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2023-07-20 13:31:49

10 min Morning Yoga - Full Body Beginner Flow NO PROPS NEEDED

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So a big tension of opposites here , palms , facing towards the floor , gaze forward past your left hand and sink down even more into it and press and lift it up , hands on your hips , turn your heels and toes out .

So just like what we had before toes , pointing towards the top corners .

This is your star pose , reaching out with your arms and now bend the elbows , bend both knees .

So what tends to happen here is the knees want to buckle in , try to squeeze your glutes to push them out and squeeze your shoulder blades behind you in .

Inhale , straighten everything .

Star exhale goddess pose .

Sink it down two more like this .

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Inhale and exhale last one and exhale .

Stay in this deep squat .

Bring your hands on top of your knees .

You can kind of let yourself relax in this one and see if you can drop one shoulder down , pull the other one back and switch sides left shoulder down , right shoulder back , opening those inner thighs up even more , come back through to center .

Push all the way up , look to the top of the mat and step on up mount pose .

Let's take our flow .

Inhale , arms rise , exhale , fold all the way down .

You can absolutely bend your knees here , take a halfway , lift flat back .

So fingertips come onto your shins and lift your chest up .

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So you're parallel to the ground , rock your weight forward into the balls of your feet .

Exhale , release plank , poles , palms under your shoulder , step the feet back strong through your core , lower all the way down to your belly , point your toes back .

And a cobra push your hands into the floor and really engage the muscles in your back .

Keep your elbows in , lift through your chest .

Exhale to lower downward facing dog press and lift all the way up .

This is our last downward dog make any movements and adjustments here .

I feel good .

Lift the tail bone up even higher and let's bring our knees down to the floor , swing your legs out in front of you and bring your legs all the way out .

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See if you can walk your hands back slowly with control and all the way down .

Great job .

OK .

Go ahead and lift your shins and your feet off the floor .

Try to stack your knees directly over the top of your hips , hug through the inner thighs , push your lower back .

Into the floor .

And usually that makes your knees come forward towards your chest .

Try to keep your lower back glued to the mat and realign your knees over your thighs .

You're gonna feel this one interlace your fingers behind the back of your head as you inhale , curl head and shoulders off towards the mat and then exhale just lower head and shoulders down .

So nice and simple .

Inhale , curl and lift , exhale , lower down a few more .

Inhale up , keep your elbows open .

Exhale , lower down .

Try to lift both shoulder blades off the floor .

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First thing in the morning , try to lift and expand a little bit more through your arms as you melt your hips down a little bit more and tilting forward .

Let's find our plank pose hands to the mat .

Step your right foot back super strong here before we lower all the way down , point your toes back and find a little cobra .

So push your hands into the floor , keep your elbows bent and a hugging in hips and knees are still on the floor .

All been through your chest .

Exhale to release .

Let's find our first downward facing dog tuck your toes under , lift your hips up and back moving .

However , feels good here .

Our first down dog of the day .

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Squeeze , exhale to release last one here in , inhale , lift it up and exhale to release , bring your feet flat to the floor about hip with distance apart .

And you almost want to be able to touch your heels with your fingertips , roll your shoulders down and away from you palms facing up to the sky .

Squeeze into your glutes , push into your heels and lift up into your bridge pose sets .

So notice if your knees are splaying open and wide , try to hug in towards the midline and you can kind of use your arms pushing into the floor to find a bit more lift here , but relax your neck and your jaw and carefully roll down , inch by inch .

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So left foot to the top of the mat and you can stay on to their fingertips here just in your hips , forward and down .

Big stretch , slow steady breaths .

Really starting to think about the day .

You want to have the tone you're setting by putting yourself first , we'll curl our toes under , lift the back knee off the floor and come up so that you're just hovering your fingers a few inches off of the floor , reach the crown of your head forward , roll your shoulders down and away from your ears .

This is a strong pose , pull your lower belly in one more breath .

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Draw your knees in towards your belly , give it a big squeeze , maybe rock a little bit side to side .

So one more time , let's interlace our fingers behind the back of the head .

And this time straighten and lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling as you inhale , lift head and shoulders off the mat and then exhale , drop the left leg to hover a few inches off the floor .

Inhale , curl and lift it back up .

Exhale head and shoulders come down .

Ok .

So adding on a little here inhale , reach through your toes , lift up , exhale right leg , hovers a few inches off the mat .

Inhale , lift everything up .

Higher .

Exhale , lower down one more on each side .

Inhale , squeeze and left exhale .

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Left leg comes down , inhale , left leg goes back up , exhale to release last one .

Curl up right leg down to hover right leg , back up and release , bring your feet flat to the floor again .

We're coming back into that bridge pose , roll and shrug your shoulders down , push into your feet and lift your hips up nice and high hugging in through your inner thighs .

Think of digging down into your heels and dragging them back towards your shoulders .

Really active here and uncurling inch by inch .

Release it down .

Very similar to what we did at the beginning of class .

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Go ahead and cross your right ankle over the top of your left knee , press that right thigh away from you .

This might be enough .

If you'd like to go further , you can reach with your arms , holding on either to the back of your left hamstrings or back of your thigh or the front of your knee as you pull that left thigh in .

So we have worked hard and now we get to stretch and relax .

Wow .

Try to soften your shoulders and your neck , taking longer , slower breaths .

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And at the same time , you're trying to stack your right hip over your left one , come all the way back through to center , bend into both knees .

We'll find our reclined pigeon poles on the other side , cross your left ankle over the top of your right knee , press that left thigh away from you and maybe hold here or you can reach through , grab a hold of whatever you can as you pull your right knee into your belly , keep head and shoulders on the mat making this as passive of a stretch as possible .

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Holding onto the back of your left leg , wherever feels the best to you here and flex and point through your left foot and left toes , bend your left knee and go ahead and straighten your right leg out to the mat and really pull that left thigh in towards you .

Carry it over into a twist .

So your left knee moves to the right stretch , your left arm out .

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So is the pose we do at the end of every class , you can think of it like digesting after a big meal .

This is how your body is able to process and integrate all of the work that you've done .

So we'll just have a few minutes here of silence and stillness .

And if you're new to yoga , this might be challenging to just lay here and do nothing .

But I really encourage you to let go as much as possible .

Let your body be heavy and soft .

And if you notice your mind beginning to wander .

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Just bring your awareness back to this present moment , maybe by just focusing on your breath .


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