Hey , psychy goers .
So we've created a couple of videos discussing the signs of manipulation and gaslighting , but we get it .
Sometimes , you overthink and still aren't entirely sure if it's gaslighting or manipulation .
So we decided to make a skit to show you exactly what that looks like in real time .
Let us know if you relate to any of these examples and dialogues .
Sign 1 , backhanded compliments .
Hey , you're cute .
Thanks .
But you're not that pretty .
That's not very nice .
Sign 2 , gaslighting or diminishing your emotions .
Oh my god .
Why are you so sensitive ?
I literally just said you're cute , just not that pretty .
Why would you say that ?
Side 3 .
Disguising insults as caring or tough love .
I'm just being honest .
I'm just telling the truth even if it hurts because I care .
Oh , I just got a text from Jack .
The guy you have a crush on ?
Yes .
He asked me out on a date .
I'll be seeing him later .
Sign 4 , undermines your wins .
Aw , I'm happy for you .
I think he likes you just because of your looks .
What's that supposed to mean ?
Gaslighting and diminishing your emotions again .
You're being sensitive again .
By the way , I think the leaf in your head looks ugly .
Oh , so shouldn't I just get it surgically removed ?
Sign 5 , contradictory or mixed messages , Disguising insults is tough love again .
Like I said , I'm just being truthful .
And no , sweetie .
You shouldn't get plastic surgery .
You should embrace who you are .
I have no words .
Sign 6 , more insults to gain control .
Are you seriously going to wear that on your first date ?
It's too casual .
You look ridiculous .
Why are you being so mean ?
And so it's disguised as care again .
I'm just helping you so that you won't be ridiculed by others for looking like that .
Listen .
The only person who's ridiculing me is you .
I've had enough of your BS .
Oops .
Jack just texted me saying he's here .
Goodbye .
Don't talk to me ever again .
Sign 7 , guilt tripping as the last resort .
You're gonna regret this .
I'm the only person who cares about you enough to tell you the truth .
You will never find a friend like me .
That's the whole point .
Bye .
You're so gonna regret this .
So , did you relate to any of these scenarios ?
What else have you experienced that is similar to this ?
Comment below .
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