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2023-08-21 21:02:32

15 Tips to Gain Muscle Fast and It's Not All Exercise

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You decide to bulk up in three months .

You put a poster of a body builder on your wall for motivation .

The first thing you do to reach a new goal is go to bed healthy sleep is the second most important thing after food to help your body recover and repair , you need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night for protein production and the release of human growth hormone , it goes faster while you're in dreamland .

If you don't get enough sleep , your stress hormones can go up , it can make you gain weight , not grow muscles .

The next morning you wake up well rested and one hour earlier than usual to get the right breakfast , you cook some eggs that are packed with omega three S protein and amino acids .

You need all of those to build lean muscle mass .

You also get a bowl of fat free Greek yogurt with berries on top .

It fuels you up with protein , calcium and iron for long lasting energy .

A protein shake to go will help you increase blood flow to your muscles and make it easier for your body to process and use carbs .

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You arrive at the gym and do a warm up before your main routine .

Your trainer helped you plan a full body workout , which is perfect for beginners .

It includes one leg , one push and one pull and one core exercise .

He also told you that you should always start your routine with compound movements like squats , rows or bench press .

They engage many muscles at the same time and it will release more muscle building hormones in your body .

You can move to isolation movements when you feel you're getting tired .

So you start with squats , they engage the entire lower body and make it release human growth hormone .

They help improve muscle mass throughout your body because they're so physically demanded .

You try to squeeze in as many squats as you can and forget about proper form .

You finish each squat halfway and keep your feet right next to each other .

That's a classic newbie mistake .

You can never get good results .

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If you aren't paying attention to how you're doing the exercises , you might even injure yourself .

Your feet must be hip with the part .

As soon as you approach the bottom of the movement , you must squeeze your glutes to go back up for the next rip .

Bench press is the push exercise of the day .

It's perfect for your chest and is safe when you keep the elbows at 45 degrees out from the body .

As you rest between the exercises , you tell your trainer about the new workout you found .

But he tells you to stick to your workout schedule when you constantly change exercises and try to go too fancy .

You only confuse your muscles .

If you stop seeing progress and want to spice things up , you should do it carefully .

You can replace barbells with dumbbells , front squats with a back squad or add one element to your regular routine .

The most important thing isn't diversity but progressive overload .

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When you put more and more load on your muscles , they'll have to adapt to it and grow bigger and stronger .

You move on to pull ups .

It's a perfect test of your upper body , muscular strength and one of the few moves that works your back and biceps .

You should be able to start with six slow proper form , pull ups and steadily get to 12 reps .

You feel it's too easy for you .

So you grab a dumbbell and hold it between your ankles as you go up and down , you try to move in a full range without breaking form .

It's important to maximize muscle adaptation .

Reverse crunch is your core exercise of the day .

It works out the full length of your six pack muscle and will give you strong and powerful , lower abs .

You want to wrap things up after 10 reps , but your trainer tells you that you really have to tie your muscles to near failure .

It means you must feel like you wouldn't be able to finish one more rep because of fatigue , you move on to some weight lifting .

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You got to go heavy and aim for less reps under control rather than many reps with an easy and comfortable weight .

Your friend is passing by and you chat a bit about your progress .

A siren goes off .

Your gym is equipped with a chat control system .

You can't rest between sets until you're ready to lift again .

When you do it , your heart rate lowers , your body can't refuel your muscles and they won't get the partial recovery .

They need your rest period .

Shouldn't be longer than 60 seconds .

It's enough time to get some water .

Two thirds of all the water in your body is in your muscles along with protein .

So if you want more muscles , you must increase your water intake .

You can figure out exactly how much of it you need , depending on your weight , you're done with your workout and add some stretching to top it .

Stretching .

After the training sets off the recovery process , it makes your muscle tissues longer and gives you extra flexibility .

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You need it to perform strength building moves with a greater range of movement , which makes them more effective .

Your muscles become less tight and you minimize the risk of injury .

When you stretch your fascia A K A , the bag that holds your muscle tissue , you give your muscles more room to grow enough gym for the day .

Next stop lunch , you must keep the right balance between protein carbs and fats and also help your nutrient portioning go right .

Your body decides which nutrients to use as fuel stores fat or put into muscle building .

When you miss out on certain nutrients , it might store too many calories as fat .

Plus lack of vitamin E can give you muscle weakness and not enough vitamin A can result in dizziness and loss of balance .

You start with some salmon .

It's a perfect source of protein and is also rich in omega three fatty acids .

They help reduce the amount of insulin in your blood stream .

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Insulin boosts fat storage , tuna can be a healthy alternative to salmon .

With the same benefits .

Top it with some olive oil .

It stimulates protein production and prevents breakdown of tissues .

It also helps your body sort , glucose amino acids and nutrients properly .

You order some turkey for a main course .

It's rich zinc that helps protein production .

You order some broccoli on the side that's also full of zinc .

Wheat ends up on the plate as a source of many nutrients and vitamin B six , it helps your body absorb amino acids from the foods you eat .

You get some pineapple for dessert .

Other fruits won't help your body building plants .

But pineapple contains enzymes that digest protein .

Plus , it has anti inflammatory properties to soothe , post workout pain and swelling .

Almonds will be a good snack to go .

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They're rich in vitamin E and you need it to repair cellular damage caused by exercise a couple hours after lunch , you decide to do some cardio and go for a run .

You bump into your friend who's recently bulked up .

She says you shouldn't overdo it with cardio because you'll lose calories .

You need to grow your muscles .

She recommends focusing on resistance training .

Instead if your body recovers well , after it , you can add some hit cardio sessions into your workout .

When you do these short and intense exercises , your heart rate goes up and muscle growth continues .

You get home and make a record in your workout journal .

You put down the exercises you did today with the number of reps and sets without a journal like this , you can't be sure what's working for you and how fast your progress is .

You also measure your weight when it stays the same and you see your workout results , you might be losing fat and increasing muscle .

So it's important to monitor your body fat loss than your net weight loss .

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You plan your workout for the next day , you train each muscle group twice per week to help your muscles adapt and grow faster .

You also make a list of meals .

You'll be eating the next day to avoid any junk food or drive throughs .

You stay patient and consistent as you know , muscle growth doesn't happen overnight .

Three months later , you see the first results like all beginners , you gain £12 of healthy muscles .

After this point , your progress will slow down but you stay true to your plan and it works .


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