OK .
Before we take our first step in salsa , I'm going to talk about posture .
Posture is very important when you're dancing .
Salsa .
The key things to remember here are to keep your head up shoulders , back , your hands above your waist and your feet slightly apart .
The first step we're going to teach you is called the Mumbo Break or simply forward and back .
The leaders start off on the left foot going forward .
It looks like this 123567123567 .
Now that you've seen the Mumbo Break , I'm going to show you the step from the back .
So you get a better understanding of it .
So it's forward on your left for one , making sure that the weight is transferred on your left leg down on two together on three , pause on four , back on your right for five .
Again , making sure the weight is transferred on your right leg down on six together on seven , pause on eight .
So it's 123 , pause 567 , pause 123 , pause 567 , pause .
So it's 123 , pause 567 , pause and again , 123 , pause 567 .
Pause .
So let's dance this three more times .
Then Rita will continue with the followers .
Steps .
Here we go 123567123567123567 .
When dancing together , the leader takes a follower's right hand in his left with his right hand , he places it on the small of her back like so the follower then places her left hand on the leader's right shoulder with a thumb in front and four fingers behind .
Let's dance this three times .
56567 and 123 .
Pause 567 .
Pause 123 , pause 567 .
Pause 123 , pause 567 , pause 56567 and 123567123567123567 .
Ok .
So that was your mambo break .
Let's continue now with the second step , the side travel .