It's annoying .
I'm sorry , Mr just came here .
No problem .
I will kill your bar .
He's a , he's a heavy stupid .
Can I try please ?
You ?
I'm sorry .
Just , just one sec , please .
I like go , he's gone and also you have special program for apps .
Wow , what's going on guys ?
Welcome back to my channel at right now .
We are in Los Angeles , California , United States of America .
And right now I will try to make some craziest reaction in the world but , but I feel like something broke , you know .
Oh , I think much better .
So guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel , don't forget about like and comments .
It's really important to promote my video and guys enjoy this crazy action and this video .
Let's go buddy .
Let's go .
It's annoying .
Oh , I'm sorry , he oh OK .
I'm sorry , a little bit .
Yeah .
Ok .
Enjoy yourself .
I'm sorry , I'm just a little bit clean here .
Yeah .
Enjoy .
I'm sorry who ?
It's annoying .
Sorry .
Yeah .
Mhm .
Sorry .
Yes .
Sorry , I be clean here .
I'm sorry , Mr just scream here .
It's no problem .
Just put your legs , your legs .
Yeah , I'm sorry , Mr is , is this exercise ?
Go back .
I'm sorry , can I do with you ?
Is it possible ?
I'm sorry .
Yeah , I will kill your bar .
Oh , as historian .
I'm sorry for this scared moment .
All good .
It's my favorite .
I do like this because before I talk your technique a little bit wrong , I will dream a bit because for so your people today it's my favorite .
I'm sorry .
You need to squeeze back like this .
Who squeeze here and squeeze here and squeeze here .
I'm sorry for this dead lift , right ?
Yes , it's a good day .
They say go I'm for it .
Sorry , sorry like this .
I'm sorry for this because I am cleaner but , but I like this .
I'm sorry .
I like it's my favorite .
Dumbo .
Yes , you can try .
Of course .
Yes , I will help you .
Yes .
Enjoy .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah , I like it .
I like Hammer girl , this girl , girl , I like girl , I'm sorry for this .
It's my favorite .
I'm 20 .
I'm sorry like this .
Yeah .
And up .
Oh yeah and up .
It is .
It's great .
Have a good day .
Have a good day .
I'm sorry .
Yeah , my name is Anna .
To what is your Christina ?
Oh , if you need cleaning because I am new here .
If you need cleaning , if you need , just clean your home .
I'm sorry , sorry .
Yeah .
Fill in your car , fill in your bedroom .
I'm sorry for this .
I will call me because I need job .
I need , I'm sorry .
Yeah .
Is , is it just secret it's my secret .
But I'm like training here also .
Yes .
Nice to meet you .
And one more because you are very sensitive .
I'm sorry .
351.589 --> 420.54
Yes .
Yes , of course .
Yes .
Sorry .
I'm sorry .
Excuse me ?
Are you really ?
Cool ?
No .
So guys , every day I receive 100 message .
Like , what's your secret ?
So I think my main secret is a genetic second .
One , of course is discipline and the routine and last one is nutrition and of course , right ?
Training program and this the last one I can help you right now .
My train program website link in the description below and for right now train program for women also available worldwide on link and be strong brother and sister .
Of course .
Let's go .
Oh my God .
It looks amazing .
I'm sorry .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Amazing .
Sorry .
I'm sorry .
Coming and one more .
I've never , I don't see it before .
Like is a , is a heavy , it's heavy .
I'm sorry .
Yeah .
How , how much here just you know , it's just heavy .
I'm sorry .
I'm sorry .
Yes .
Sorry .
Yes .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
It's for arms .
Yes .
I'm sorry .
Yes .
Uh For for this one you really strong like my grandma , she's also very strong .
Yeah , I'm sorry for this .
Yeah , because it looks like like 300 but maybe 200 I don't know .
Can can I try like like this ?
No , I'm sorry , I can , I can clean here .
There's no problem .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
I'm sorry .
Just a little bit .
Yeah , a little bit more .
Just a little bit here .
Yeah .
Ok .
Ok .
My name is Anna .
Ok .
But about technique .
Uh , you do like , like this ?
Yes .
Yes .
It's fine .
My dream .
My goal now is big chest .
Oh , it's a good weight .
Yeah .
For chest .
For , for pumping .
Maybe .
Oh , yeah .
Maybe because I wanna try and not , not an app .
Nice to meet you .
I wanna do the same .
Maybe .
Just don't try .
Just , oh , because , because I am cleaner here .
This is my favorite .
This 100 .
It , it's my favorite here .
Yes .
Can , can I try please with you ?
I'm sorry .
Just , just one sec .
Please .
You train here in the gym .
Yeah , because I'm new here .
I am .
I'm new in .
You say it's my dream .
Yeah .
Yeah , I make money here .
I use this .
It's not easy , you know , it's not like weight .
Yeah .
I'm just let me just try if you .
No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no need , no need .
It's your set .
It's your bar .
It's fine .
It's weight .
Maybe it's heavy but maybe .
No .
Hm .
Oh , it's fine .
I'm working just today only .
Yeah , but I am cleaner and in my country I was the best cleaner .
But now , yeah .
New , new station is you say California ?
You use this ?
It's fine .
I'm just for , for 10 seconds , please .
Because like come on .
Oh my God .
Oh like you do after like like like this 121 .
Ok .
I love cleaning the bar .
I just , I gonna here , I'm sorry , but this just I need to take the shoes off or about you ?
Uh up to me .
Ok , I want this , this shoes I'm sorry .
Oh , come on I told you .
Mm .
A it's fine .
Just , just a moment .
Sorry .
Sorry like this it's fine .
I'm sorry because it's my favorite for waiting on that vacation pay day .
I want to be the best cleaner in this city .
I'm sorry , I'm sorry for this guy but can be careful your leg like my a little bit more .
If you wanna be the best in this business , you need to clean here also because I'm cleaner , not clean here , not clean here , but it's very important .
I'm sorry , I'm sorry .
It's it's good a little bit pump before cleaning .
I'm sorry .
Is is good for your your trainer .
It looks like like trainer .
Yes .
Oh , I'm sorry for this just you can enjoy your set .
Take your time .
I'm sorry , I'm sorry , take care .
Ok .
Yeah .
Yeah if you need something I'm here if you need clean air also .
Yeah .
Yeah you can take my number .
Maybe it will be my driver .
I just came here .
I'm sorry if you need some help with training process , I can help you .
And also I have a special program for apps , you know , Yes , I like this .
I like this .
No , it looks amazing .
I'm sorry .
If you want something , if you need to clean something , I'm there .
There you are .
I'm sorry .
Yeah .
Take your time .
I'm sorry .
Yeah .
Yes , sorry .
Sorry guys .
Enjoy , enjoy your set .
I'm sorry .
2020 .
Mhm .
Oh .
Hm .
So guys , I hope you really enjoy your video from L A California , United States of America .
I was dream about this and now I'm greener here .
Dreams come true .
Don't forget to subscribe my video .
Don't forget to , don't forget to subscribe to my channel because only 12% of what you subscribe it .
So thanks for your following .
Also guys , my training program for men and uh for , for women link below in the description and see you in the next video .
See you here in California .
Let's go .