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2023-07-21 08:48:50

10 minute Yoga for Beginners WORKOUT _ Beginner Yoga for Strength, Toning & Weight Loss

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Welcome to yoga .

You won't need anything for today's video , but here are some optional props that I recommend .

So pause the video here to grab your things .

Otherwise , if you're ready , let's begin .

Meet me in an extended child's pose , big pose together behind you , sit your hips back , walk your hands forward , rest your forehead down onto your mat or on stacked fists and feel your breath as it creates space in your lower back .

The secret to strength is the ability to hold yourself up when gravity is pulling you down .

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And it doesn't matter if you modified or made it easier or you took a break , you showed up and you held yourself up even as gravity hold you down .

So take a big breath in big breath out and continue to breathe in and out through your nose and rise up into a tabletop on your hands and knees and set it up knees directly underneath your hips .

Yogi hands directly underneath your shoulders , firm up your core by pulling your navel in , then hold it there , then straighten your right leg back behind you leg in line with your spine , drive back through your heel and add on by reaching your left arm straight ahead of you .

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Keep your core firm in between breath is calm three to one lower back down into your table top and switch sides , extend your left heel straight back behind you leg and line with your spine .

Keep your navel pulling in and add on by straightening your right arm out in front of you and hold breeze three to why come back to tabletop .

Now , walk your hands forward , one hand's distance and curl your toes under , behind you and keep your knees bent as you lift your hips up towards the ceiling for downward facing dog .

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And to make this down dog a little bit more accessible , take your feet wider towards the edges of your mat .

And with a soft bend in your knees , you can work on tilting your tailbone up to the ceiling and pressing your chest towards your thighs .

This is intense the first couple of times you practice it .

So don't forget to breathe .

Then slowly walk your feet in towards the center of your mat .

Walk your hands back and find a forward fold with a generous bend in your knees so that you can hinge from your hips and fold down towards your mat .

You might find a couple of blocks here underneath your hands are very helpful to help support the weight of your upper body .

But if you use blocks or not , I really want you to focus on folding your spine down towards your mat , relax your neck head hangs heavy .

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And if you wanna add on here , you can add rag doll arms by crossing your arms , hands at your elbows , swaying a little bit side to side and feel your breath travel up and down your spine and release your regular arms or move your props off to the sides and take your hands to your thighs right above your knees for a halfway lift .

So with your hands on your thighs , push your chest forward , finding a flat back , lifting up halfway .

Now , the flat back here means that I want you to get that plank flat back from your hips to your shoulders to the back of your head .

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So pinch your shoulder blades together behind you , lift the back of your head up and even with a soft bend in your knees , you'll find that if your hamstrings are tighter , the angle of your flat back is higher .

It's not about being parallel to the ground .

It's just about finding your flat back and take a big in hell , exhale to forward , fold completely fold down towards the mat .

Let your spine round .

Now , let's set up a chair pose .

Keep your feet where they are deeply , bend your knees , sit back into your hips and bring your hands together at heart center , sitting back as if someone's scooting a chair in behind you .

So you're kind of standing in a half squat and your glutes your hips .

They're probably feeling it .

So stay low in your hips and take a peek down .

You should be able to see your toes past your knees .

If not , you need to sit a little bit deeper .

You're here for three .

Breathe two .

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I know you feel it one forward fold .

Wow , that's gotta feel good to make your folds easier .

You can always take your feet a little bit wider and a generous bend in your knees always helps next .

Let's find that halfway left again .

Slide your hands up your shins , place them on your thighs and press your heart forward , pinch your shoulder blades together behind you and press your chin back , pressing the back of your head up , find the flat back that works for you today , knowing that it might not be perfect .

That's ok .

We call this a yoga practice .

Take a big in hell axel forward fold , then plant your hands down on your mat and step your feet back into a table top on your hands and knees and from your tabletop , come forward into a modified high plank .

So a straight line from your knees through your hips , through your shoulders , through the top of your head .

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Hold yourself here firm up your core .

Take a big in hell , then exhale to lower your plank down towards the map , bending your elbows and pause when your elbows touch your ribs and lower down the rest of the way onto your belly , setting up your low cobra , zip your legs and feet together to touch tops of your feet , press down into your mat with your hands underneath your shoulders , pinch your elbows together behind you and peel your chest up off the mat , using the muscles in your back .

So see if you can just prop your hands up on spider hands just on your fingertips .

So you're not using the muscles in your arms for this low cobra .

Instead , you're using your back .

Feel yourself Bob with your breath .

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Three to one release down to your mat , then take your time as you press into your hands , lifting up into your tabletop and back into an extended child's bows with your knees wide , shins like a v big toes coming together behind you , sit your hips back towards your heels , walk your hands forward and rest your forehead down onto your mat and completely relax , deepen your breath in and out through your nose .

That was hard .

Definitely outside of your comfort zone .

I'm sure it was meant to be hard and it was meant to be outside of your comfort zone because it's through the discomfort that you grow .

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It's through the challenge that you find your strength , take a big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and slowly rise , find any comfortable seated position that serves you so you can sit up tall with your eyes closed and bring your hands together at heart center .

There is a place inside of you where the entire universe dwells .

This place is of love , light , truth and peace .

When you are in this place in you and I am in this place in me .

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We are one and I must stay well done .

Hi , I'm Sarah Beth and I'm here to help you get fit happy and healthy through yoga .

I created this beginner level yoga video as an easy and fast way to wake up your body and increase your flexibility and strength .

If you enjoyed this video , you're gonna love my free seven day beginner yoga challenge with simple beginner level yoga videos to help you get fit and flexible fast .

All you need to do to get access to this challenge is click the first link in the comments below and your name and email and I'll instantly send you the challenge calendar and all the details .

Now , did you enjoy this video ?

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Have a good day .


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