Hi friends .
Today I will share with you six proven methods I tested to build an income stream with prompt engineering .
I will share both simple and advanced methods so anyone can analyse this opportunity .
But before we start in just one minute in case you are a beginner , what is prompt engineering ?
It is simply the art of interacting with language model .
It's how you talk with language models like Cha Gpt .
It's about asking the right questions to get the best answers .
For example , this is chat .
Let's say you want to generate domain names .
Anyone can say generate five domain names about email marketing .
This is what we call a prompt .
The text , the input you feed .
The language model in our case is charge GPT and you will get an answer .
Very nice .
So there is a prompt and there's the answer .
One feed on prompt engineering is how to craft the best prompt .
Not like this one .
Let me show you another example .
Delete this chat and I will paste .
Now my special private power prompt to generate domain names , I will say .
Also , email marketing is a niche , and now let's take a look on this prompt and the answer , you can see we are getting domain names with relevance , why it's effective and so on .
So we are getting a better response .
Better answers by utilising these power prompts .
So prompt engineering is how to create powerful prompts to get the best answers out of language models like GPT or Google Board and others .
And not only that , the other aspect of prompt engineering is how to build and create automation scripts .
If you are following , for example , I build the charge GPT Equa script that can search the Web and then scrape the content and then summarise and give you , like a content research in like a couple of seconds .
So in automation scripts , we combine power prompts with scripting to automate a certain workflow .
So this , in short , prompt engineering in a little bit , I will share with you one of the best free resources to learn prompt engineering .
Starting from today , just bear with me a little bit .
Let's now go back to our main topic and see our six proven methods to make money out of prom engineering .
So number one and I think it's the easiest or the simplest approach , which is selling templates , and here we have two options .
Number one is to sell individual prompts on prompt marketplaces .
For example , you can go here to prompt bases dot com , create an account and start selling .
Click on sell here and submit your prompts .
You can see in my account .
I have bought all these prompts from prompt based on the website .
Is snack prompt ?
Also , you can go here , sign up and create and sell your prompts .
The other approach in this strategy is to sell a prompt library .
For example , I my case .
I sell this premium prompt library on my website so you can package multiple prompts like this one here and sell it together .
And to help you , I created two free full guides , one on how to craft and create powerful prompts .
And the other guide is how to sell these prompts .
You just need these guides to go and start with this strategy .
But wait a little bit .
Let's see the other five strategies .
Maybe you change your mind and go with something more .
So let's see .
Strategy Number two , which is selling automated scripts as I mentioned before , prompt engineering has two aspects .
The other aspect is about creating automation scripts so we can combine a power prompt with a script to automate a certain workflow .
For example , let me show you this .
I created this sample script , and here we have this power prompt that is combined with this script to rewrite articles .
Let's go here and run this by way .
It's not that complicated to build these scripts .
It's really simple .
If you learn how they will tell you how in a little bit , just bear with me , please .
So you can see here a simple interface .
You paste the article here and click on Start , and it will rewrite the article so you can build these scripts and sell them instead of a prompt .
You build and sell automated scripts .
You can go to websites like Guro to sell any digital product like scripts like Prompts Anything you Want so you can build scripts that come maybe articles into social media posts , maybe to do automated content research .
We have a lot of ideas .
You can check here my videos on my channel , the GPT Max edition , the GPT Earthquake .
I have a lot of ideas on my blog posts where you can learn how to build these scripts .
Let's move on now to number three .
Number three is somehow more advanced a little bit , which is building customised a I solutions or tools for your clients .
Example .
Last week I showed you how to build an A I tool on WordPress so you can provide this service to your clients .
And I mentioned in that video that I will be publishing the YouTube title generator Tool , the A I tool that can generate the best YouTube titles , and it's now published and live on my website .
You can see here so you can build these tools to your clients and what's nice if you go here down , you can get my free guide on how I build tools step by step .
The prompts .
I use the code everything so you can get all the secrets behind this tool and utilise this to provide as a freelancing service or gig .
What's nice about these services ?
It's still new .
We have low competition , so now is the right time to start .
If you wait for a couple of months , the competition will be higher and you need to market more and so on .
Now it's an opportunity for you to provide these new services and gigs .
Now , Strategy number four is one of my best .
Instead of selling a prompt or a prompt template or a script , what you will do is you are going to build an A I API and sell it on marketplaces .
For example , you can build an A I content generator and sell on rapid API if you check here my account on Rapid API .
I'm selling all these a PS here for a monthly recurring membership .
It's really a great idea and what's nice ?
I have a full guide on how to get started , how to build a PS , how to sell them , how to market them everything you need .
I will also leave a link in the description below .
Now , before we move on to number five and six , let me share with you the top three courses and resources to learn prompt engineering totally for free .
Starting from today , the first one is on Ed X Prompt engineering and advanced charge GPT .
It's a free course , the second one on coursera .
Also , it's called Prompt Engineering for charge GP T the third one is my free playlist here on my channel .
It's a full playlist , no ads , and you can go and check the comments to see how powerful and beneficial is this series .
I worked hard to make the best prompt engineering videos here on my channel .
Number four is charge GP T Prompt engineering for developers on the planning dot A I number five is learn , prompting dot org and number six is prompting guide dot a I .
I believe all these links in the description .
Just don't worry about them right now .
You can see you have a lot of free courses that you can start right now to master this skill and build a business out of this skill .
Let's now move on to number five .
Number five is to start a business software as a service or simply building online tools that you can monetize with a monthly recurring membership or simply keep it free .
A side project to grow your business and get traffic and build your email lists .
For example , I build free a I kit .
It's a set of free A I tools and a website where you can build a I tools totally for free with no code .
So this website acts as a side project for me where I can promote my other products .
Like my pro engineering course , my E books .
I can build email list so I can provide value with this website in exchange of building my business .
Growing my business .
The second website I have as promoter kit , a set of marketing tools you can see here I am promoting my API promoting my E books .
I even add some affiliate banners so you can build a I online tools and sell for a month recurring membership or simply monetize with a spaces or grow your own business with these powerful A I tools .
If you want to learn more about this , you can check this video where I showed you how I turned a simple A I tool from $0 up , $3000 in value in just three months anyway , So Number five is building online tools or SA .
I .
Business number six is education and consultation .
After you learn these courses and you have some experience , you can now provide a consultation service or maybe create an eBook or a course and sell it .
Like in my case , I sell my prompt engineering mastery course .
Go from zero to scripting workflows and I create eBooks and educational resources around prompt engineering .
This is a new heart skill or it can provide 1 to 1 consultation services for businesses to automate their work flows .
This is very important and it is now new .
As I mentioned , the competition is still low .
So take action and start today .
Learn the skill .
We have a lot of free resources .
Start with my free series .
I'm sure you will thank me later .
It's free without ads .
Learn the skill and build your income stream .
See you soon .