What would actually happen if you consumed celery juice for 7 days ?
Now there are 4 things in celery juice that are quite powerful .
But most of the things that people talk about in celery juice are not the things that are contributing to your health .
Okay ?
Like , first of all , it's 95% water .
The nutrients in celery juice are not that high .
I mean , it does have folate , which is benign , but that's only like 9% .
And then people say , oh , yeah .
It's high in sodium .
In one glass , like 16 ounces of celery juice , you're talking about 288 milligrams of sodium .
That's 1 eighth of what you need every single day .
But what is really amazing in celery juice , there are 4 natural chemicals called phytonutrients .
And , also , there's a book that states that celery juice is the most powerful medicine of our time .
So let's talk about why that can actually even be true .
The medical medium talks about the benefit from the sodium cluster crystals , and I really couldn't find any data on that .
But I have found a lot of data on these 4 phytonutrients that I wanna share with you .
So the first one is a long name , 3 n butyl phthalide .
Here's what this chemical does .
Repair after a stroke , reconstruct the microcirculation .
It has certain neuro regenerative properties .
And its antioxidant , anti inflammatory , anti apoptosis .
Now what is apoptosis ?
It's basically when the cell commits suicide when it's damaged .
Also , it has a property of an antithrombosis , so it helps to prevent clotting .
And then the second compound is called apigenin .
And apigenin is one of the most researched and studied polyphenols .
It's in parsley .
It's in onion .
It's in oranges .
It's in thyme .
It's in basil , and it's definitely in celery juice .
Normally , in nature , a plant uses epingenin to protect itself against UV radiation from the sun as well as acting as an insecticide .
So it's a defense mechanism .
But when we consume this compound in small amounts , it creates an epigenetic , effect that actually can benefit us .
But apigenin is a good , muscle relaxer .
This is why when you consume celery juice , you you feel calm .
If you have high blood pressure , it tends to , lower the blood pressure .
You can sleep better , and it has antidiabetic properties .
It's even been used to help people with amnesia , which is interesting .
The third compound is called coumaric acid .
This compound is anti inflammatory , anti ulcer , anti clotting , as well as supporting your blood sugar .
It can also help with inflammation with arthritis .
Then the last compound is called camphorol .
Camphorol has antiviral properties , antibacterial properties , antifungal properties , as well as being an anti inflammatory in general .
So is celery juice the most powerful medicine of our time ?
I don't know about that , but it's pretty awesome .
This is what I recommend you do , and I just got done with this .
I did this for 7 days .
I'll probably continue it .
You buy celery , wash it off , make sure it's organic , juice 16 ounces , drink it in the morning , an empty stomach .
If you wanted to add something to it , don't add additional juices .
Add a little lemon to it .
But the main benefits come from these 4 compounds .
There could be other compounds that are creating all sorts of effects , but if you haven't tried it , you might wanna try it .
I think you might like it .
If you haven't seen my other video on celery , I put that up right here .
Check it out .