Wanna talk about some interesting things related to vitamin c .
So the first question is , is ascorbic acid vitamin c ?
Well , according to the dictionary , it is , but there's an interesting change in the dictionary .
Apparently , in the older dictionaries , which I have quite a few different dictionaries , the definition of vitamin c is not ascorbic acid .
That was actually updated later in the dictionaries .
So if you're reading a recent edition of a dictionary , you're gonna find that a vitamin c is ascorbic acid .
But is it really ?
Does the type of , ascorbic acid sold in vitamins nowadays , is that very similar to the vitamin c that is in nature ?
Well , what you need to know is this , 80% of all the ascorbic acids sold in the world comes from China , and the rest of it is manufactured by mainly 2 other chemical companies , and they make it from glucose , from sugar .
And , other chemicals , sometimes they'll use sulfuric acid .
And the sugar usually comes from corn .
So is it possible that this manufactured chemical can be the same as the vitamin c you would get in nature ?
In my opinion , it is not the same .
It's actually very different .
Now , would I personally ever take a synthetic , ascorbic acid in certain dosage ?
Well , maybe for a detox cleanse , but definitely not as a routine thing .
But this video is about increasing your awareness on the type of vitamin c that you're probably might be taking , and just so you have all the data .
Because when someone tells you that there's no difference between synthetic ascorbic acid and vitamin C , they're both the same thing .
Well , actually , that's not a 100% true .
I'm gonna put this research right down below .
You can check it out .
Some real interesting data on vitamin c as far as the research , and the conclusion of a lot of the randomized controlled trials is that there is little to no benefit from taking high doses of ascorbic acid .
There's some mixed results with , lessening the side effects from cancer , but there is a lot of misinterpretation .
And again , I'm gonna put that data down below .
You should check it out .
So the research on colds , cancer , heart benefits , mortality , sports performance .
It's , very , very minimal , if zero benefit .
Now I think regarding colds , the reason why it may help you is because ascorbic acid is , acidic .
And I do know that taking an acid tends to , put the phagocytes in high gear .
It makes them work faster .
And the phagocytes are part of the immune system , and it help tends to clean up everything .
But you can do the same thing with outside of vinegar .
Why would you need to take , ascorbic acid ?
So number 1 , little to no benefit .
Number 2 , most the vitamin C sold out there is fake , and I'm talking about synthetic , of just one part of the vitamin c complex that come if we compare this to nature .
If we look in nature , vitamin c comes in a complex with different parts .
You have the antioxidant part , which is ascorbic acid .
You have you have other parts like bile flavonoids .
You have , the j factor , which helps , with oxygen , you have you have vitamin k , which is part of that complex , which helps decrease bleeding , and you also have copper in a certain enzyme form because most vitamin complexes come with a mineral .
But the point is that in nature , you have many , many other , parts of the vitamin c complex , not to mention all the final nutrients and , the plant based chemicals that we haven't even discovered yet as well .
We're constantly discovering new phytonutrients that come with different vitamins and minerals .
So if you were to look at , maybe the top 10 sold , vitamin C supplements on Amazon and look in the back of the label , you're gonna notice that they all say ascorbic acid , but they might add a pinch of rose hips , you know , but they're based on ascorbic acid in large quantities , either 500 milligrams to a 1000 or 2000 milligrams per serving size .
Now a normal RDA would be like something like 70 or 80 milligrams .
Okay ?
But you're getting 500 to over a 1000 milligrams of the synthetic version of a part of the whole vitamin C complex .
Now , this type of vitamin C is very , very inexpensive .
It's very , very cheap .
And this is why when you buy synthetic vitamin C , it's gonna be , like , might be 5 , 7 , $10 for a whole bottle .
Well , that's because the ingredients .
So when you get a vitamin , it's very , very important to read the label to make sure that it's not synthetic .
Now , of course , I'm not biased of my vitamin c , but I wanted to point out 2 things .
Number 1 , does it come from real food ?
Is it a vitamin complex ?
And does it actually list the type of food that's on there ?
Does it come from blueberries , acerola berry , strawberry , etcetera ?
And then what form does it come in ?
Is it freeze dried ?
Is it organic ?
Or is it just conventional ?
These are all important factors because the thing about vitamin c is that , it's destroyed with heat and light .
And so this is why when you drink orange juice that's been pasteurized , cooked , you're getting very little vitamin c , unless they add the ascorbic acid back in it as a preservative .
The best type of vitamin c that you can get is from food or food based vitamins .
And the food that has the highest vitamin c are going to be leafy greens .
It could be in the berries .
It can also be in lemons , as well as their peel .
But you can also get vitamin c from organ meats , liver , kidney , adrenal glands , even brain .
But the problem is , a lot of people don't like organ meats .
But then again , a lot of people don't like vegetables too .
So there's a couple foods that are really , really high in vitamin c , peppers , sauerkraut .
But if you're gonna buy a very cheap vitamin c supplement , realize what you're really getting is you're just getting plain ascorbic acid , which is made chemically from corn and sulfuric acid .
Now another point I wanna bring up about vitamin c is that , it doesn't really get absorbed that well if you're consuming sugar at the same time .
So if your vitamin c is a true bull and it has sugar in it , like fructose or glucose or high fructose corn syrup or maltodextrin , which by the way , many times the way that they , dry this ascorbic acid out in the chemical companies is they use a spray agent called maltodextrin .
So we're adding this ascorbic acid with maltodextrin , which is a sugar , and that's gonna impair the absorption of vitamin C .
Now why ?
Well , it's because the chemistry of vitamin C is very , very similar to the chemistry of glucose .
And so if if the body has a chance , it's always gonna go after the glucose first before the vitamin c .
So if you're taking some refined carbs or sugar , at the same time you're taking vitamin c , you're not gonna absorb vitamin c .
Now the next point I wanna bring up is if someone's using a megadose of ascorbic acid , and they're using it as an antioxidant , there's some some interesting data that this so called antioxidant turns into a pro oxidant .
It creates more oxidation .
And that really has to do with antioxidants in nature always come as a network , not as an individual antioxidant .
So as soon as this antioxidant donates its electron , now it becomes unstable .
It becomes a free radical .
But ascorbic acid , a lot of times , will give you diarrhea , bloating , and it can even act as a pro oxidant , not as an antioxidant .
So in summary , it's best to get your vitamin c from actual food or food based vitamins , not the synthetic version of a part of the vitamin c complex , unless you're doing maybe a short term cleanse , but you don't wanna take it on a long term basis .
Now , if you haven't seen my video on what vitamin c actually does , I put that up right here .
Check it out .