoa powder to your protein shake or yogurt .

This way you'll increase the level of antioxidants in your meal , taking one step closer to achieving the muscle mass of your dreams .

Do you know any other foods that are good for muscles ?

Sound off in the comments below .

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