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2023-08-21 20:56:58

Ready In 5 Mins- Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss _ 7 Healthy Veg Breakfast Recipes For Weight loss

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And what we're gonna do is take our chatter tricep pushups .

So you're gonna bring it down and up for one , bring it down and to keep those elbows close to your body .

So strictly working the tricep area , you can even think of touching that forehead to the floor if you like , but then extend good release the toes .

Now come back into up dog and exhale , release back into downward facing dog .

Go ahead .

Just take a breather again .

Feel that upper body waking up another deep breathing on your exhale , reach your right leg up to the sky , the three legged dog bending the knee , bring that right knee to your chest hold and plank .

Tap the knee to the floor and a step your right foot to the front of your mat .

High lunch , bring your hands down , extend your leg , bring it in .

Tap up .

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Step it forward arms up , high lunch arms down .

Extend back into plank knee in .

Tap the mat .

Bring it up .

Step the foot forward , arms back up high lunch arms down .

Release into your single legged blank .

Bring the knee in , tap the floor .

Bring it up , step forward arms up .

If you need to slow this down , don't worry , slow it down .

Let's kick back into a single legged plank and then just pump the back leg one to work through that glute four .

Lift it five .

Try not to move any other parts of your body .

Only work around the hip and glute good .

Bring that right knee back into your chest .

Step forward arms up high lunch .

Find your center .

Extend the front knee , bend both knees , bend both elbows for one .

Exhale .

Two , reach three .

Good job .

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Good landing in a seated in a chair .

See if you can continue to stay in that twisted variation , engaging the digestive system here .

So we're constricting the blood flow into particular digestive organs to then untwist the body and bring fresh blood flow in reaching both of the arms up to the sky chair .

Give me chair , squats extend both knees and bend for one reach and to get nice and low with your hips here , three knees together , feet together .

Four , hold it here , fold , hold , hold , hold , hold your chair hands together in prayer .

Release into forward fold .

Go ahead .

Take two steps back into high plank position .

Inhale upward , facing dog , open up and then simply tuck your toes underneath .

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इसमें थोडा सा गरम मसाला और अमचूर पाउडर अब बढिया से इसको ब्लॅड कर लेंगे ।

और ये बन जाएगा एक पाउडर मिक्स्चर की तरह ।

तो अब हम इसको डाल लेंगे एक अलग से बोल में चने की दाल दोस्तों बहुत ही बढिया ऑप्शन है अपने दिन की शुरुआत करने का ।

अब इस मिक्सचर में डाल देंगे बारीक कटा हुआ प्याज , हरा धनिया , हरी मिर्ची और थोडी सी अजवाइन अच्छे से इसको कर देंगे ।

मिक्स और हमारा जो फीलिंग है बनके है तैयार ।

अब क्या बस जैसे आप नॉर्मल अपनी रोटी का आटा बेलते हैं ।

बिल्कुल वैसे नॉर्मल आटे की ही रोटी बनानी है और उसके अंदर अपने फिलिंग डालनी है ।

जितना ज्यादा भरेंगे उतना ज्यादा स्वाद आएगा ।

मैंने तो दो चम्मच तक भर दी थी अब इसको हम इसी प्रकार से सील कर देंगे ।

धीरे धीरे की उसकी फिलिंग बाहर ना निकले और हम इसको बेलना शुरू कर देंगे ।

थोडा हल्के हाथ से ही बोलिएगा क्योंकि ये परांठा आउट ऑफ शेप नहीं जाना चाहिए ।

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Extend your front foot back for three knee to chest tap and up , step forward , arms up arms back down and then extend back , knee to chest , tap the floor , bring it up , use that core strength arms up , find your balance .

Arms back down , extend into your plank knee in tap up , step forward arms up high lunge arms back down and then extend into your plank position and just pump that back leg up for one to work from the glute 456789 , 10 .

Beautiful .

Bring the knee in .

Step forward with your left foot .

Arms back up .

High lunch .

Hold here .

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Wonderful way to stimulate the digestive system in this posture .

Now let's transition into our twisted chair , step your back foot forward , hold , find your balance .

Continue to stain this twist or just switching the shape of the lower body good .

So if you were looking up to the sky , continue to do so and then untwist the body reach both arms up , come back into that chair , hold and then just take our chair .

Squats extend both knees and come back down low into chair for one , get low for two , keep your knees together , feet together .

Three reach four , get as low as you can with those hips .

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If you want to modify , drop your bottom knee to the floor , and then top arm is going to come through and open for one , reach through that little opening and to reach through and three reach through and for and five and six , he got it engaging through the obliques and seven , eight , 91 more .

Finding that side plank and then see if you can lift that top knee up , bringing your foot to the inside of your inner thigh .

Holding this tree variation .

Once again , if this is too difficult for you , you can always just remain in that side plank .

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Then if you like to add a little extra funky transition , take your big toe with your left two piece fingers and then begin to transition that foot to the front of your mat .

Once again , friends , if this is too much just come into lizard pose by taking whichever transition is easy for you .

So lizard , we're dropping that back knee to the floor .

Left foot rolls slightly to the pinky toe , the lateral side of your foot and then feel free to use your hand to push that knee away from you really opening through that hip , releasing tension out of the hip flexor and then reaching that left arm .

If you wish to the bag , grabbing that back foot and pulling the heel towards your glute , adding a deeper sensation through the quadri set .

And again , if this is too intense , just remain in the regular lizard .

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Now , before we take it to the other side , let's just take a moment in this downward dog .

Reconnect with that intention , reconnect with the body with the mind with that present awareness , maybe add a little bit of movement into the neck if you feel like you need to or just find stillness , find your breath .

Once you're ready , let's take it to the other side onto the plank over to your left hand , side , over to side , blank , stack your feet or modify by dropping the knee .

Let's take that arm through and open out for one .

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आइए मैं दिखाती हूँ आपको ये इतनी बेहद उम्दा झटपट तैयार होने वाली और आसानी से बनने वाली इडली की रेसिपी ।

तो आइए हम बनाते हैं बेहतरीन मूंग दाल इडली उसके लिए हम लेंगे ।

रात को ही भिगोई हुई मूंग दाल सुबह तक सॉफ्ट हो चुकी है और हम लेंगे दो चम्मच टिक्कर यानि कि बिना पानी के थोडा सा नमक लेंगे और ब्लंडर की मदद से इसको एक स्मूद पेस्ट में ब्लॅड कर देंगे और बिल्कुल भी डर डर आपन नहीं होना चाहिए बिल्कुल स्मूद पेस्ट निकल के आनी चाहिए ।

फिर हम डाल देंगे इसके अंदर तडका करके मैंने लिया है ही सरसों , अदरक , हरी मिर्ची और कडी पत्ता ।

अब जैसे ही हमने इसमें तडका डाला , थोडी सी सब्जियां जैसे कि बारीक कटी हुई बीन्स , गाजर और हरा धनिया डाल देंगे ।

अच्छे से मिक्स करने के बाद हम इसमें थोडी सी ईनो डाल देंगे और डालते ही हम इसको अपने इडली मॉल में सेट कर देंगे ।

बस हल्का लाइट ली ।

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Bring it through and to thread it to the inner midline and three good jab four five , keep going and last one extend , hold it here .

If you want to go a little bit more advanced , come into tree variation , just remember to be above the knee here .

Good .

Use the help of your hands if you need it beautiful .

Otherwise just stay in your side plank , continue to engage through the core .

And if you want to take the transition , take your big toe with your piece fingers and then bring it all the way through , coming into our lizard on the right side .

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So roll that right side to the lateral part of your foot , drop the back , knee , use your right hand .

So the same hand as the knee and push the knee away from your body .

So deepening that opening sensation in the hip joint , maybe opening that chest , the heart center .

And then if you're ready to go deeper into the quad , go ahead and reach that arm behind you , grab your foot and then begin to pull the heel towards your glute .

Feeling this a little bit deeper in the quadri set .

Listen to the body .

So just go as deep as your body is asking you today , don't force it .

You don't need to hold this in complete pain .

You just want to breathe through the discomfort .

Good .

Once you're ready to release .

Go ahead and lift that bne off the mat .

Hold your lizard , bring the knee to elbow and then extend back into plank .

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Let's take our oblique exercises for two touch and three touch the outset of the elbow or the tricep and then take your chat flow upward , dog and downward facing dog .

Awesome .

You guys take a deep breath in here for me .

Let it go .

Lift the heels , bend your knees , hop to the front of your mat and then land over towards a seated position on your mat right over to your glutes to your sip bones .

Reach forward with your arms , dropped the shoulders away from the ears coming into boat Oser or Navona fold along at the neck .

Find that stillness , that balance , that focus beautiful way to slow down the heart rate while at the same time challenge the core .

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Now let's come all the way down to our backs , head down to the floor .

Arms come next to the body on the mat .

Variation .

One variation two is to reach forward as you lift your shoulder blades off the mat .

And we do our bicycle switch switch , switch , switch , single leg switches , good , breathing , inhale and exhale good .

12 , exhale 3412 .

Exhale 34 .

Nice and steady .

Bring those knees in and then drop your head back down .

Awesome .

You guys take a deep breath out as you bring the soles of your feet together .

Allow your knees to open .

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Let's take our final of this practice soup reclined butterfly pose , palms of your hands , open hands resting on your knees , allow your knees to fall open as you're comfortable , close your eyes and just begin to breathe deeply into the body .

With each exhalation , allowing your body to melt and let go into the mat into the floor .

Feeling this gentle release through the hips , feeling that beautiful positive energy in the palms of your hands as you open yourself up to it , a receptive hand opening ourselves to the universe , to everything that is here for us .

All of the positive energy that you deserve .

The energy of peace of joy I love .

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So take a deep breath in , into the heart , into the lungs , into the belly and egg sail out , calming down the body and the mind .

Whenever you're ready , you may reach your arms over your head , roll over onto one side and then slowly at your own pace , bring yourself up to seated position somewhere along the center of your mat , lacing your hands on your knees .

Let's take a final deep breath together .

Find that center and balance and exhale out awesome .

You guys take a final breath with me , reach both of your arms up to the sky and then exhaling , bring the hands over to your third eye and then slowly down to your heart and bowing down and gratitude to yourself .


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