Let's talk about how to detoxify your lungs .
What is the best way ?
Ok .
We're talking about detoxifying pollution that chemicals from smoking .
And by the way , since you probably already know this , but there's 7000 chemicals in cigarette smoke at 250 are harmful and 69 are carcinogenic .
I mean , there's even a radioactive element in smoking , you have ammonia , you have formaldehyde , hydrogen cyanide and even cadmium , which is a heavy metal and you have firsthand smoking and then you have second hand smoking , right ?
But there's also thirdhand smoking , all the chemical particles that end up like on furniture , clothing that you come in contact with as well .
And of course , the goal of you probably watching this is to reduce your risk of cancer and things like that .
But there's another big problem that is associated with smoking and that is COPD , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .
12 million people in the United States have COPD .
So I'm gonna share some information on how to prevent that .
And if you have it , what to do to improve it .
But smoking is not the only issue here .
Uh , you have pollution air , you have cleaning supply chemicals .
You have mold and mildew in your house , you even have something called radon gas that can actually affect your lungs .
And then also if we compound that with pre-existing infections to the lung , it can lead to some major problems .
And just so , you know , like lung cancer doesn't always come from smoking .
It can be referred or they call it spread from other organs .
And so if your lung has inflammation in it , ok , it becomes a target for cancer because cancer tends to spread in areas of inflammation .
So the key thing with this video is all about inflammation in the lung and how to reduce it .
Because anytime you have inflammation , you then get scar tissue fibrosis and then it gets to a point where it becomes irreversible .
So when a toxin comes in contact with your lung tissue , um it irritates it , it's gonna start creating inflammation .
And then over time , if there's a chronic exposure to that toxin , you start developing fibrosis and you also , at the same time , get a lowered amount of your own antioxidants that are there to protect the lung .
So you have this insult or free radical damage situation and the lowering of the protective mechanism of your own body's antioxidants goes down .
But what a lot of people don't realize is that these chemicals that go into the lung go systemic , they don't stop at the lung and a lot of them end up in the liver .
So the liver is at the heart of the detoxification system .
So it's gonna take those poisons that are in uh cigarettes or pollution and it's going to dismantle them hopefully .
And it does this through a series of um enzyme interactions called phase one , phase two , phase three detoxification enzymes .
But it gets to a point where it becomes overloaded where the liver cannot uh keep up with this , especially if it's a chronic exposure to these chemicals .
The liver starts to develop uh inflammation .
It can even develop um fat from inflammation as you filled up the lungs with chemicals and pollution .
It can end up in the arteries and create a lot of heart problems .
But I think the key note here is chronic exposure .
Ok .
Chronic exposure , not exposure here and there that your liver can easily deal with this .
But it's just a routine chronic exposure over a long period of time .
That's where we have a problem .
Let's jump right into what to do about it .
There's some really interesting data on probably one of the best uh protective remedies for your lung as well as the liver .
And it's very different than what you're gonna find when you do searches on detoxifying your lungs .
Because normally they're gonna talk about , you know , herbs that help you stop coughing might decrease swelling .
But this other herb that I'm gonna mention is probably the most potent , not just because what it can do for your lung .
But what it can do for your liver and that herb is milk thistle .
Milk thistle is one of the best antidotes to poison .
So , if you poison yourself from either a snake bite or a poisonous mushroom or toxins or you're just taking medications , you should be taking milk thistle to protect the liver .
Well , just so happens that , that same protection occurs in your lungs as well .
So if you have COPD or you're a smoker or you're trying to repair your lungs , milk thistle is what you want to start taking because milk thistle is one of the best anti inflammatories .
It's the best protector against toxins and it's a really good remedy if you have COPD .
Um and also any type of liver problem .
Number two tocotrienols , this is a type of vitamin E that's like 50 times stronger than your regular vitamin E called the tocopherols .
So , tocotrienols are all about getting rid of uh free radical damage .
It's a very powerful antioxidant .
It's a very powerful anti-inflammatory and it's especially good to prevent fibrosis .
So that stage where you go from inflammation to scar tissue .
There's a lot of data that talks about tocotrienol , helping prevent the scar tissue in your arteries and then the liver , but also in your lungs .
So , tocotrienols are a number two remedy , especially uh to reduce inflammation .
And number three , vitamin D , you wanna take this probably in 20,000 I use .
But vitamin D is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and it's really good for COPD , any type of lung inflammation as well as any autoimmune diseases .
Now , there are some interesting links between COPD and autoimmune .
You may have antibodies against your own lung tissue if you have COPD and this is something you'd have to have tested .
But I want to bring it up because it is an issue .
And if you have antibodies that are creating this inflammation in your lungs , um this goes beyond just being exposed to toxins .
This is that your immune system that's misidentifying your lungs as a pathogen .
Vitamin D is gonna be very important in this additional remedy .
So , if you have antibodies against your own lung tissue , I'm gonna recommend a product from another company that I'm not affiliated with .
It's called Standard Process and the product is called pneumotropic PM G .
Just take one of those before bed and that can potentially act as a decoy .
So these antibodies can then attack it and not your lungs , giving your lungs a chance to heal and regenerate .
Now , since we're on the topic of good herbs to prevent inflammation , I think it would probably be appropriate to learn a little bit more about this milk thistle .
And for that , you should check this video right here .