Dave is getting a little extra hungry today , so we're gonna look at the most impressive food challenges in the world .
This is actually from my first ever quesadilla .
That's a quesadilla .
Is that 1 or is that 4 ?
If not , I know Looks like enchiladas .
The calzone ?
Challenge you only have Listen .
That's a case , Adia ?
Minutes .
That's what all their charges are .
They're like super quick .
What what ?
So it you get 10 minutes to eat this whole thing .
You put cash in the quesadilla ?
Oh , homie got a big mouth .
That's why he's probably good at these fast food challenges .
Eating challenges .
Hunger issues .
Yeah .
I saw that .
Or hanger issues .
Hanger .
I'm hangry .
Wow .
That was 2 quesadillas .
That was just a fat quesadilla .
Yeah .
I would have made it through like half of that first one .
Oh , yeah .
In 30 minutes and been like , yeah , okay .
No .
Where does it go ?
I don't understand .
Where's all that food go ?
He's sitting on a toilet .
Imagine .
Oh , he finished it with a minute and 32 seconds to spare .
That's fast .
You could have took your time .
I I'll never be a food eating challenger type .
I love me some food , but not that much .
10 egg challenge .
Is that a wrench around ?
It's the 10 millimeter so he never loses it .
Oh , they're deviled eggs .
Oh .
Or I mean not deviled eggs , they're just boiled .
You gotta peel and eat .
Oh , I feel like the yolk would be hard .
Yeah .
The whites are easy , but the yolk would be super good .
Who's gonna win ?
I guess the guy on the left .
I mean , he's going in .
Oh , he's got a magic glove .
Well , he only has oh .
Dude , the guy on the left has to win .
He's got well , no .
2 eggs left ?
They're pretty close .
Alright , he's on his last egg .
Last egg .
I'm a stop second guessing .
Yeah .
You won .
30 breads .
Yeah .
How many breads you got in your inventory ?
Yo .
Let me check your chest , bro .
How many breads you got with that suspicious stew ?
I feel like he made this up himself .
He's like , I got a challenge for the internet .
I'm a make a challenge .
30 breads with a stew .
Dude , that's a big I failed .
I I can imagine that's so much bread .
Super burrito .
8 minutes ?
Looks like it took longer than 8 minutes to make .
Oh , wait , hold up .
Why'd you fold it ?
Why why did he Oh , we making a calzone ?
Oh , we we build the eggs .
Oh , boy .
Sir , teaching your methods .
Omelet taco ?
What is happening ?
How are the eggs gonna cook ?
Chili powder ?
Right now he's just mad hitting it around .
Okay .
You know , whatever floats .
Okay .
That looks good , dude .
Dude , like , there's no way .
Oh my , dude , that was fat .
Bro , that's like That was like when you roll up your towel .
That's a whole leg .
What is that , cake ?
A donut .
That's a donut ?
A 3 kilogram donut ?
James , do math .
How many pounds ?
Hey , Siri .
3 kilogram donut to pounds .
6.6.6 ?
Oh , no .
I think it's 6.6 .
I got this .
I got this .
I will I will get the answer before they finish .
How's it going ?
6.6 .
I was right .
Yeah .
Yeah .
You didn't do nothing .
I did math quicker .
I calculated the weight of that donut before you ate it .
Yeah .
The guy on the right was slacking .
Yeah .
That's a lot of donut .
That is a lot of donut .
I don't even really like donuts .
Do not try that challenge .
I won't .
Trust me unless it's a kalachi .
Texting me kalachi .
Okay .
That looks like a breakfast .
You know , you go to your grandparents for the weekend and they're taking you to school on Monday .
You wake up , this is what they got on the table , ready to eat .
I'm never going to school .
I've been there for 3 business days .
But How did Oh , dude , wait , hold on .
Can we talk about the size of that spoon ?
Oh !
The spoon is huge .
That's a bad spoon .
I didn't even realize .
I thought it was normal size .
Bro , that spoon's the size of my hand .
Yo , this guy eats it like it's nothing .
I know .
It's like , it makes sense .
10 minutes , Bob .
Okay .
12 eggs with hash browns , sausage , gravy , cheese , pancakes .
He took 3 bites and he was already putting a dent in it .
Honestly , that that one doesn't look too difficult .
Okay .
You're halfway done , and it was like 7 bites in .
But remember , there's a pancake .
Very true .
That's why you always eat your pancakes first because they're the heaviest .
No .
You eat them last .
What do you mean ?
So they don't , like , set .
Oh .
Oh .
Oh .
He's just he's just Oh , he's using the pancakes to He's dry scooping the pancake .
6 minutes .
He had 45 minutes .
He did it in 6 .
That is fast , dude .
Okay .
What's the challenge ?
We're just we're just right into it .
Okay .
Alright .
Breakfast stuff .
Oh , here we go .
Wisconsin .
Oh my god .
That's a shit , dude .
That's Eggs , bacon , gravy , sausage , biscuits , hash browns , eggs , bacon , Greek and this little girl gonna do it ?
No way , dude .
I have 6 eggs alone , half my paycheck of 1 pound 5 cajun seasoning .
Breakfast , typical .
Biscuits , gravy , country fries steak .
Bunch of chocolate chip .
She just has one of everything on the menu .
For real ?
Family size portion .
Portion .
Looks like when you go to and order a large .
Guys , especially , panil ball fry or bhature .
Yo .
Yo .
No way .
Oh , look at that tortilla .
It looks nice and homemade .
Oh my gosh .
Oh my gosh .
Oh , you're not doing this .
He's gonna pop up on the screen .
I failed .
That doesn't count , dude .
Bro .
He you know he spit that out immediately after putting it in his mouth .
You didn't even chew .
50 mushroom omelette eating challenge ?
Leave it to I mean , they're one bite size .
Leave it to a grandpa to do this .
So what's that ?
Like eating 50 eggs ?
You think that's 1 egg ?
No .
There has to be more than 1 egg .
No .
No .
Full per thing .
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah .
Probably .
Probably .
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah .
First of all , they got 2 of my favorite little debbies .
Strawberry Shortcake , I can eat a box of low , top tier , favorite , s tier .
Yes .
New reacts video .
What ?
Ace testing every little Debbie snack .
Oh , and this is hot .
Oh .
We start with the best one .
Honeybuns .
Honeybuns don't hit the same when you're older .
Zebra cake still hits .
They're still good .
Cosmic brownies ?
Yeah .
She You ate so many , you don't like them anymore .
Very true .
I ate so many cosmic brownies right when I started YouTube that I can't eat them anymore .
I'm talking a boxing night .
Woah .
Chill .
It's like a box and a half .
How to gain weight , man .
Rugby be killers sometimes .
The unhealthiest little w item ?
Those are cream pies .
Just one serving is Oh my gosh .
I didn't know cream pies were that unhealthy .
I mean , it makes sense .
They're they're bigger than like the other ones , you know ?
Hope that all of those were 12,500 calories .
Boom .
And he did all of that .