So is it really that safe to take 10,000 IUs of vitamin d every single day ?
That's what we're gonna talk about .
Did you know that every single cell and tissue in your body has receptors for vitamin d ?
And yet , there's actually still no medical consensus or agreement on what a vitamin d deficiency really is .
So I even think a better question than is , 10,000 IU's of vitamin d safe , we should ask , is it actually safe to be deficient in vitamin d ?
The great majority of the population is deficient , and they have all sorts of problems ranging from a lowered immune system to arthritis to autoimmune problems and inflammation , depression , high blood pressure .
And most of the research that came up with the RDAs for vitamin d , I think roughly it's about 600 IUs , were based on preventing , rickets , things like that .
But not therapeutically to address all the other issues like autoimmune problems and severe infections .
So there's a couple very important things for you to know .
Number 1 , vitamin d toxicity is very rare .
Okay .
That's number 1 .
Number 2 , the symptoms for vitamin d toxicity are almost identical to a vitamin k two deficiency .
In other words , do you really have too much vitamin d or just not enough vitamin k 2 ?
Vitamin k 2 addresses 2 proteins mainly , and it mainly had to do with the transportation of calcium .
So vitamin d helps the absorption of calcium from your gut into your blood by a factor of 20 x .
And then vitamin k 2 drives that calcium from the arteries into the bone .
So , 2 big functions of vitamin k 2 is keeping calcium out of the soft tissues , Not just the arteries , but the joints , the kidneys , the lungs , other tissues , as well as making your bones really , really solid .
I'm talking about dealing with osteopenia or osteoporosis .
You can't fix osteopenia and osteoporosis with vitamin D .
Vitamin d doesn't even prevent fractures .
Vitamin k 2 is the key nutrient .
So when I did a deep dive in this , I think I found the main confusion with vitamin d toxicity .
It has to do with this thing called international units .
It's this confusing measurement of vitamin d .
So what actually is an international unit ?
Is it actually a measurement of some mass or volume or weight or something ?
The answer is absolutely not .
It's an arbitrary number that was agreed on from some committee .
So I'll give you just a couple examples .
If we take 1 international unit of vitamin e , that would come out to 0.67 milligrams .
Now what about 1 international unit of vitamin a ?
Well , there's 2 types of vitamin a .
Well , you have the precursor to vitamin a , which is beta carotene , and then you also have the actual , bioactive form of vitamin a , which is retinol .
So , check this out .
One international unit of beta carotene equals point 6 micrograms .
And 1 international unit of retinol equals point 3 micrograms .
One international unit of vitamin d equals 0.025 micrograms .
That's like a quarter of 1 milligram .
So you can see it's very confusing , and I think they're trying to get rid of it .
And , you know , just the sound of 10,000 IUs sounds like a lot , but you're dealing with just a quarter of a microgram .
You see , the big problem with vitamin d is there's a lot of barriers to entry to absorption .
Skin color , the darker your skin is , the harder it is to absorb vitamin d .
Your age , how much weight you have if you're obese , insulin resistance , how much stress you have .
If you have any type of genetic issue that is blocking vitamin d , which is very , very common , that's a big barrier .
You also have where you live , the latitude on the planet .
You also have the season .
I mean , one really interesting thing about d , if you go to PubMed and you just type in seasonal diseases , wow , you're gonna find all sorts of fascinating research related to vitamin d .
Or even latitude diseases .
Massive amount of data .
Also , the more unhealthy the liver is or your gallbladder .
If if you have the gallbladder removed and you don't have the bile to absorb it , that could be an issue .
Or if there's inflammation in your gut that you can't absorb it .
So , there's a lot of barriers for this vitamin d to go on the body .
So if you're like me , it's kind of a hassle to go get a prescription for vitamin d .
Go to some , like , Labcorp and get your blood drawn and get a blood test .
There's a much better test .
It's a home test .
It's a blood spot test .
And I use this company right here , Omega Quant .
It's a blood spot .
So basically , it's a way to take a pinprick of your blood , put it on this little piece of paper , stick it in this kit , send it to them , they send it back .
I don't have to get a prescription .
I don't have to go to LabCorp to get my blood drawn .
It's really really convenient .
So I contacted this company and they wanted to know if I wanted to be an affiliate .
I said no .
But I would like my viewers to get a discount on this test .
So if you click down below , there'll be a code .
You'll get the discount .
Not me .
I'm not gonna get an affiliate , commission .
And that way , you can save a little bit on the test .
But there's over 53,000 , last time I checked , studies in vitamin d and PubMed alone .
Crazy amount of research .
And vitamin d , is intimately involved in your immune system .
And , I just wanna mention one part of the immune system called the T helper cell .
The T helper cell helps to regulate and make sure that we don't attack our own tissues .
It's kind of like differentiating self from non self .
And if there's confusion in this area and this cell can't work , potentially you can develop an autoimmune disease , which is your own cells or your immune system attacking itself .
And it just so happens that vitamin d has a big responsibility of making sure that cell works .
I mean , even inside your immune cells , they have the ability to convert the inactive to the active form of vitamin d .
So you can imagine how important this is .
And another point is that we've been told to stay out of the sun in the summer .
Right ?
Use sunscreen , hats , and coats , and just cover ourselves .
I I mean , this is like an interesting thing to look at .
I mean , it stirs up a lot of controversy because everyone knows that the sun is bad , but is it really ?
Well , you're thinking about skin cancer .
Right ?
Have you ever heard of the skin cancer paradox ?
So despite the sunscreen , despite staying out of the sun , skin cancer continues to increase .
We assume that it's coming from the radiation , but really is it ?
Vitamin d has a protective element against melanoma .
So if the sun's rays radiation were really responsible for this , then we would have seen a decrease in cancer not an increase .
Also , vitamin d is really important for your lung .
Okay ?
It helps to modulate your immune system to make sure that that immune system is not overreacting or underreacting .
So it's really good for anything related to lung like COPD , asthma , things like that .
And there's also doctors that are well recognized that will recommend taking 50,000 IUs of vitamin d at the first sign of a cold or flu symptoms .
Let's look at this chart right here .
This is based on some data .
I'm gonna put all the links down below , but we have the amounts or doses of vitamin d , a1000000 .
We have 300,000 , a 100,000 , 30,000 , and 10,000 .
Okay ?
And this is not scaled .
But you can see that these are in weeks and this is the amounts .
So we have 1 week , 3 week , 10 week , 30 week , a 100 week .
How many weeks are in a year ?
52 , right ?
That's gonna be right here .
So , this is about a year right here .
So , check this out .
You can see the toxicity level right here .
You'd have to take a 100,000 IUs of vitamin d for a period of time before it becomes toxic .
But what I want you to look at right here is this line right through here .
This actually is considered safe if you adjust for the cofactors .
In other words , there are certain nutrients that vitamin d uses to help , prevent complications like vitamin k 2 which I've already mentioned , like magnesium and zinc .
So , these three nutrients are very important to take with your vitamin d .
It doesn't even have to be taken exactly with it at the same time , but , sometime around .
You just wanna make sure you're not deficient in these because all of these help to make vitamin d more active and prevent the toxicity effect .
Don't wanna forget about increasing water too because one potential toxic effect could be kidney stones .
But if you're drinking minimally 2 and a half liters of fluid per day , you can very easily prevent kidney stones and keep your , your urine diluted so these calcium stones don't develop , despite if you have high levels of calcium in the urine .
Now what should a normal level of calcium be ?
Okay .
When you get it checked , should be between 90 a100 nanomoles per liter or there's another measurement you can use which is 35 to 40 ng's per milliliter .
Okay .
So depending on what lab you're using and what units .
So , I hope you feel a little more comfortable of it with vitamin D taking 10,000 or even more .
I have a really good , summary of what I just talked about in a 2 page document .
If you wanna download it for free , I put the link down below .
Check it out .