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2023-08-19 20:54:36

These 15 Minute Breakfasts Will Change Your Life

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अगर आपके पास काॅस्ट मिल्क है तो आप तीन बडे चम्मच के करीब फॅमिली भी यूज कर सकते हैं ।

अब इस स्टेज पर मैं इसमें डाल रही हूँ ।

एक बडा चम्मच हनी यानी शहर जो हमारी दो रात को देखा ।

बहुत ही बढिया फ्लेवर अब इसमें डाल रही हूँ ।

एक छोटी चम्मच वनीला ॅ जोकि बिल्कुल ऑप्शनल है ।

इससे बहुत अच्छा फ्लेवर आता है ।

इसके बाद भी आप बना सकते हैं ।

अब इसका हमें एक प्रॉपर घोल बनाना होगा तो उसके लिए मैंने यहाँ लिया है दूध दूध मैंने लिया है ।

लगभग आधे कब के करीब नॉर्मल रूम टेम्प्रेचर पर लिया है दूध को मैंने तो सारा एक साथ बिल्कुल नहीं डालेंगे ।

धीरे धीरे करके डालेंगे और एक डिस्कस या स्पून की मदद से हम इसे मिक्स करते जायेंगे जिससे कि हमारे बेटर में लम्बे ना पडे और सभी चीज बढिया से मिक्स हो जाये और ये देखिए मैंने इस तरीके का इस्काॅन तैयार कर लिया है ।

ना ज्यादा गाना है और ना ही ज्यादा पतला ।

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इस प्रकार का आपको रखना है कि जब आप इस तरीके से चेक करें स्पून से तो रिफंड से बनने चाहिए यानी अपने आप ये फैले लेकिन बहुत पतला ना रहे तो बस हमारा फॅार हो गया तैयार ।

अब सब ऍम को हल्का हम गर्म करेंगे ।

कुछ ऑयल डालेंगे और एक टिश्यू पेपर या मुँह अच्छी तरीके से फॅस करना ।

अब यहाँ हमें बनानी ऍम हमारी बिल्कुल बराबर साइज की बननी चाहिए क्योंकि हमें बनाना ॅ तो उसके लिए ॅ के लिए मैंने यहाँ पे ये एक छोटा कप लिया है ।

आप कोई भी कटोरी ग्लाॅस जिससे भी आप इक्वल मात्रा में बनाना चाहते हैं उस हिसाब से आप ले सकते हैं ।

अब हम फ्लेम को लो कर देंगे और धीरे से फॅार को इस तरह से डालेंगे ।

बिल्कुल भी नहीं फैलाएंगे ये अपने आप ही पूरा ऍम फैलता है ।

लो फ्लेम पर लगभग एक से डेढ मिनट के लिए हम इसको इसी तरह सीखने देंगे ।

एक से डेढ मिनट में आप देखेंगे कि हल्के हल्के बहुत आ गए हैं ।

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You do not need an exact recipe to make .

I encourage you not to use it .

Just go by feel .

And then we do want to add some baking powder just to give them a rise .

I found that one teaspoon of baking powder is perfect for about three bananas .

So just adjust accordingly and we'll start whisking that and we'll see where we're at for me right there .

That's too thin for a pancake batter .

So all I'm gonna do is just add another spoon full and a half .

You'll get better at this over time .

As you make more of them , this is straight up second nature to me at this point .

I make so many of them .

All right .

So that right there , perfect .

We're just looking for that pancake batter consistency .

So my pan is perfectly preheated at this point and I'll scoop in just the si , don't know , a glob of oil .

I'm using coconut oil , which is my go to , but I've done it with butter , which works great .

Or any type of oil you have in the pantry and just start scooping in pancakes , really whatever size you want , whatever fits your pan .

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ॅ हमारी दूसरी फॅमिली है और इसी तरीके से हम सारी दोनों पहनके सेकेंगे तो ये लीजिये बिलकुल तैयार है हमारी ऍम ये मैं आपको उठाकर दिखा रही हूँ ।

ये देखिये हमारी कितनी स्पंजी बनी है लेकिन अब ये पूरी तरह तैयार नहीं इसको हम बनाएंगे बहुत ही टेस्टी और हाँ लिट्टी जब आपकी फॅमिली हो जाए तो इस प्रकार से आप उल्टा कर ले ।

इस तरह से उसके एक साइड हम लगाएंगे ।

हाँ कलॅर आप किसी भी ब्लॅक लगा सकते हैं ।

चॉकलेट स्प्रेड की जगह आप यहाँ पर ॅ भी लगा सकते हैं ।

पीनट बटर भी लगा सकते हैं ।

बच्चों की मनपसंद ऍम भी लगाई जा सकती है ।

जो फीलिंग आपके बच्चों को पसंद हो वो यहाँ पर आप फिल कर सकते हैं ।

तो इस प्रकार से चॅू स्पून पे लेकर के या कोन में भी भर सकते हैं ।

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और इसमें ऍम जितना हाँ लिट्टी आप चाहते हैं कम ज्यादा उसे अमाउंट से आप पाँच मिनिट को लगा ले और अब मैं एक और इसके ऊपर तरीके से कवर कर दूंगी ।

और ये लीजिये हमारी मात्र तीन मिनिट में झटपट बनने वाली , यमी , यमी और स्पंजी वाली बिलकुल तैयार है और वो भी बिना अंडा ।

बिना फॅमिली इसी तरीके से दूसरी बहन को भी तैयार कर लेंगे ।

यमी यमी हमारी स्पंजी मुझे कहने की भी जरूरत देखने से ही आपको लग रहा होगा कितनी ऍम हमारी डोर केक तैयार हुई है वो भी इतनी झटपट और ये होती इतनी टेस्टी हैं कि बच्चे तो क्या बडे भी इसका चट कर जाएंगे तो जरूर जरूर बनाइए ।

ये डाॅॅ मुझे बताइए कि ये आपको कैसी लगी ?

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Now , you know that's a homegrown egg home match , right ?

So potatoes in a bowl , we're gonna salt these , start that osmosis process so that moisture gets pulled out of potato .

Let that go to work for a few minutes in the meantime .

Perfect .

Just a nice low heat on that because you can see how it's rendering beautifully .

And I've got about two minutes while that bacon finishes to just clean up a little bit .

Pull that off .

Perfect , turn that heat to very low .

So this fat doesn't burn I'm gonna take a clean dish towel , pop that right into strainer potatoes and then just strain crucial potato juice .

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ऍम खत्म नहीं हुआ है आपसे मैं आपके साथ शेर ऍम मैंने लिया है टाटाक्लिक से बहुत ही कम दामों में फिलिप्स का फॅमिली आप देख सकते हैं महाराजा व्हाइटलाइन स्माॅल जिसका नाम है नौ हजार निन्यानबे लेकिन उस पे मिल रही है हमें फिफ्टी परसेंट पूरी झूठ और ये आपको मिल जायेगा चार हजार पांच सौ उन्तीस रुपये में इसी तरीके से दूसरा महाराजा वाइॅन् एक सौ निन्यानवे का है जिसको की भारी झूट यानी पचपन पाॅवर हमें झूठ मिली हुई है ।

सिर्फ तीन हजार एक सौ निन्यानवे का इस वक्त मिल रहा है और इसी तरीके से फॅार अच्छी छुट्टी हुई है ।

आठ हजार दो सौ नब्बे जिसका ऍम भी है वो आपको मिल रहा है छह हजार चार सौ निन्यानवे सभी लिंक मैंने डिस्क्रिप्शन बॉक्स में दिए हुए हैं ।

आप इन जबरदस्त मुँह फायदा उठा सकते हैं ।

उम्मीद करती हूँ ॅ आपको पसंद आयी होगी ।

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अगर आपको विडियो अच्छा लगा है तो मुँह कीजिये साॅस क्राइब करना बिल्कुल न भूलें ।

ऍम जय जय भारत

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A little bit of chives would be nice as well if I had this was a nice tangy kick .

There you go .

I mean , it doesn't look great , but that's gonna taste good .

Now , some of you might have noticed that insane thing hanging out in the intro .

This is the opposite of 15 minutes .

This is , I don't know , 72 hours or something like that .

I was actually missing Banat .

So I shoved the entire dough into a loaf pan which I never do and baked it off .

And for the love of sour dough .

Now you can eat this totally alone .

This is not a part of this 15 minute meal .

I feel like I have to share this with all of you .

I have to share this with someone this moment of cutting into this thing .

So this is a sour dough sandwich loaf .

Oh my sweet baby Jesus .

Have you ever seen anything like that ?

This is just like one of those , you know , make it a mess , throw it on some bread if you have it .

I love that poached egg on there because it just soaks into the potatoes .

That's a bite .

Mm .

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That's a bite .

That's all I can say .

That is a bite .

Oh my God .

So a few components in that meal , you can see I was kind of racing around the kitchen , but if you're looking for a good weekend breakfast , that's still quick .

That's your answer .

Now , I've got to gather a few ingredients for the next two recipes .

But in the meantime , I wanted to tell you about today's sponsor which is simply sick .

Now , I recently bought this house and I was looking for a robust security system that was affordable and also easy to install .

Something that I can install myself and simply safe was the perfect match for my needs .

You simply go to their website and design the exact system and features you want for your own home security .

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You plug in the main hub , stick on the keypad and you're off to the races .

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Each additional feature has a tiny button on it that you press to sync it to the main hub , which makes it extremely easy with the wireless install .

I set up one outdoor HD camera to get a nice view of the front of the house and then the other on the side of the house , which I might move at some point .

But right now I'm trying to track down some pesky deer who seemed to be using my garden as a salad bar .

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And if any of you out there are looking for a really intuitive and affordable home security system option .

Well , simply safe as running the biggest sale of the year where you can get 50% off or more on your home security .

So check out simply safe dot com slash pro home cooks below in the description to learn more .

Now , let's collect some ingredients .

Starting to get very cold out here for these little chickens .

The chickens are currently molting so they're kind of hibernating right now .

So I'm not getting too many eggs , but I think five should be , oh , hey , five should be good for the last recipe .

One more thing to get .

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So , this fig tree right here was planted years ago .

I additionally added three more fig trees just the other week .

So this whole section will just be fig mania .

But you can see , see all these figs coming in .

I don't know if they'll all ripen .

But this thing right here , I put bags around the ones that are ripening because they'll get destroyed by ants once they get sweet .

Now , that is gonna be perfect for the next recipe .

Now , sometimes you just wake up and you want something warm to kick start your day , especially now that it's getting chilly outside and every cuisine has their own type of porridge , just cozy goodness to start the day .

Now my go to for that meal is oat meal .

We're not talking the overnight oats .

None of that bull gonna show you how to make fresh cooked oatmeal with these grains right here .

Good old fashioned rolled oat .

Now , for the liquid , what I have right here is some homemade almond milk .

You can use any type of nut milk .

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You can use regular milk , you can use water .

But what I like to do in the beginning of most weeks is some homemade almond milk , which is really simple .

You just soak almonds overnight and then my favorite way to extract the goodness out of them is a masticating style juicer like this .

So you could give them a nice high powered blend and then strain off the milk as well .

And then you'd have beautiful almond milk for a few days or just buy the store bought stuff .

I don't care .

It's just not as good .

Get your pan on a medium heat .

I always start with a 2 to 1 ratio of milk to oats and then I'll add milk if I need to thin it out .

So about 1.5 cups , rolled oats to three cups of liquid .

I'm not gonna waste all my precious almond milk .

So I'll do two cups of almond milk , one cup of water , adding bold flavors to my oatmeal .

So it's not boring but season it however you want .

I'm gonna do a little orange zest , a little bit of the juice also , a little bit of ginger and then my favorite oatmeal ingredient of all fresh nutmeg .

You can just use the same micro plain .

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See that uh , so good .

If you don't have any of that around , just use cinnamon .

A little bit of salt is very important .

Not much .

Just a little bit to bring those flavors out and we'll just let that slowly cook and thicken up .

I'm gonna wait till the end to add my sweetener .

We've already got a little bubble .

You can see how much it's thickened up .

In like a minute .

It's gonna turn that down to the lowest setting and let that cook away .

And in the meantime , I will prepare my toppings .

Got some kiwi .

All right .

Let's see what's going on in this fig .

Slice it up .

Blueberries leftover from the pancake .

Since this is mush .

A little bit of rash almond to add some crunch .

I'll just rough chop these .

So here's where we're at .

After about four minutes , it looks good .

I like waiting to add the sweetener and you can use whatever sweetener you like honey maple syrup , regular sugar .

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But I find if you add a really good say maple syrup right at the end , you just retain actual flavor of the maple syrup rather than it losing its flavor as it cooks down over time .

Now , let's give that a taste .

I could tell right when I did it since I was filming and I just poured the maple syrup in there a little too much maple syrup .

Actually , I'll just water it down slightly .

That could help .

But sweetening something is just like salting something .

It's kind of your preference .

You're basically just seasoning it with sugar .

So let's see if that water helped a little bit .

The actual flavoring is unbelievable that orange and nutmeg combo , but a little less maple would have been great .

Some of that big in there .

Hm .

Wow , that's some dynamic flavor right there .

Good texture .

Exactly what I wanted .

Just a warm bowl of goodness .

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I feel like with the rise of these other trendy things like overnight oats and chia bowls .

A lot of people don't know how to make just a good bowl of oatmeal .

So I wanted to show you that because for me , this is a go to and it's great to have in your arsenal .

So I've got the perfect final breakfast option for you .

Something I make all the time , especially if I have some guests over my house and I need something a little more substantial .

Mastering a frittata .

Not only can a frittata be made in under 15 minutes .

Also the best way to clear out your fridge of any ingredients .

And that's what we're about to do right now .

I'm using a little six inch pan here with the high lip , which is perfect for a frittata , but something bigger will work fine as well .

The frittata just might not be as thick and like all of these recipes , you gotta get that pan preheating immediately to save you some time .

And while the pan's preheating , we're gonna prep all of the veggies that are going through this frittata .

So I'm just gonna do a quick slice on about half an onion .

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And the same thing , I've got a leftover pepper in the fridge and I'll just slice that up nice and thin .

So I'm gonna get a good bit of olive oil in my pan .

I'll dump in my veggies .

Start frying those off and while those are frying I'll work on my final veggie , which is some mushroom , but again , very customizable is what you have .

This works great with spinach .

You could throw in some broccoli in there .

You can even throw in some sweet potatoes .

Taking the perfect amount of eggs is a bit of a guessimate .

You kind of learn over time .

What ratios makes the perfect frittata ?

I only have five eggs because the chickens are going into a bit of a hibernation .

So that's going to have to do .

But I think it should be fine .

Actually , what I'm going to do for that almond milk from before can of course , use any milk product about a quarter cup of that .

We're not making a quiche .

So it's not like half and half , just a little bit .

Sure .

Right .

So you can see how nice these have cooked down in just about five minutes .

I need a bit more salt to season those mushrooms .

Now , by far , the most important thing you see all that oil , residual oil in the bottom of the pan .

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You want that your pan cannot be dry or it will stick .

I'm even just gonna add a little bit more .

I know it seems like a lot , but this is just the one dish you cannot skimp on oil .

I don't want a sticking and we dump , I'll turn this down just a little bit and what I like doing is just kind of pushing out the sides , just like an omelet just to get it going .

And then once you do that , trust the crust , two more ingredients , some chopped parsley Sprinkle that right on top and some cheese .

I've got some cheddar here .

Any melting cheese will work .

That is great as well .

Just create that right on top .

Let those chunks just kind of fall in there .

Now , this is where technique comes into play .

We've got that flame on just the medium low heat , slowly building a crust on the bottom .

That is direct heat from the bottom .

Now , this is gooey up here .

Uncooked egg .

That's why once we've developed a crust on the bottom , I'm gonna throw it in the broiler , develop a crust from the top and cook it through .

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It might take a few times to really get it perfect .

I've made this dish hundreds of times , but you will at some point .

Now check this out if I just peel away because I use that oil and I trust the crust can see the browning in there happening .

Boom , brown .

So now at this point , we're going over to the broiler open .

We're preheated .

Let that broil for about 2 to 3 minutes depending on how hot your broiler is .

All right , let's check it out .

Uh Brown bubbly .

It puffed up a little bit to go .

Just let it cool right here .

Now , one thing that's not really 15 minutes about this dish is the cooling time .

You could eat that right now or , you know , a minute when it cools down a bit .

But if you wanna make sure this thing slips right out on the cutting board , unscathed , gotta let it set a bit and just cool down for , I don't know , five minutes at least .

So I'll clean it up and hopefully we've got a golden frittata .

So look at this .

It's already kind of slipping away easily .

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You can flip it out or just kind of pull it pretty clean pan .

Trust the crust .

Pizza pie moist , completely filled with veggies , even veggie action right there .

I hate to say it , but I think that's a handheld action .

Pizza bottom crust .

Oh my God .

That one came out .

Good to be honest .

I so rarely make omelets because I think this right here , you don't make 34 omelets for everyone .

You just make one breakfast pizza .

It's fluffy , it's tender .

I mean , it's perfect .

There's not really too much more say about that .

So that's it .

That's my top four .

At least my first four .

I definitely have a few more .

Just like the dinner .

You want to see more quick 15 minute breakfast .

Hit me up , down in the comments .

I'll come in with four more .

Thanks again to simply safe for sponsoring this video and click right here if you want more 15 minute meals .


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