Hey , welcome back to and let's draw Captain America from endgame .
So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .
All right .
So let's draw this and to begin , we're gonna start out with the eye socket area first .
So in the middle here , I'm just gonna draw a little bracket like this .
Ok ?
And then once you have this bracket on the top , you just come across .
So that's gonna be like the eyebrow area .
And then on the back here , just draw the opposite bracket , just come back in .
I know it's a little bit tricky .
And then once you have these , just kind of connect them and close everything off .
The beginning is always the hardest .
But once we have some shape in it should get a lot , a little bit easier .
All right .
And then from there , we're gonna draw in the inside on the , what is I ?
So right in there , I'm just gonna draw one line across and then on the corner just kind of dip it down .
So this is gonna be the top of his eyelids and then from there for the eyeball right on the top here , draw a little half circle coming down and then I'm gonna shade around it .
I'm gonna leave a little bit of a highlight , you know , it gets a little bit small .
OK ?
So those are his eyes and then from there , we're gonna draw his snow .
So we're gonna come down right on the corner of his eye just come down .
You can make two little marks and then we'll close it off at a slight angle on the bottom and that's gonna be his nose and then for his mouth just come down little line like this .
And then for the lower lip , just a shorter line .
And then on the corner here , let's just add a little bit of a crease here .
All right .
And then now we can draw in the uh the mass area .
So we're gonna draw the inside of the , the mass area first .
So just come right here and right above his nose and then we gonna slam down all the way here .
So come out all the way to right to the side , the edge right there .
And then we'll come down straight past this lip and then this is gonna be the top of his chin strap .
So we're gonna come down and then on this space here , just give it a little bit bump going up .
Ok .
And then let's finish up the , the straps down here on the side So I'm just gonna come down , it's pretty much the same line and then now to finish up the jawline just come down again , just follow the , the line on top and then the bottom here just close it off .
I know it was a little bit strange to work from the bottom .
I think this one is a little bit easier .
All right .
So now we'll go up and finish up the top of his head .
So from this line here , we just keep going up and then for the top of its head , we just gonna round this off , round off the corners a little bit and then come in just round everything off with a nice curb .
Ok ?
And then that's pretty much the shape and let's add in his ear .
So right on the eye just come out the corner of the eye just come out to the side and a low curb .
All right .
And then for some details on this mass right on the corner here , I'm just gonna draw , I'm gonna try to draw two lines .
It's a little bit harder with this uh thick sharpie here .
So around the corner just go out and then one more .
All right .
And then finally for the uh letter A .
So right in the middle here , come across and then just come down with a slant .
So that's gonna be the outside .
We're gonna come in , leave a little bit of a cap and then just go up , same slant as this a little bit shorter , just stop and then close it off .
And then for the inside , this part's easier , we just draw a line and this little angle inside .
All right .
So that's the head and let's move on to the body .
So for its neck just come in and just kind of come down so nice and wide neck and then let's come in .
It's almost the same line as this , which is coming in and coming up , coming across to close it .
All right .
And then right in the center here just come down and we'll close that off first .
All right .
So now we're gonna draw the body in the shield and this part gets a little bit tricky .
So right here , we just go out nice and wide for a shoulder .
And then when I come in , here's this armpit just come down .
I just need to pump it again and then from here just draw a line going up .
So this is gonna be the strap on his shoulders , ok ?
And then from here , I'm gonna draw his shield .
So this is gonna be one big shield facing us and this is the tricky part .
So right here around the armpit area , I'm just gonna draw a really big circle .
I know mine is gonna be even though I have some sketch lines , it's still hard to draw a nice circle .
But you get the idea .
Uh you can use any kind of drawing a to help you if you , if you want to or you can just kind of freehand it like this .
OK ?
So this is gonna be a shield .
So now let's join the rest of the body .
So right here you got taper in .
So right around here , we'll come across , this is gonna be his belt to finish off the belt come down .
So we just kind of come into the shield because we can't see it , obviously .
Ok .
And then here's this belt buckle right in the center and just , let's just go ahead and finish this area up .
So one line across it's got some pouches here .
So we just draw one line in the middle .
All right .
So , yes , the spacing is a little bit tricky here .
So now let's finish up the arm right here , but let's start on this side since we can't see most of this arm .
Ok .
So here's the armpit , shoulder coming down bicep bracket , come up here bracket and we can actually close this off first .
And now for the lower arm flare out .
So we're right around here and then this one's gonna curve .
This one is straight down , close it off and let's add one little section here and then for his fist come down with a little hook back of the fist and then just close it off .
All right .
And then let's finish up this arm now .
So we should be able to , uh see his shoulder only .
So we just kind of curve down and just go right into the shield .
All right .
And then from here , uh , let's just , let's finish up the arm detail here .
Um , right on the shoulder here .
It's got a little shoulder pad just come down .
So same thing here just gonna go to the corner and it's got a strap here .
So I'm gonna come across and then on this strap on the bottom just come up , leave a little bit of space and then we'll slam it down .
OK ?
And then we gonna draw one line here , top of this glove and then it's got another strap inside , but with a slant .
So I'm just gonna draw a little two little slant lines .
OK ?
I know it's a little bit uh complicated .
It's got a lot of little details on this uh on this costume here .
All right .
So now let's draw in the middle part .
So right here it's got a star .
So right underneath the middle , right here , I guess the easier way to draw a star is you can just kind of draw the two little angles coming down first and then just go back up toward the middle and close it off first .
And then now we're gonna come in , come up here , come out and then just kind of come in to this center here .
OK .
So the only thing is you gotta have to erase out that line here to get the star .
All right .
And now let's add in some details to uh his suit here .
So right in the middle , right underneath the star , which is gonna draw one line across and it should probably hit the shield right here , depending on how , how big you made the shield .
And then from here just kind of slam it up toward the armpit and then for the stripes on the bottom here just come right above the uh belt area , which is draw a little angle like this and then just go up .
So we're simplifying the uh shape here as it gets a little bit too complicated .
OK .
So let's V shape and then come over here , draw another V shape and then from this line just go up , slam it up .
So this is gonna be red and this is gonna be white .
All right .
So now for a little bit more detail right here , just come straight across and then right here just come down into the star and just go up .
So these are yeah , smaller details .
I mean , if you can skip them if you want , but it's kind of nice to have them .
OK .
And then one more .
So we're gonna come down here , this little corner right here , just come down , just kind of bracket the star right here .
OK .
So just come around whatever line you have up here .
OK .
And then from this corner just give it the same slant as this 555 .
All right .
So let's stop there .
I know it's very complicated with the uh auto build designs .
So let's move on to the bottom , uh finish up his legs and then we'll come back and do the shield .
OK .
So right here in the middle , come down like a little mark and then come back to the middle and add a little bit more folding here .
And again , I'm gonna draw this cipher since this leg is kind of partially hidden .
So let's come up here , slap down and come in , come back to the middle , come over a little bit down , just kind of taper it in .
And then for a sleep pad , just go up first inside here .
We got slant and then same thing here , same angle , just close it off for the bottom of the knee pad , ok ?
So for here , we'll start on this side .
So come down , slant , you still aside for reference and then you can kind of imagine the uh the width of his leg .
So we're gonna start right around here .
Yours might be a little bit different , but just kind of keep the uh the whiff of the leg in mind , ok ?
And then angle top the knee pads and then same thing on the side , just come down , just finish it V shape on the bottom .
All right .
And then for the lower leg .
So we'll flare out and we can actually close this first .
It's gonna be one of his straps , lower leg just keep going down .
This one is almost straight down , close it off .
And then for a shoe storm coming down and the side a little bit , come on a little bit more and then we'll close this off and then let's just go ahead and finish it a little line for the bottom of the sole .
All right , same thing here flare out and let's close that first .
Then we got curve , just use the other side for reference , come down , close it off .
And then same thing here .
Don't shape coming down , just come on a little bit more on this side , the same detail here , ok ?
And then since we're down here , let's just go ahead and finish up the strap .
So here's the top of the strap , that's one and then we'll add one more in the middle here , ok ?
So top of the strap , one , one more in the middle .
All right .
And then for the little details here , right in the middle here , we can just gonna draw one lines go up .
So from this point , just go up and it's got a little power chair .
So we just come down and on the bottom here , just go with a slant .
And then right in the middle , we draw a little line .
So this part I think is red .
All right .
Lots of little details .
All right , it looks pretty cool though .
I really like the design on this .
OK .
So now for the shield , uh this part is a little bit tricky because of all the little circles .
So here's the big circle , my draw , the smallest one inside here .
So just try to space it as best as you can just draw a small circle inside .
And then in here it's gonna be the star so we can draw it the same way .
Um Right here , just draw a little angle and then come back up here and then again , come up here , just go out and then come back in to this point here and then just erase that part out .
All right .
And then now it gets a little bit easier since we have these circles already .
So I'm gonna draw one more around the smaller circle .
So this part is gonna be uh red and then I'm gonna draw one more right inside of the big circle .
So that part is gonna be red as well and that will finish up the shield .
And that is it for this version of Captain America .
Hope you guys liked the way it turned out .
And if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up , subscribe if you haven't and I will see you next time .