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2023-08-21 20:46:28


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Is going on youtube .

Long time .

No talk .

And I say that because I know I've been putting out videos , but all of that footage was from my Cape Town trip and I had so much footage stocked up that I just haven't been recording because I'm like , oh , I have lots of videos to post .

So why record anyway , um long explanation .

But I have a very sensitive slash scary slash makes me feel vulnerable topic to , to um explain to you guys today as you guys know from the title .

But before we delve into that whole thing , I decided it's time to make protein pancakes just to give me a little o for this talk .

We're gonna have you guys always ask for protein pancake recipes .

This one's gonna be a little different than my usual one .

Usually I use a banana in the protein pancakes just because it counteracts .

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Um The protein can make the pancake kind of dry and adding banana is just counteracts that makes it like , like really moist , not using banana though because I'm cutting and I don't have the carbs to spare .

So I am doing a different recipe also very good .

I tried it the other day and it was like amazing .

So here you guys go my recipe .

I'm gonna walk you through it .

OK , guys .

So first gonna walk you through the ingredients in my pro pancake recipe .

We're gonna do the dry ingredients .

1st , 1st thing we're gonna put into our mixing bowl , which I have right here is pancake mix .

Any pancake mix will do .

Um Also if you don't have pancake mix and you have oats , quick oats , you can also blend this up .

I recommend using a coffee grinder into a fine powder or you can use oat flour or any type of flour .

But since I have pancake mix , I prefer this , it's much better .

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Um in my opinion , so this is not alternative if you don't wanna have a pancake mix , but any pancake mix will do , make sure that you check the carbs on the back because it can be um you know , some pancake mixes are healthier than others .

I like this one buttermilk pancakes from Trader Joe's just an all purpose pancake mix .

Um So I'm gonna put half a cup into my measuring a bowl right here .

I out that right now into my bowl .

That's the first thing I like to mix the dry ingredients first .

It just makes it like easier .

I'm gonna put some cinnamon in there optional , but really good .

Oh My gosh .

The last time I did this , I almost put Cayenne pepper in it because it looks the same .

Then we're gonna put a pinch of baking powder .

This is just to help the pancake mix or the pancakes to be nice and fluffy a little bit though .

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And then we're gonna move on to our protein .

I usually love the coconut ice cream way .

That's my favorite protein ever .

It makes the best pancakes ever .

But I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try different protein .

So I got this banana caramel twist one from one up and it's , it's actually really , really bomb and it makes amazing pancakes too .

It's really good .

I wish you guys could smell it .

But I'm only gonna put half a scoop in here .

Normally I would do a full scoop but I'm doing half because like I said , since I'm not doing the banana , it could get dry when you add protein .

So I'm just doing half a scoop of this since it's just me today .

Like if I was cooking for two people and it would be different .

But , um , and then I'm gonna add some mini chocolate chips because my macros can't afford it .

I'm doing a tablespoon give or cake , please .

Here we go .

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Couple in the mouth .

Ok .

Once you have your bone with your dry ingredients , mix it up , just using a , a large fork is fine , mix up all the dry ingredients nice and thoroughly .

It looks like that .

Now it's time to add your wet ingredients .

So all you're gonna do is take some egg whites and I'm gonna teach you how to do egg whites if you only have eggs .

Because right now I don't have the carton of egg whites , which usually I would use , I'm gonna try to do half a cup of egg whites .

So if you don't have egg whites , a carton and you don't want to take out the yolk .

This is how you do it .

You gonna crack it on the bowl like a , make it like kind of like a half thing .

I'm gonna carefully open it over your bowl and then you're just gonna toss the egg yolk back and forth in between the halves and the egg whites will filter out and that's it .

There .

You do your yolk , you just did it .

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So and then you carefully put it back , uh or put it in the trash since these are pretty large egg eggs looks like it's only gonna take two eggs to get a half a cup , maybe a little more , maybe three .

We'll probably do three this once you have your egg whites already separated , you know , pour it into your bowl like so and then mix it all around .

It's gonna get kind of gloppy like this at first , but just keep mixing until it's all the way smooth .

Just takes a little elbow grease here with that nice consistency of pancakes .

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So already there's like a grip of protein .

In here from the egg white and from the protein powder .

Not too many cars .

So it's definitely not .

Um , like there's cars from the pancake mix for sure .

There you go to see .

It's nice and smooth , just how we want it .

Great .

Ok .

Next step .

Add your vanilla .

I like to add vanilla .

I think it makes a really nice flavor .

Just a couple drops is fine .

Stir that up .

Perfect .

Now it's time to cook .

So come over with me to my pan .

The trick with cooking your pancakes is low heat because pancakes can burn easily and we don't want that .

So we're gonna put , put it on low heat .

We're gonna spray our pan nice and good with this nonstick spray .

Olive oil spray is what I use .

Once that's done , you're on low heat .

Just let it kind of heat up a little bit and then just cook it like normal .

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Um , but I'll walk you through that .

Um , knowing when to flip and stuff , I guess I'll just tell you it's the time the time to flip your pancake is when it starts forming little bubbles around the edge .

That's when you should flip it .

And depending on how you like your pancakes cooked .

I like mine cooked .

Way underdone .

I like it to be gooey in the middle on gross , whatever you wanna call it , but it's so good in my opinion , especially when it's like this .

It's like , it's like a sweet batter .

Oh , it's so amazing .

But Weston loves his pancakes , like burned .

So to each their own that is up to you .

But how easy was that recipe ?

It makes long pancakes and they're high in protein and they can fit your macros super easily .

Um , so I'm gonna go ahead and cook this up and then I will catch you for that talk that we're about to have real talk , real talk , real life situation .

Talk .

Catch it in a second .


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