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2023-07-20 13:36:44

Partner Yoga Stretch for ALL levels, ages & sizes (beginners, couples & kids too!)

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Welcome to partner yoga for this practice today .

You will need a comfortable open space large enough for two partners to practice in and either a yoga mat on the ground or you can also use just carpet .

You will also need a partner today .

I will bring in my producer Claire .

Hi , Claire , your partner can be any level of yoga and any size difference from you .

But between you and your partner select the smaller partner to be partner A and the bigger partner to be partner .

B , if you're the same size , then just choose one as a and the other is b now let's begin , meet me in a seated position , facing each other , cross at your ankles with your knees together or close enough .

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And if it helps , you can always sit on top of a pillow or a folded blanket with your hands in your lap , sit up tall , relax your shoulders , make eye contact with your partner and without saying a word , use your eye contact to say thank you for being here with me today .

And now for a twist , both of you twist to your left , placing your right hand to your left knee and wrap your left arm around behind you to hook onto your clothing onto your thigh or just place the back of your hand against the back of your right hip .

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Now reach your red arm forward to grab onto your partner's fingers , the ones that are wrapping around behind them , make sure you're sitting up tall , so you're not rounding in your spine and continue twisting through your shoulders , left shoulder back , right shoulder forward , turn your chin over your left shoulder and take a couple of deep breaths within this twist , then gently release your partner's hand , come back to center and we'll switch sides this time .

Twist to your right place your left hand to your right knee , wrap your right arm around behind you to hook onto clothing or your thigh or just place the back of your hand against the back of your hip .

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Now reach your left hand forward to grab onto your partner's fingers .

Sit up tall , relax your shoulders , turn your right shoulder back , left shoulder forward and turn your chin over your right shoulder for a couple of deep breaths and gently release your partner's fingers coming back to center and scoot your hips away from each other as you straighten out your legs , bringing the soles of your feet together to touch .

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Now , partner a bend your knees as you scoot your hips in towards partner B so that the two of you can grab each other's arms .

Partner B , you're gonna move into a deep forward fold and it might help to give a little bend to your knees .

So partner B , lean forward at your hips as partner A leans back , slightly , giving a gentle pull .

If at any point , you've reached your edge and you don't want your partner to pull you any more than partner .

B , tap on your partner's wrist to let them know partner A , you are here to act as a support as a gentle guide and to create a safe space .

So communicate with each other if you need more or less and then deepen your breath .

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Partner B enjoy the stretch three to one slowly rise .

And this time , partner B bend your knees , pulling your knees in towards you .

As partner A straightens their legs out .

And when you're ready , partner , a slowly lean forward as partner B , gently leans back , pulling partner a forward and it might not look like much , but it is a lot .

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So partner , a tap your partner's wrist to let them know when it's time to stop and just hold you in place or tell them if you need a little slack , take your time as you relax , allowing your head to hang heavy , releasing the tension in your hips and legs deepen your breath and explore the stretch and notice how if you relax , you may be able to go just a little bit deeper .

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Three , two , one , take your time to rise and then release each other's hands and place your hands behind you to support you as you straighten your legs up towards the ceiling soles of your feet against your partner's feet .

Now , if you need to , you can shift your hips closer towards each other or further away from each other to find the position that serves you .

But with your hands planted behind you do your best to lift up through your chest and roll your shoulders open .

And this can be your variation of about today or if you'd like to go for a challenge one hand at a time , reach towards your partners so that you can clasp hands and hold each other up , holding your chest up with your legs , straight shoulders open .

This is your boat .

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It's beautiful and strong and you're here for three to one , keep your legs up and slowly lower your hands down behind you to support you .

Now , with your feet still together , begin to open your legs up like a v and then slowly lower your legs all the way down towards the ground so that you can meet up in a wide leg forward , fold with the soles of your feet together .

Now adjust so that you can both sit up tall .

This is a good place to sit on top of a folded blanket .

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If you feel like there's a lot of rounding at your lower back , then reach forward and grab onto your partner's hands and partner B , you will lean forward as partner A , you will lean back in partner A .

You are giving a gentle pull on partner B until they tap on your wrist to tell you to stop and then just hold them there and use your breath deep and calm , to encourage your partner to breathe deep and calm .

Partner .

B , let your head hang heavy , relax your shoulders , relax your jaw , relax any tensing in your hips and thighs and see if you can hinge forward at your hips .

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Just a little deeper or three , two , one slowly rise .

And then this time partner A , you will lean forward , hinging at your hips .

And partner B you will lean back giving a gentle pull on partner A's arms until they tap your wrist to let you know when and then it's your job to hold them in place or give them the slack that they ask for in partner .

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A calm deep breaths , relax what you don't need , soften your shoulders , your jaw and see if you can hinge a little deeper at your hips and enjoy the stretch for a few more deep breaths and slowly rise .

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Release your partner's hands , pull your knees in towards your chest and then straighten your legs out to the left of your partner and come to lie down on your back to the left of your partner , opposite of each other , then pull your right knee in towards your chest and hold it in place as you relax everything else for a half win position to give your lower back a chance to reset .

And then for a twist , pull your right knee across your body and extend your right arm straight out from your side and you might touch your partner that's ok .

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And relax a little deeper with each exhale .

Make your way back to center and switch with your left knee .

Pulling in right leg long , hold your left knee into place for your half wing position .

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Relax into your lower back , your shoulders , even the muscles around your jaw and face to add on your twist , pull your left knee across your body , be mindful of your partner and reach your left arm straight out from your side .

The purpose of your twists are not to strain into place for a deeper stretch , but to relax into place for a deeper stretch .

So relax and breathe .

You're almost done and take your time as you come back to center and pull both knees into your chest for a full wind position .

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If it feels good , you can just hold on to your knees or separate your knees a little wider or rock a little side to side and then release your legs long for s Shabana with your legs out long down on the ground , your arms down by your sides , close your eyes , feel your breath soft and effortless .

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First , wiggle your fingers and toes , then reach your arms overhead and take a long body stretch one at a time .

Pull your knees in towards your chest and curl up on your left side into a fetal position .

Using your hands , press yourself up to seated and come into a seated position facing your partner with your knees touching or close enough , bring your hands together at heart center and sit up tall , close your eyes .

And this Numa day is one that you will share with your partner .

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Meaning from the place inside of me that is grateful and playful and has your back to that place inside of you .

A gentle bow and Nama well done .

Hi , I'm Sarah Beth and I'm here to help you get fit happy and healthy through yoga .

If you enjoyed this video , you're gonna love my free seven day beginner yoga challenge with simple beginner level yoga videos to help you get fit and flexible fast .

All you need to do to get access to this challenge is click the first link in the comments below , enter your name and email and I'll instantly send you the challenge calendar and all the details .

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Have a good day .


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