Main machine cap heater 11 ounce mug printing machine , nine ounce mug heater handbag , heat resistant pad , eight inch 10 inch plate , mold heat resistant gloves gift pack long press for five seconds to open the machine .
Press plus minus together to exchange Celsius and Fahrenheit .
Press the setting button the first time .
Then press plus minus to set the temperature .
Press the setting button again , then press plus minus to set the time .
Press the setting button the third time waiting for the machine heating up .
Use the machine to iron the area where the T shirt needs to be transferred .
Put the transfer film on the T shirt , press the power button begin to count down .
Press minus to adjust the vibration frequency .
Please hold the machine slightly to prevent it from moving .
Press the power button to turn off the beep .
Press the setting button the first time , then press plus minus to set the temperature .
Press the setting button again , then press plus minus to set the time .
Press the setting button .
The third time waiting for the machine heating up .
Use the machine to iron the area where the T shirt needs to be transferred .
Put the sublimation paper , use the heat resistant tape to fix .
Press the power button begin to count down .
Use the tools in the gift bag to cut the transfer paper size slightly smaller than the hollow film .
Use the machine to iron the area where the bag needs to be transferred .
Put the hollow film on then put the sublimation paper in the area .
Use the heat resistant tape to fix .
Press the power button begin to count down .
Please hold the machine slightly to prevent it from moving .
Tear off the protective film .
Use the heat resistance tape to fix the paper on the aluminum .
Press .
The power button begin to count down .
Press the power button to turn off the beep .
Press the setting button the first time , then press plus minus to set the temperature .
Press the setting button again , then press plus minus to set the time .
Press the setting button the third time waiting for the machine heating up , use the heat resistance tape to fix the sublimation paper on the plate .
Remove the outer circle to transfer eight inch plate , put the foam mold on then upside down on the heat resistant pad .
Press the power button begin to count down .
Note no need .
Turn on the vibration when transfer plate long press for five seconds to turn off the machine warning must operate under power failure .
Unplug the power open the dust plug , connect to the mug printing machine toggle the button upward plug the power long press for five seconds to open the machine .
Press the setting button the first time .
Then press plus minus to set the temperature .
Press the setting button again , then press plus minus to set the time .
Press the power button begin to count down .
Press the power button to turn off the beep .
Long press for five seconds to turn off the machine .
Unplug the power , unplug the mug printing machine .
Connect to the cap printing machine .
Plug the power long press for five seconds to open the machine .
Printing caps need to be pressed manually .
Press the power button begin to count down , press the power button to turn off the beep .