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2023-07-20 13:37:33

Yoga For Beginners At Home (30 min) 30 Day Challenge Day 22

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Hello there .

It's Leslie Fike master and welcome to Day 22 in our 30 day challenge for beginners .

So you can start sitting , we'll start sitting with the shins cross and just a reminder , you can sit up on something to lengthen your spine like I am sitting on a block and then take your hands together in front of your heart .

This is called , it's a of reverence and take a moment to set an intention for your practice .

Well , as always , all of your intentions are welcome .

So I'm moving the block out of the way , coming onto hands and knees , wrists under shoulders with knees under hips .

Today , I'm gonna tuck my toes under in my table .

It makes it feel a little bit different and he'll bring the chest forward and exhale around the back and then take the hips all the way back to the heels .

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So it feels a little different with the toes tucked under .

If you don't like it , it's fine .

You can take the tops of your feet down instead inhale , bring the chest forward again .

Aha .

Will begin to round the back and take the hips to the heels and again , inhale , wind through the collar bones , lifting chin and tail bone up and exhale around the back , take the hips all the way back to the heels , keeping the arms extended .

And once again , Ian Hill forward , chest expands , tailbone , lifts , exhale round in the back and then come to neutral spine and walk your right foot forward .

You can always pick it up and help it along right knee over ankle for low lunch .

This time , definitely tuck your back toes under , gives it a little more stability .

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So we're pulling the right hip back , sending the left hip forward as you draw your lower belly in , then bring your left hand to the floor and inhale right arm up .

I've got my left hand on a block because it gives me more space in my twist .

I want to keep the hips level and bring the tow above the waist .

So right hip pulls back .

Now next , inhale , straighten the right leg and lengthen over it for half minoa , half splits .

Also , if you have blocks handy here , you put one hand on each of your blocks and that will again , give you more space , draw the right hip back gently .

So that again , your hips are level and then sinking in again into low lunge .

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Walk that right knee back , inhale , step your left foot up by your left hand , keeping the right toes tucked under right knee down and pat up the right knee if it needs any padding , inhale , come on up , tailbone will lengthen down hip bones , lift , spin the triceps forward , draw the front ribs down as you lift up , avoiding that arch in the lower back .

So it's a variation and an arch .

But today , we will avoid it to right hand down .

Inhale left arm up and twist or put the right hand on your block .

So as you inhale , create length and as you exhale twist , let's take another breath here .

Now , I didn't realize I could do yoga with a hat on , but it's gonna unwind and straighten the left leg length .

And as you inhale , exhale fold , but I was just practicing a little and I did a down dog and it stayed on and I said , well , why not ?

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It's a little chilly , a little windy .

So that's why I've got a hat .

Keep pulling your left hip back and the left toes pull back as well .

Then rebind the knee , move the blocks out of the way if they're there and make your way back into table tucking the toes under , still walk your hands a little in front of the shoulders and then lift up and back into downward facing dog and then start to bend one knee and the other .

As you bicycle your legs and your down dog , make sure to spread your fingers wide , press down into the base of the fingers , arms or shoulders distance apart as you press into the base of the fingers .

Lift up through the forms , bend both knees now stretch back as much as you can and then straighten the legs as much as they will .

Arms and ears are in line , spin your inner thighs back as you reach down through the heels .

Gaze between your knees or feet .

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Next inhale , come forward into plank , reach your tail on toward the heels .

You can always take the knees down if you wish chest will come forward .

Shoulder blades relax toward the waist .

Now , everybody take your knees down , shift forward about an inch lower to your belly .

As you exhale , then hands will be by low ribs in Hal cobra coming to the tops of the feet and then as you exhale , tuck your toes press up and back for downward facing dog .

So our practices are getting just a little bit longer .

Now , please feel free to push the pause button and rest whenever you like look forward step or hop your feet up , inhale length in the spine .

Exhale and fall , bend the knees as needed .

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Press down through the feet to rise up as you inhale and exhale hands to heart and feet together or hips with a part finding to do a press evenly through the feet and then lift up through the inner and outer arches of your feet .

Spin your inner thighs back and dry your tailbone down , draw the belly in and up , lift the chest inhale , sweep your arms out around and up .

Aha hinge from your hips and fold over the legs in health .

And as needed halfway lift length in the spine , exhale , bend the knee , plan , your palms come to plank chest forward .

So we're gonna hold plank today a little bit .

Always put the knees down if you wish .

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And otherwise you'll lift the backs of the knees up , shift forward , knees up or down , will lower halfway shoulders , no lower than elbows .

And then all the way down , inhaling into cobra pose and then exhale , pressing up and back into down dog .

You may have noticed that I left my knees off the floor as I pressed up and then back into down dog can try that if you wish .

It takes a fair amount of strength .

So always feel free to keep your knees down as you make that transition .

Look forward , step your feet up , inhale halfway up , exhale and fold , press with the feet , rise up with a nice long spine , spin your triceps forward and , and again in , he'll sweep the arms out around and up .

Exhale , fold forward , hinging from your hips .

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Inhale , lengthen the spine , look up , exhale , step back into plank and hold couple breaths here and plank .

So in Plank pose , it's a great pose to build strength in the arms and the shoulders .

But also make sure you're using your belly muscles and your leg muscles as much as you can So your arms and shoulders don't have to do it all .

Then shift forward , knees , up or down shoulders , no lower than elbows .

Inhaling .

If you're an updo , thighs and knees are off the floor and then exhale back into down dog , you may always choose co propose instead of upward facing dog , I'll come back to steady breathing here and he'll lift the right leg and bend the knee , open up the hip just for a moment and then square off the hips .

Looking forward , draw the knee in , keep pressing away from the floor and then step it up right in the middle of the hands , not the knee , but the ankle .

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Take the arms out to a tee or warrior two , line up your front heel and back arch and be sure your knee is over your ankle .

Keep lifting through the lower belly as you drop your right hip down toward the floor .

Gaze over the fingertips , press the back thighs straight back .

Now , drop the left arm , reverse , stretching the side body , bend into the right knee a little inhale to come up , lean forward , right form to right thigh .

Reach the left arm in line with the ear spinning left tricep down .

If you'd like , you could also take the right hand to your block on the pinky toe side of the right foot .

So make one long line from your fingertips all the way down to the outer edge of your back foot .

And then length and from your right hip to right armpit and then inhale warrior too .

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And exhale , windmill the arms down , slowly back into plank and then pause , slowly chattering a knees up or down inhale to cobra or into up dog and then tuck the toes downward , facing dog .

Inhale , left leg lifts , exhale , bend the knee and open up through the hip .

So every once in a while , it feels nice to open up the hip square off the hips and knee toward no shoulders over wrist .

Then lightly step the left foot up , spin the back foot flat .

Inhale for warrior two again , making sure you are lined up heel to arch back arms as high as your front arm and the knee points straight ahead .

Keep the lower belly lifted as you draw your left sitting bone down .

Now drop the right arm , reverse , stretch out the side body .

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Keep bending through the front knee inhale up , get some length and then left form to left thigh , right arm up and over .

Spin your right tricep forward .

You can keep form on the thigh or take the left hand to the block on the pinky toe side .

And again , see if you can make one long line from your fingertips all the way out to the outer edge of your back foot .

As you press through the outer edge of the back foot , be sure to draw the outer ankle in and up in hell .

Warrior too .

Exhale and windmill the arms down .

Come to plank .

Pause a moment .

Tail on toward heels .

Lift the backs of the knees , pull the belly in , knees can be up or down and then shift forward .

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Teranga , inhale upward dog or cobra , shoulders and wrists and lining up dog , exhale , tuck the toes for down , dog .

Take a few breaths here if you want a break , take your knees down to rest and push the pause button .

If you want a little longer break , look up , let's stop the feet to the hands in how length them and then exhale fold , press down as you rise up in healing and some exhale come back to steady balance or to do at the front of your map .

Now , inhale , bending the knees , try to touch your fingertips to the floor if you can and then drop the tailbone down with a and a sit back and exhale hands to heart .

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Lean forward , sweep your right arm across as you inhale , pull the right hip back length in the spine as you exhale , twist , bring your palms in toward the center of the chest .

So you can take a look at the knees of the right knee is ahead of the left .

That just means pull the right hip back and then back to center , fold in hands .

Don't have to touch the floor , inhale length , them fingertips down , drop the hips , sit back , inner thighs , spin down shins , press back , then hands to heart , lean forward first and then exhale .

Hook your left arm across as you inhale .

See if you can find some length through the spine .

As you exhale , you'll twist from above the waist , try and lengthen from your navel all the way up to your chest and then fold over the legs , hips over heels .

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If the legs can straighten , take your feet hips with a part now and take the opposite arms as you gently rock side to side ragged pose , the crown of the head reaches down to lengthen the neck , knees can be bent here .

Weight will be in the heels if they are inhale , come halfway up feet together .

If you normally do exhale , grab your hip bones , inhale , come back up to standing .

Let's come back into , to do a post at the front of the mat , closing the eyes , reconnect with your breath and your intention and inhale , bending the knees into it and a chair again and exhale fault .

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Inhale , lengthen , exhale , step back , chatter on the knees up or down totally up to you .

Inhale for a cobra or into upward dog exhale .

Make your way into down dog .

Inhale right leg lifts from the inner thigh .

This time will keep level hips , exhale knee toward the nose , shoulders over wrists and then step the right foot up by the right hand , stand on the ball of your back foot and inhale , come up to high lunge or crescent post , draw your right hip back and reach up through all four sides of the waist bend , the left knee , drop your tailbone , lift your hip points up and then keep that as you straighten the back leg belly strong in .

Now , exhale hover over your front leg and keep pulling your right hip back .

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Then with all that length , hook your left arm across , take an inhale , create space and length .

As you exhale twist , there is a tendency to create compression of your belly on the right thigh .

See if you can keep it lifted , then squeeze the hips .

Come on up on your inhale back into crescent hover over the front leg again just for a moment and step back into plank through chatter .

Or you can always skip it and go to down dock , inhale , press up and exhale stretch back .

Left leg lifts on the inhale , level hips , exhale knee toward no shoulders over wrist and then step your left foot lightly by the left hand , stay on the ball of the back foot , bending the back knee for a moment , tilt the pelvis forward , zip in through the belly to pull it in and then reach up tricep , spinning forward .

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So the tail bone will drop down as the hip points will lift , stretch up through all four sides of your waist , pulling the left hip back gently , then hinge forward from the hips hover over the leg , bringing your right arm across as you inhale .

See if you can make some length through the spine as you exhale , start to twist from above the waist .

The belly will turn a little rib cage some more chest can turn the most little baby back , bend in the upper back .

The shoulder blades will move toward the chest .

Inhale .

Come on up into crescent exhale , hover over the front leg for a moment again and then bring the hands down , step to plank lower chatter or just go right into down dog inhaling for up dog and exhaling back for down dog reconnect with your breath .

And then let's take the knees down into little child's toes .

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So notice my toes are still tucked under .

I gotta tell you the truth .

I got my toes done and I didn't want to mess them up , but it is a really nice variation to tuck the toes under .

So come up to the knees , look forward or come to down dog .

Step the feet up , take and inhale lengthen and exhale fold .

Be the knees , drop the hips which kaa sit back and then to standing back to 10 .

So taking a moment again to find your center , let's take two blocks toward the front of the mat and have those handy .

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If you don't have blocks , use something , you can use water bottles or cans and shift the weight into the left foot as you pick up your right foot for tree pose for chana right foot , anywhere above or below the knee , find a gazing point something that's not moving and then inhale , sweep the arms up as you reach through the arms spin the triceps forward .

Keep drawing your frontal ribs down and in and lift through the back ribs stretch them up , then point the knee to the front , extend the right leg forward .

Any amount doesn't have to be high , drop the right hip down without touching it to the floor .

Start to take that right leg back from the inner thigh .

Try and keep the hips level to warrior three .

Then inhale .

Come on back to standing hands where at heart it's a little easier than arms by ears .

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You can do either right foot down , pick the left foot up anywhere above or below the knee .

Take the hands together in front of the heart as you get your balance and then inhale , sweep the arms up , drop down through the left hip and pin your right hip in towards the center .

So you're drawing the right hip in stretch up tall through all four sides of the waist arrow straight arms , triceps will spin forward another breath here and inhale , point the knee toward the front of the mat .

Exhale , extend the leg , lift the leg any amount but continue to drop the left hip down and draw the right hip in towards center .

Now start to draw the leg back once you get halfway lifted from the inner thigh , hands that hearts a little easier , drop the outer left hip down so that your hips stay level .

Inhale , come back to center .

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So once you extend that leg back , it's harder to keep the hips level .

But we want to inhale , bend the knees and then press into the right foot .

Lift the left leg up slowly from the inner thigh .

Stretch that leg back and come onto the ball , the foot .

Now you're in crescent , make your adjustments so that your right knee is over the ankle and pull the right hip back again , drawing the belly in , keep long through the back and tailbone and hover here , torso over the leg , grab those blocks and inhale .

Lift the left leg up from the inner thigh line up your wrist underneath your shoulders .

Now take your right hand to the lower back as you inhale , create length through the spine .

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As you exhale , start to twist , belly turns a little rips a little more chest the most and then maybe stretch the right arm up .

Keep reaching through the back leg like you're pressing it into a wall , then return your hands to the blocks and come back to center feet together and sit back into lifting the right leg , finding balance , step back from the inner thighs , your hips are nice and level , make your adjustments .

So the left knee is over the ankle tailbone drops down , belly lifts , spin the triceps forward and breathe here , then hovering over the front thigh , bring hands to blocks and now lift that right leg from the inner thigh .

It wants to open that hip wants to open .

So drop the outer right hip down , then bring left hand to low back .

Right hand stays on the block .

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Start to twist belly ribs , chest and then extend up through the left hand .

That right leg continues to press back , toes point straight down to help keep your hips level .

Or you turn your left hand to the block and step your feet together .

Twisted half moon , take your feet hips with a part and grab your big toes with your first two fingers .

Inhale to lengthen and then exhale , fold forward .

If that's a little too intense , then grab your opposite elbows and gently rock from side to side .

So twisted half moon pose is Rita AICA .

So move those blocks out of the way if they're in the front of the map in how come halfway up ?

Exhale , step back into plank pose .

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Pausing here a moment or knees can be down and she'd pause if you're getting tired , then shift forward an inch .

Chat slowly lower all the way down to the floor , bring your hands right alongside your body , palms facing the legs and then inhale Shabana , lift your belly , drop your tailbone or sorry , lengthen your tailbone toward the backs of the knees and press the pubic bone down gently to lift the hip points , release and rest can rest your forehead on your hands or take one of your down to the mat , no hands by the low ribs .

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Elbows point up and draw in , lift up again into Shala Bosna Locust , keep the back of the neck long , keep lifting the belly and reaching the tailbone to the heels and then lower down and rest .

Exhaling .

Now , bring the arms up by the ears , lift everything up again , try to get lengthier .

So again , tail bone to heels , pull the ribs in exhale , swim the arms back this time , reach for the pinky toe sides of the feet and lift up and press back if that's too intense .

Stay with Shabaa with locust and then release and rest tack the toes under , press your hands by your ribs , slow ribs and then take the hips back to the heels .

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If you don't want to have your feet tucked under here , you can come onto the tops of the feet unless you could just get your toes done and then just don't do it .

Sorry .

It's been months and months since I had them done .

Anyway .

It's a little too much information .

I know .

Reach the arms forward , press up and back into downward facing dog .

Again , arms and ears in line , inhale , come forward , exhale through , chatter , inhale , press into updo or stick with cobra and then exhale back into down dog and then stepping or hopping through will come to seated , reach the legs forward , do sit up tall .

So again , if it's hard to sit up tall , you can sit on a block .

We're gonna bend the right knee , bring it out to the side .

If the knee doesn't draw down , if it lifts , then you can put a , a block under it .

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So make sure you're sitting tall , pull the left toes back , inhale , lengthen .

Now turn toward the straight leg , gently , exhale , lean forward , then hinging from the hips .

Then inhale , create length , feel free to use your strap .

Try not to round your back .

Exhale , hinging from the hips belly toward thigh .

As you make that extension , make that length in the spine .

Spine is actually an inflection , but we want to extend as much as possible lengthen on your inhale and then exhale to release straight or bend the right or sorry .

Yeah , bend the right knee again , sole the foot on the floor .

Right hand behind you inhale left arm up and then exhale to twist .

You can hug the knee or take the left arm to the outside of the knee .

Make sure the left toes continue to pull back as you inhale lengthen on the exhale twist .

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So I just want to twist gently using the internal muscles first , bring the head to center unwinding and now bend your left knee left .

So the foot to the inner right thigh , feel free to put a block under the knee .

Inhale , reach exhale little twist as you come forward , use the strap if you want a little more space , more length , try not to run the back like that .

But lead with the chest .

Every inhale here , you can focus on length creating more space and as you exhale , maybe you'll come in a little deeper , but it never matters how deep we come in .

Inhale halfway up , start to lengthen and the exhale release , take the left foot flat on the floor of the left knee still bent .

Bring left hand behind you .

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Inhale , reach through the right arm extend and the next sale twists .

You can hug onto that left leg or take your right elbow to the outside .

Be sure your right toes are still pointing straight up and you're flexing your right ankle , that'll keep your right leg nice and active .

Go on more long breath .

Make sure you're breathing in your twist .

Inhale , turn your head to center and exhale , unwind both legs out , pull the toes back , inhale to stretch up as you exhale hinge forward from the hips and reach for the feeds .

And if you can't reach , grab your strap , continuing again to find length .

Instead of rounding the back .

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Someone asked me the last time we filmed here , this is right in front of our house .

If the neighbors thought we were strange for filming yoga videos and I'm not sure nobody said anything but yes , you may tend to see a car here and there , inhale head up and then exhale two releases and bending the knees , take the feet flat on the floor arms by your side and will slowly , slowly start to roll down .

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I have a quote today from Horus Rubell .

And before I read it , sometimes it can be easy to see a lot of negative if we watch the news , read the newspaper , the headlines .

So it's always good to remember that we can change what we can change .

So he says , if the world is cold , make it your business to build fires .

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So if you find the world is cold , make it your business to build fires , start to make some movements and your fingers and your toes and stretch out through your arms and your legs , bend your knees , roll yourself on to your right side and then press yourself up to see it and sitting tall cross the shins , bring the hands together in front of your heart , bring our hands to the forehead , reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts , hands to heart , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions , hands to the mouth , to remind us to have clear and loving communications , sending wonderful energy to all beings everywhere .

Must thank you .

Thank you for joining today .

I'm so proud of you .

Keeping , keeping up with our challenge .

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I hope you have a great day .

Tell your friends .

Bye .


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