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2023-08-22 22:01:57

How to lose weight & be fit living in HOSTEL _PG _ Healthy Lifestyle for Students _ Somya Luhadia

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Really wanted to get it right .

Trying to find some bad , put up a fight .

Bye .

And some one could say , ok , this is somewhere and you're watching the Global Tales .

So when we talk about new college life , hostel life , the first thing is wrong choices because we are unaware of many facts .

There are digestion issues happening because we get tempted towards junk because we are away from home .

So the only thing that can satisfy our food cravings is getting attracted towards junk .

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Also , there is a lot of money crunch , that's there , there is a lot of time crunch , that's there because you have to do everything by your own .

So all the choices that you make is by being unaware .

Also , this life is completely new because you are out of your comfort zone .

You go through a lot of body shaming because of the way you look , you get attracted towards male attention , you repel meal attention .

So there are a lot of changes that happen to you both physically and mentally and this phase of your life .

You feel a lot of mental pressure , lack of support because you are out without your family , a lot of digestion issues because the food is new , everything is different .

So here in this video , I'm going to help you on how to develop a healthy lifestyle .

You are living in a hostel or a PG out of your comfort zone .

So tip number one is to go with a quick morning solution for digestion .

Now it's a new place .

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Your body will have a lot of changes to be gone for .

And definitely the gut is one thing that suffers the most .

Whenever you are at a new place , constipation is something that hits you hard .

Sometimes bloating is something that hits you hard .

So get yourself a kettle in which you can lukewarm your water or you can boil your water , get a lemon for yourself just half lemon and then a little bit of wine .

This water will help you get rid of all your digestion issues , help you reduce your bloating and it is very good for your skin .

Also , when your digestion is good , you will feel much better .

Your moods will be in place .

So yes , make sure that you get these things and it's very quick solution to go for .

Next important thing is pack your bag very mindfully .

Now , in order to avoid unwanted binging , one thing that you need to do is to pack yourself good amount of healthy snacks that is nuts , macae fruit .

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All of these things are something that you can binge quickly .

They are economic friendly .

Also .

Also , whenever you are out and you feel hungry , you don't jump on to unhealthy options and yes , pack yourself with lot and lot of water because you need hydration .

Next important tip has to make healthy choices .

Now , this is something that you have to do mindfully for yourself .

Whenever you are out , have a little bit of money , go and pick some healthy choices like butter milk or you can go with options that gives you least amount of calories with maximum amount of absorption of protein carbs and fats .

Now , butter milk is always a good option to go for tip .

Number four has to make healthier choices when you have an option in your menu .

Definitely no menu or no hostage menu can have just unhealthy options .

They will definitely have healthy options .

It's up to you how you make your healthy choices .

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So go for healthier options from the menu that's available that can actually make your fitness journey much easier .

Here are some breakfast , lunch and dinner options that you can choose from that are really healthy and make your own diet plan .

Now tip number five has to make time for your workout .

I know it gets difficult living in a hostel when you have to do everything by yourself to make time for workouts .

But if you have time for Youtube Netflix and not many other things , you can make time for workout as well and home workouts are a savior .

So definitely go with any of the home workout available to work out in your hostel or your peach to be .

Now tip number six is co herbal before bed .

Now with your digestion issues , your metabolism issues , everything that can help is something that I'm suggesting in this particular video .

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So yes , you can definitely make a green tea or a camel meal tea when you have a kettle , kettle always helps you get yourself a kettle and this is a very quick way to make a green tea .

Just get a strainer , add some leaves and then brew it for 5 to 6 minutes and you are done .

So yes , go with green tea or a camel milk tea or any other herbal tea before your bed time .

So these are the six easy and a basic tips with certain breakfast , lunch and dinner options that you can choose from to make your own diet plan .

And that's it for this video .

I hope you liked it .

We did a little bit more effort to make you understand how you can live a very healthy lifestyle when you are living in a hostel or a PG .

So yes , that's about it .

I'll see you in my next video till then .

Stay fit , stay happy .

Bye bye .

Take care .


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