Let's talk about the ultimate face remedy for both wrinkly and dry skin .
The skin is the largest organ in the body and anything that you put on the skin gets absorbed inside into the body eventually to the liver .
And it's amazing what types of things people put on their skin .
I mean , just all sorts of chemical lotions and makeup , you name it , they scrub the skin , they sterilize it .
You have friendly bacteria on your skin , right ?
And uh if you sterilize it , the skin becomes red , it dries out or sometimes it becomes too oily .
So it's very important to understand not to put anything on your skin that could be toxic compound that with pollution .
If someone , you know , smoke second hand smoke or let's say you smoke and all that goes into the body .
I mean , you have fluoride and chloride in your shower with it , you know , hitting your skin , you have the sun's UV radiation that damages the skin .
And then on top of that , you have all the stuff that you eat , you know , and drink like alcohol or consumption of trans fats , all that goes into the body and it can greatly affect the skin .
I think one of the worst things for the skin is going on a low fat diet because skin is mainly protein and fat .
And I remember in practice , when I would see people come in that are low fat diet , even on the keto diet .
And they're on low fat as in the ideal protein where they're using this low carb and extremely low fat diet .
And of course , the ingredients are very poor .
Like I think they use soy protein isolates as a protein .
I notice very quickly the person starts looking older , not just their skin but their hair .
They just age .
The more junk food that we eat , the faster the aging of our skin .
What is alter processed food ?
Well , now they synthesize corn to turn that into corn sugar or high fructose corn syrup .
So you have this synthesized synthetic sugars .
You have these synthetic starches , right ?
Corn starches and then you have something probably even more deadly , which is the oils , the seed oils highly industrialized , highly refined , very unstable oil that tends to create a lot of oxidation in the body .
I mean , it creates inflammation in the inside of the arteries and the organs and the different tissues .
And what about on the skin ?
Right ?
The thing about these oils is it gets lodged into our membranes and our skin and it stays in there for 2.5 to 3 years .
And so when you have too much of these seed oils , right ?
That's omega six .
Ok .
And not enough of the Omega three oils that's like fish oils or cod liver oil .
You start developing flaky dry red skin because they both compete with each other .
And I'm talking about like soy oil , corn oil , canola , cotton seed oil .
S aflower oil , sunflower oil .
These are all highly processed oils with the use solvents like hexane , they deodorize it , decolorize it .
I mean , a lot of these omega six oils like like sunflower oil , for example , are in creams , facial creams , it's gonna dry out your skin , it's going to make your skin older .
So you also want to make sure there's no alcohol in your skin creams .
So in the last 100 years , uh we basically have been increasing the seed oils in our diet to a factor of 1600% more .
And even in the last 20 years , we've doubled the amount of seed oils .
Highly inflammatory oxidizes the skin .
In fact , I'm thinking about doing like a a 30 day uh seed oil detox .
I'm going to call it an oil change , right ?
Just to see how many health benefits would happen , not just with your skin , but the whole body by just avoiding these oils for a short period of time .
What would be the thing to put on the skin ?
Well , are you sitting down for this grass fed talo that's actually bee fat .
Now , before you click off .
Just hear me out .
It might sound disgusting .
But the chemistry of Tao is very similar to the chemistry of part of your skin .
In fact , the Latin word for Tao means see them .
That's like the oil that your body produces .
The skin oil .
Tao will not oxidize the skin , it will not cause inflammation .
It has vitamin AD EK .
It also has something called CL A which tends to retain moisture in the skin .
And tao is not like a coconut oil which will make your skin really greasy and oily .
It gives your skin a very nice softness , a healthy glow and a lot of the nutrients in this talo can also help some of the dark spots as well in the skin and help wrinkles .
You should just try it for a week and just see what happens .
Now as far as the type of fat that's in here , you have about 50% of its actual saturated fats .
You also have Oleic acid , ok , which is a really good moisturizer .
You have palmitic acid which softens the skin .
You also have stric acid which repairs the skin and then you have little Laic acid that's at Omega six , but it's only like 2% .
So it's , it's very , very small numbers .
So I'm not recommending a certain brand of Talo .
But um you can just look at the reviews and , and just read what people are reporting , but you start using Talo on your skin instead of regular chemical moisturizers with Omega six oils .
And you're going to see a huge , huge change and there's no chemicals in it and it's kind of a forgotten secret because we used to use this long ago .
But then we replaced it because someone came up with this idea that , oh , saturated fat is bad for us .
No , unsaturated fats in the quantities that we're consuming them .
And then the type of these unsaturated fats that we're using is just so unhealthy .
So if you did the combination of two things , just get rid of the , these Omega six seed oils out of your diet .
And you start using tail on your skin and you start consuming uh fish oils or cod liver oil for the Omega three within a matter of weeks .
I think you're going to see a huge shift in your skin .
So go ahead and try this and then comment down below and if you have not seen my video on how to address dry wrinkly hands , I put that video right up here .
Check it out .