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2023-08-21 20:44:36

Screen Mirroring with iPhone iOS 16 (Wirelessly - No Apple TV Required) 2022

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Hey , what is up everybody ?

I'm and welcome to my channel in this awesome video .

I'm gonna teach you how you can screen mirror your I OS 16 iphone to smart TV .

Now this is completely free .

You don't need to download any third party apps because everything is built into it and it's really , really easy to do as well .

Now with you can do a lot as you can see .

I'm using camera , you can view photos if you want to , you can , you know , use camera , watch youtube videos , watch tiktok , watch Instagram , whatever you like , it's completely free and it's really , really smooth as well .

I mean , it's like literally no lag at all .

So let's just dive right into it .

All right .

So before we start this couple of things right now , I'm using iphone 13 Pro Max , but it doesn't matter what iphone using as long as it's , it's running the latest I OS version .

OK .

So just for the uh just for the sake of this video , I'm gonna show you what version I'm using right now .

So just head over to the settings tab in the about section as you can see right there .

I am using I OS 16.1 .

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But again , it doesn't matter what iphone is using as long as its latest I Os on your iphone .

Ok .

So in this case , I was 16 .

All right .

So the couple of things before we start is to the first thing you want to do is to basically , by the way , we're gonna be using the screen ring feature in the control center as you can see right there .

But to set that up , we need to do a couple of things .

OK ?

It's not that simple .

I mean , it is simple but it's not like that .

OK ?

All right .

So the first thing you wanna do is to basically connect your , your iphone to your home wifi or any wifi that is available to you .

OK ?

So in this case , I have my wifi connected to my home wifi .

Also , by the way , if you , let's say if you don't have home wifi , you could always use your mobile data for mobile hotspot , but just be careful with the mobile hotspot depending on where you live .

It might not be free .

OK ?

So just , just be careful with it , just be careful with the hotspot .

OK ?

Again .

All right .

Right .

So now we need to do the exact same thing that we did on the iphone and we need to do the exact same thing on the smart TV as well .

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By the way , this is Roku Express but it doesn't matter what smart TV using .

So the first thing you wanna do on your smart TV is basically go to your network settings and make sure your TV , or your smart TV is connected to that exact same uh connection .

And now it can be your wifi , it can be your hotspot .

Again .

If the hotspot is running , it should be in the uh new connection tab .

OK .

By the way , I have done this before .

So I'm just gonna click on check connection and set of set up connection .

That way it will automatically connect my TV to my home wifi .

As you can see right there , it's checking all the , you know , it's , it's checking everything .

So , uh last thing he's gonna check is for the internet connection and there you go , it's connected .

Now , as you can see , my smart TV is connected to my home wifi .

But again , if you have the , uh , if you have the hotspot , you can connect it , connect to that hotspot as well .

All right .

So once the TV connected to your home wi-fi and your iphone are on the same network .

OK .

Now , what you want to do is to find the app Apple , airplay and home kit settings in your smart TV .

It doesn't matter .

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By the way , it might not , might not , it might not look exactly like this , but it should be there if you have a smart TV .

OK .

All right .

So just click on it and we'll automatically load the airplay for you on your TV .

And then you can see right there it is uh loading and it's connected , by the way , I've done this before .

So it's not gonna ask me for a code or anything like that , but it might ask you for a code , just set up a code , you know , for , for kids and everything .

So they don't connect automatically and make you , you know , but the thing is that it might ask you a code , OK ?

So just set up a code , right ?

So once the airplay is running in the background , now , what you want to do is to head it up to the control center .

By the way , my iphone and my smart TV are on the same network .

OK ?

So just be careful with that .

All right .

So once you find your TV , and it's actually that fast , like literally click away by the way , and the audio was coming from that the audio was coming from the TV .

So I had to pause that , but it , it is literally that fast , literally click on it and it will automatically connect your I OS 16 iphone to your smart TV .

It's really that simple .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

By the way , if you click on stop mirroring , it will automatically stop as well .

But I'm gonna show you how awesome and how really cool this actually is .

So in this case , you can watch youtube videos if you want to , you can , by the way the audio will be coming from your TV .

OK .

Don't forget that .

So you might have to turn on the wall just a tiny bit if you're watching a video or something , but I'm gonna show you the audio will be coming from the , uh , you know , let me just , uh , let me go through my gallery and maybe show you a video or something .

Hold on , let me see .

OK , so uh let's let me find something .

OK .

So I've made this video .

OK .

I'm gonna be quiet .

I , I told you the audio will be coming from your TV .

And as you can see the audio is coming from the TV .

I mean , as , as you can listen to it but you have , you can do a lot with this , you can view photos if you want to , you can view videos if you want to and it's completely free .

It's all in your hands and you can do a lot with this .

You can even play games if you want to back in the day .

I used to play Clash Of Clans on my TV .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Just , you know , get that feel , get the feel of the , the big screen actually .

So I'm gonna , I'm gonna show you how you can actually do that .

Let's see right there .

It's literally literally point to point .

I'm like , it's no leg at all .

It's really smooth and it's really , really awesome .

It's like really cool .

So yeah , I mean that's it for the video .

By the way , if you have any questions , do let me know in the comment section below .

We'll definitely definitely get back to you and uh uh leave a leave a like and if you find this video helpful uh be be sure to subscribe as well .

And also if you want to join the channel link will be in the description box below .

So be sure to join and I'm gonna stop mirroring right there and it will automatically stop right there .

That's it , that's it for the video .

I hope you like it and uh I'll catch you in the next one .

Peace out .


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