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2023-07-20 13:06:07

Gentle Beginner Yoga Flow _ 30 Minute Full Body Stretch

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Thank you so much for joining me for this practice today and we'll go ahead and get started .

So , unroll your yoga mat .

If you don't have a mat , that's fine .

You can practice on a carpet or a rug .

But go ahead and come down into a comfortable crosslegged seat route down through the sit bones , rest the hands and the arms wherever they're most comfortable lengthen through the spine , close the eyes and go ahead and take a couple of deep full breaths here , sending the breath down into the belly .

As you feel the ribs expand , relax the shoulders away from the ears and soften the face .

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After a few deep breaths , go ahead and close the mouth and start to breathe evenly in and out through the nose , maintaining the steady rhythm of breath throughout the remainder of the practice today .

And then with your next breath , gently blink the eyes open , reach the arms out wide and then up overhead palms touch as you exhale , place your right hand down beside you and reach your left arm up and over breathing into the left side body .

Try to keep your chest slightly open towards the sky .

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Breathe as you inhale , come back through center exhale , left hand comes down , inhale right arm up again , keeping the gaze and the chest lifted , set bones rooting down into the ground .

Inhale back through center and again , right hand will come down and reach the left arm up this time .

If it feels good , you can come down on the forearm .

Finding a slightly different variation here , inhale back through center exhale , switch sides again , lowering down to the forearm .

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If that feels good , breathe in between the ribs , inhale straighten the spine palms touch overhead exhale , twist to the right , the right arm will come behind you and left arm will come to the opposite knee .

Inhale back through center palms , touch overhead exhale , twisting to the left this time , try to keep the neck neutral head relaxed , shoulder soft .

We'll do this once more on each side .

Inhale back through center exhale , twist to the right this time , inhale to lengthen through the spine .

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And as you exhale , twist to the right a little bit deeper , could inhale back through center exhale , twist to the left inhale to lengthen through the spine , grow tall through the crown of the head .

Exhale twists deeper .

Inhale , facing forward , palm's touch , exhale hands down through heart center , bring your hands into a fist and start to roll your wrists around .

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I was finding these small gentle circles continuing to breathe in and out through the nose , switch directions of your circles and then slowly release your hands back down , start to roll the head in one direction , rolling out the neck , keeping the shoulders relaxed and try to maintain awareness of your posture .

Try to keep the spine nice and tall and switch directions of your circles moving in the opposite way .

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Now and from here , bring your head back to center .

We're going to come into isolated neck stretches .

So bring your right ear to your right shoulder and gently use your right hand to draw the ear closer towards your shoulders .

So getting a stretch in the left side of the neck and release will switch sides , left ear , left shoulder , left hand will come just above the right ear .

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Breathe into the right side of the neck , relaxing other areas of the body and slowly release , bringing your head back to center will come onto hands and knees for tabletop posts .

So stacking shoulders over wrists and hips over knees , spread your fingers nice and wide .

Press into your palms and your knuckles coarse , slightly engaged .

We'll move through our cats and cows here .

So as you inhale , drop the belly lift the gaze as you exhale , push the floor away with your hands round through the upper back , chin to chest , inhale , tail bone lifts , belly drops , exhale , tuck the tailbones in the chest .

Good .

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Keep moving through this flow at your own pace .

Just warming up the spine flowing with your breath .

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I had just a couple more rounds here and we'll come back to a neutral spine , finding tabletop , walk your hands forward , come into melting heart poses , press the palms and forearms down into the ground as you lower your forehead towards the grounds , breathing into the chest and the shoulders , keeping the belly slightly tucked up towards the spine .

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Core engaged , relaxing the face with your next breath , lift yourself back up to tabletop , tuck your toes under , send the hips back towards the heels and then lift the hips straighten out the legs downward , facing dog , pushing into the hands , rooting down through the feet .

You can have a slight bend in your knees here .

If you need to and your heels don't have to be reaching for the ground .

Relax the head and neck in between the arms , feel the steep stretch in the back of the hamstring muscles and then we'll start to pedal out through the feet .

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So bend your left knee straighten out the right leg and then switch , bending into the right knee , left leg straightens and switch .

So keep peddling out through the feet here .

Alternating the bend in each knee .

Hips still lifted high arms and engage .

I come back to a normal downward dog and then walk your feet towards the front of the mat .

Inhale halfway lift , flatten your back , exhale forward folds .

We'll do that twice more .

Inhale to halfway .

Lift hands can come to the shins or the thighs and then exhale , release once more .

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Inhale , lift the gaze halfway , lift and exhale fold , root down through the feet .

Inhale , come all the way up to stand .

Palms , touch overhead , exhale hands to the hearts Mountain pose , release the arms alongside the body feet , hip with distance apart .

Gay is ahead of you .

Palm's face forward .

Tadaa Mountain post root down through your feet .

We're going to come into our balancing pose , tree poses .

So we're going to start standing on the right leg and we're going to bend the left knee .

You can place the sole of your left foot , either inside of your shin or inside of your thigh and you can use your hands for support here .

Make sure your right hip stays tucked in , make sure it's not popping out .

Then you're strong through your standing right leg .

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Gaze out ahead of you and then bring your hands to heart .

Center lengthen through the crown of your head and soften the shoulders down .

Come back to your breath .

One more breath here .

Amazing .

Slowly release your left foot down to the mats .

Take a big breath in , reach the arms up over a head and exhale forward , fold , hinge from the hips .

Inhaled a halfway lift flat back and exhale .

Step your left foot back , planting your hands come up into high lunge .

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So find your foundation , squeeze the inner thighs together and then reach the arms up overhead shoulders stacked over the hips and you're facing the fronts , pressing your hips down , core , engaged palm's face towards each other .

Feel the steep stretch in your left hip .

Flexor holds and then as you exhale , open up into warrior two , so your back foot will spin flat and you're opening up to the left side , keep the shoulders stacked over the hips .

Good arms extended out wide gaze over your front , middle finger from here will come into triangle pose , straighten out your front leg .

Your right hand will come down as you reach your left arm up .

Keep a micro bend in your front knee , gaze up at your fingertips .

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Inhale , come back into warrior two .

Bend into your front knee will come into reverse .

Warrior , flip your front palm and lean back , left hand will come to the back leg as you reach your right bicep towards your ear .

Palm , face down towards the grounds .

Keep a soft bend in the front knee .

Breathe into the right side body and then come back into warrior two , God , bring your hands to your hips , turn to face the long ways of your mat and then turn to face the back of your mat .

Step to the top , root down through the feet .

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Inhale , reach the arms up overhead , exhale forward , folds , inhaled a halfway lift and a half and he'll come up to San , reach the arms up over had palm's touch , exhale hands down through the hearts coming into mountain pose , feet , hip with distance apart , palm's face forward .

And then we'll come into a tree pose this time standing on the left leg , bending your right knee and placing the sole of your foot either inside of your left thigh or lower inside of your left shin or even down on the grounds .

Bring your hands to heart center , find your balance and then gaze out ahead of you .

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If you'd like to challenge yourself , you can close your eyes , breathe here and again , make sure that left hip isn't popping out to the side .

Keep it tucked in towards your midline one more breath and then slowly release your right foot back down , inhale , arms up , exhale forward , folds , inhale halfway lift , exhale , step your right foot back , come into a high lunge , grinding down through your left foot and back toes .

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As you reach your arms up overhead shoulders stacked over the hips , gazing out ahead of you take two deep breaths here and on your last exhale , open up into Warrior two , bending into your left knee , gazing out ahead of you , keep the weight even between the front and the back leg straighten out your front leg for triangle pose , left hand will come down as you reach your right arm up , breathe into the side body , stay rooted down through the feet on your next inhale .

Lift yourself back up , come into warrior two .

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Flip your friend palm , reverse warrior leaning towards the back .

Right hand comes to the back leg , left bicep to ear , transition back into Warrior two , bring your hands to your hips , turn to face the long ways of your mats preparing for a wide legged forward folds .

So widen your stance here , toes and heals out , inhale lengthen through the spine .

And as you exhale , fold forward in between the legs soft , bend in the knees , bring your hands down parallel to your feet and relax the crown of your head towards the grounds .

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Breathe into the backside body , soften the neck and the shoulders with your next inhale halfway lift , bring your feet back in , bend the knees and then bring your hands to your hips .

Turn back to the front of your mat , step forward and he reach the arms up , exhale , fold forward and hail halfway lift , exhale , plant your hands , step back to downward facing dog .

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Slowly lower your knees down to the grounds and will come into child's pose , spread the knees as wide as his comfortable big toe touch , reach the arms out in front of you and rest your forehead down .

Just take a few moments here to come back to your breath .

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Notice how your body feels one more breath here in your child's po and then slowly lift yourself back up , coming through table top , cross your ankles and come into a seat .

Extend both legs out in front of you root down through your sit bones .

And from here , we'll keep the right leg straight , bend the left knee .

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So the sole of your foot is flat on the grounds , reach your left arm behind you in how reach the right arm up and as you exhale , twist to the left , hooking your right tricep to the outer edge of your left knee .

Gazing back behind you breathe into the low bat slowly release , come back through center , extend your left leg long and bend your right knee , hugging it in towards your chest .

Your right hand comes behind you .

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Inhale left arm up , exhale , twist to the right gently , come back through center and twisting .

This time will come into butterfly poses .

So bend both knees , bring the soles of the feet together , opening up the hips , wrap your hands either around your ankles or your feet .

Inhale lengthen through your spine , tilt your tailbone forward slightly .

And then as you exhale hinge from the hips forward , full , relax the upper body completely .

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If that's more comfortable for you lead with your hearts and then relax your head and neck down .

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Relax the arms alongside the body of pums , face down feet , hip with distance apart .

Now with your next inhale , you're going to press into your hands and your feet to lift your hips up towards the sky .

So as you inhale , lift the hips press into the feet , gently , squeeze the inner thighs together , keeping your chin tucked in towards your chest , relaxing the gaze core engaged and then slowly lower hips back down to the mats .

I will do that once more here .

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So as you inhale , press into the feet , lift the hips gently engage the backside body , the muscles along the spine , the glutes holding for three to one gently release the hips and the spine back down to the map .

Slowly a windshield wiper the leg .

So just dropping the knees over to the left side , lifting them back up and dropping them over to the right and then keep alternating here .

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So just twisting the body to one side and then the other , bring your feet back to center coming into .

So pine Pigeon , you're going to cross the right ankle on top of your left thigh , keeping your left foot flat on the grounds , actively pressing the right knee away from the body to get a stretch in the right hip .

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So cross left ankle on top of right thigh , actively pressing the left knee away , shoulder blades relaxed into the grounds .

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We'll come into happy baby , bringing your arms inside of your legs , fingertips towards the outer edges of the feet , opening the knees out wide to get a stretch in your hips gently rock from side to side if that feels good .

And when you're ready , I'll slowly release the feet back down and come into our final resting pose .

Extend your legs out wide , take up as much space as you'd like and rest the arms alongside the body of Po's face up with the eyes closed .

We'll find a few cleansing breaths .

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Feeling the rise and fall of the belly , the weight of the legs , the softness of the toes and the fingers feel your entire backside body melting into the earth .

Giving yourself full permission to rest and relax .

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Feel free to stay here in Shabana for a little bit longer .

Otherwise , if you're ready to come out , slowly begin to wiggle the fingers and the toes begin to gently deepen your breath , reach the arms up overhead a point and flex the feet , finding a full body stretch .

And then when you're ready , hug your knees into your chest and gently lift yourself back up , coming into a comfortable seated position .

Wherever you are , allow yourself to keep the eyes closed and the body relax is taking a moment to tune back into yourself and notice how you feel .

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Take a moment to thank yourself for showing up today for finding time for yourself and for your practice .

And thank you so much for choosing to practice with me .

We'll bring our hands together at heart center , prayer position .

Now must stay .

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and I hope to see you in the next class soon .


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