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2023-07-21 08:58:02

How To Make $10,000 A Month With Affiliate Marketing In 2023

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Do you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and start to make money with it ?

Well , they are in for a three because in this video , I will show you what affiliate marketing is , how much money you can make with affiliate marketing , how you can become successful with affiliate marketing and how you can get started today .

Full disclosure , affiliate marketing is hard work .

I will give you all the information you need in this video , but it's up to you to take action .

If you don't take any action , nothing will happen .

And if you think I watch a video , try a few things don't expect to make money with it .

It's all about putting in your hard work .

The other side of the coin .

If you put in a lot of effort , you do the things I say you can become really successful with it and start to make a lot of money with the field marketing .

The key is perseverance .

And another thing I'm gonna show you a course in this video , everything I share about the field marketing is completely for free .

I will give you the best I have when it comes to showing you what a field marketing is and then it's up to you to put everything into practice so you can become successful at it .

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Well , who am I to teach you about a field marketing ?

I had my first sale with affiliate marketing in 2007 .

After that , I made a lot of mistakes and I also learned how to do affiliate marketing the right way .

And in those years I've sold for already more than $5 million in affiliate sales for other companies .

And out of those $5 million I got my commissions which are also really nice amount of money .

So I think I've earned my stripes .

And throughout this video , I will show you some numbers not to brag but to inspire you and show you what is possible with affiliate marketing .

So this was the introduction .

If you like it , please like the video .

And now let's answer the first question .

What is affiliate marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is promoting someone else's product or service in exchange for a commission ?

Let me say that again .

Affiliate marketing is promoting someone else's product or service in exchange for a commission .

So with affiliate marketing , you don't promote your own products , you promote other products .

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And when people buy those products to your unique affiliate link , you make money .

Let me give you an example .

I can become an affiliate at Amazon dot com .

So I click on sign up , I create an account fill in my details and now I can promote any product on Amazon .

And when people buy that through my unique affiliate link , I make money .

So I personally like the Canon R five .

It's over here .

When I click on it , I can get a unique affiliate link from Amazon this one .

And when people click over here and they buy these products , I get a commission .

So over here you see that it is my unique affiliate link .

So that way Amazon knows when people buy this .

It is through me .

Now , I can place my unique affiliate link in blog posts below a youtube video or I can place it on Facebook .

And when people click on that link and buy the product , Amazon gives me a commission .

And in that way , Amazon creates a whole army of affiliate marketers that are promoting all those products for free , for them .

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The only thing that happens when people buy those products to their unique affiliate links , Amazon gives they cut off the revenue to the affiliates .

And in that way , when affiliate market sell products , Amazon is happy because they make profits .

The affiliate marketer is happy because they get a commission and the buyer is happy because they bought a product .

It's a win win win situation , everybody wins .

And that's what I love about affiliate marketing .

So every day , millions of people want to buy things on the internet and it's up to you to become their affiliate .

So people buy those products to your unique affiliate link .

So you can get a card of all the profit that's made on the internet .

And how can you do that ?

That's what I will show you in this video .

So affiliate marketing is an amazing business model .

It's not risky to start with .

You don't have to buy a lot of things .

No , it's so easy to get started .

You can even start today and start to make money today and I'll show you in this video .

How so why should you choose affiliate marketing ?

I think there are eight reasons .

Maybe there are more .

But let me give you eight .

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And the first one is you don't have to create your own product .

You promote other people's products .

You don't have to create something yourself .

If you see something you like , you can start promoting it .

Two , you don't have to work with stock .

You don't have to buy a lot of products , put them in your house and hope that you will sell them .

No , there's no stock , there's no risk .

Three .

It does not involve a lot of risk .

You can even buy your own domain name and by posting and if you don't like it , you can get your money back within 30 days .

It doesn't have to cost you anything to get started .

Four , it runs on autopilot even when you're asleep , even when you're sick or on vacation , your affiliate business model still makes money for you .

I still get sales from content I created in 2017 5 exponential growth when you keep on persevering with affiliate marketing , it's not that you start make a little bit more money .

No , as soon as people can find you on the internet , I can , it can grow exponentially .

You just need to keep persevering six .

You can do this anonymously .

That means that nobody needs to know who you are .

You don't even have to use your own name on the internet .

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You can do this and nobody will know that it is you seven .

You can do this from anywhere in the world .

You just need a laptop and an internet connection .

I'd highly recommend you don't use it on your phone , use a laptop or a computer and you need to have an internet connection and I have my phone and I can also always connect it to my computer .

So anywhere in the world I have my internet connection and I can be an active affiliate marketer .

81 of my favorite ones .

You are not a help desk with affiliate marketing .

You can sell for millions of dollars in products , but you are not a help desk , the product owner , the things you promote , they have their own help desk .

So I can sell for millions of dollars in a market products .

And I have no obligation whatsoever to the buyer .

Of course , I , I stand by the products I promote .

But when there's an issue , they can reach out to the customer support of that product that I promote .

I am not the help desk , the owners of the products have their own help desk .

And that's what I love .

I have no obligation to anyone .

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And that's what I love about affiliate marketing .

When people ask me questions , of course , I do my best to answer them .

But I can also say , hey , you bought the product through me , go to their help desk and they can help you with your problem .

So I hope that makes you excited for me personally .

Affiliate marketing is the best online business model there is .

So now let me show you how I got started and how much money you can make with affiliate marketing .

But before we do it , let's add some emotions in this video .

Ok ?

In 2007 , I made my first sale with affiliate marketing and I was hooked .

I loved it and the feeling of the first sale was amazing .

So I started playing around with ads and I got burned twice .

I spent a lot of money did not make any seals and I was like , ok , affiliate marketing is dangerous .

I'm losing a lot of money .

I don't want to do this anymore .

Meanwhile , I kept thinking affiliate marketing is such a great way of making money .

How how can I make this work ?

Well , in 2015 I was engaged to my wife and I was not making a lot of money .

And meanwhile , I needed to save money for the wedding .

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I was so frustrated that I was like , ok , I'm gonna give a field marketing , not a chance .

But this time I will persevere .

I even made a blog post .

I still have it on this day .

The title is No way back .

And I see over here that is why the title of this blog is called No Way Back .

This is my passion , working with Wordpress and sharing knowledge through tutorials , videos and blogs .

I want to share my knowledge with the whole world and I will work on it weekly until it becomes a success .

I was so frustrated with my , my current life situation and getting married and not being able to save enough money for the wedding that I decided I will work on this .

And sometimes your frustration can be your biggest motivation .

And then sometimes the best thing that can happen when you're so frustrated with your life situation .

Maybe your financial situation , you can use it as motivation and say , OK , no way back this time , I'm gonna persevere .

I'm gonna keep on trying watching videos on how to , how to make this work .

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That's one thing I'm not gonna do and let's quit .

And that's what I did .

I did not quit .

So I did two things I started creating articles about premium Worth press themes and I said on my website , these are the best things you can use .

Why .

And I gave them reasons .

I started creating , creating blog posts with information about all those things .

What are the pros , what are the guns ?

And the second thing I did , I created a video tutorial on how to make a website with one of those things .

And it was not like I made a video , I made two articles .

Now I'm gonna sit back and relax and see what happens .

Now , I continued , I made another video and I started writing more blog posts and I created a whole website with a lot of premium themes .

And when people clicked on those themes , they would use my links .

When people would buy those themes , I would make money .

Now , let me show you the results .

I started on June the 3rd 2015 and I started promoting a lot of themes that are at Theme Force .

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If I go to wordpress popular items , I started promoting Avara newspaper and Fault Bridge .

I placed those uh on my website .

I , I placed information with it like , hey , this uh what you can do with this thing ?

Let's take a look at the results .

So over here 2015 , I started , so let's go to 2015 in June .

I created my first articles and my first video and I had one sill that was $22 .

Then in July , one sale $22 .

Look at this in August , I started creating more articles , more videos , 13 sales , $200 .

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The month after that $340 the month after that $440 $460 590 dollars and a total of more than $2000 in my first six months as an affiliate for theme forest .

How by creating articles and a video about the premium themes they offer on their website later , I'm gonna share with you the key of what it made a big success .

But right now I want to say I was really happy with this on my honeymoon in December 2015 .

I was in South Africa .

I got $1000 on my paypal account .

We could definitely use that money .

I was so amazed .

I was like within six months , this , this stuff is working .

I finally figured out how it works and then I kept on going and going .

And now eight years later , I'm making a good living out of it .

How I , I'm , I'm , I'm eager to tell you , I'm gonna tell you .

But first , let me show you another product I promoted in the latest years .

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Let me zoom in a little bit this month .

It's the 11th of January .

I made $1189 this month .

So far .

So every day , $100 .

How by creating a video per year about the Diy theme and a few articles per year about the divi theme like , hey , this is an amazing theme .

What you can do it , like see it as a a theme review and over the years that made me around $164,000 .

How by helping other people ?

OK .

One more example , this one is crazy .

I made one video and one blog post .

One article about the product I used in 2018 .

Look at this .

My first payment was in 2019 .

So uh 2.5 years ago , look at this every month for that one video and one article every month I made this amount of money , $1000 700 dollars , $400 2000 dollars , 1000 1600 .

This is crazy .

Look at this .

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It's now a few years later .

So it's , it's dropping .

It's , it's becoming less but still €648 2.5 years after I created one video and one article .

So the point I want to make if you want to become successful with , I feel like marketing is really important that you start creating content and help other people a total of €20,000 for one video and one article that is crazy .

And that's what's possible with the fi marketing .

When you persevere , the bigger your website becomes , the bigger your youtube account becomes , the easier your videos and articles will be found and the more money you make .

And that's what I mean with the exponential growth .

So in the beginning , you work a lot and maybe you don't make as much money as you would with your job .

But when you persevere it starts to grow and grow and grow like crazy .

How much does the growth ?

Depending on how much effort you put in ?

Let me give you an example .

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I created a video over here how to create a Facebook page and get your first likes .

And I placed it on a brand new youtube channel .

It got a total of 191 views in six years and I uploaded it July the 17th 2016 .

3 months later , look at this October 21 2016 .

I uploaded the same video on my channel that was already bigger .

I had 5000 subscribers at that moment and this video got almost 577,000 views .

Same video uploaded three months later , but a lot more visitors .

Why ?

Because I already have something going on over here and that's the power of continuing to do what you do , create more blog posts , create more videos and the more you create , the better you will be found , the faster you will grow in views and in sales .

So before we're going to talk about how to do affiliate marketing the right way in a way that you will become successful with it .

Let's answer the question .

Should you promote products or digital products ?

I'll show you the example of the Canon R six .

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And if you take , look at the Amazon affiliate rate for physical products like cameras , you get a 5% commission over here , cameras , cell phones , electronics , 5% commission at Amazon .

So the camera is 36 99 .

If people buy this through your NIK affiliate link , you make $185 that's a really nice amount of money .

But people have to spend $3700 in order for you to get your commission .

That's a lot of money .

Now , let's take a look at the digital product .

If you promote a webinar Jam , that is software that helps you to do a live webinar .

Sell your product and make a lot of money .

It says that you get 40% lifetime commissions .

What does it mean ?

Let's go to the pricing page of webinar Jam .

If I would buy the professional package that is $229 per month times 12 , I have to pay 2700 and $48 .

If people buy this through my unique affiliate link , I get 40% in commissions .

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That is $1100 .

Why is the commission rate so high ?

Because we're talking about digital products , those products can be duplicated unlimited times on autopilot so they can sell this a million times .

And the only thing they need is space on the web server , the software is already created and that's the difference between physical and digital .

And when you sell a physical camera , that camera needs to be manufactured , you need to get parts from all over the world .

It needs to be combined .

A lot of effort goes into it .

And then people want to make a profit .

So you cannot give too much commissions to the affiliate because there's less space for revenue .

But with digital products , it's just a matter of duplicating it on the internet which costs no money .

The same goes with courses with software and other stuff that's only been used on the internet .

That is why those commissions are higher .

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And the crazy thing is they are talking about lifetime commissions , recurring commissions if you scroll down recurring commission .

So as long as the people that buy this through my unique affinity link , make use of the software .

Every year , they pay the amount of money they have to pay and every year I get my 40% .

So I personally prefer digital products .

But if you have a passion for cameras and lighting and all that stuff , by all means go completely well with making content about physical stuff , the more you sell , the more you make .

Ok , party people .

Are you ready to learn how you can become successful with affiliate marketing ?

I'm gonna give it straight to you and afterwards promise me that you will not close this video because maybe you're disappointed .

Let me give it to you straight .

Ask yourself two questions .

The first question , what do people want to buy or learn ?

Second question .

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How can I solve their problems ?

What let me explain to you people want to buy an electric car .

So they go , they're gonna search on the internet .

What is the best electric car to buy in 2023 ?

I consider that as a problem .

They have a problem .

They don't know which car they want to buy .

You can help them how you can write a blog post , the five best electric cars to buy in 2023 you list five cars and beautiful images .

Uh Talk about the pros and the cons and then a lot of cars have affiliate programs .

You put your affiliate links in the blog post and you help to solve the problem because thanks to your blog post , people know which car is right for them .

They buy it through .

You need a link , you get a commission , people want to lose weight .

They start juicing .

What is the best juicer in 2023 ?

You can write a blog post about it .

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You can make a comparison video , you can grab every single car and every single juicer and create a separate blog post about it about the pros and the cons and your experience and images and videos .

And when you help people , when you solve their problems and they are convinced I want to buy this juicer or this car .

They can click on your link .

You get a commission , you can do it with blog posts .

You can do it with videos , you can do it with reels .

You can do it with content .

If you want to start out , you're a little bit afraid like you're super overwhelmed with what I'm telling you right now .

Start with blog posts .

I have an in depth tutorial .

I will show you over there on how to create a blog post and make it rank really well .

I did it myself and I'm making thousands of dollars with that blog post with a single blog post .

After that , I made a video about the same blog post information .

So I have a video and I have a blog post and I'm making a lot of money with it every month .

That's the key in order to become successful .

Find out what people want to learn .

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I want to buy , make sure you are the solution to the problem by creating a blog post about a question they have which choice you have to make or create video content about it on youtube or Instagram or both .

So that when people see your content , they know what to do .

You solve the problem , you help them and then they want to buy the thing through your unique affi link and you make money .

That's what I do is working like crazy And the great thing is I'm not a great salesman .

I just help people .

I say , hey , do you want to have these results that you need to do this , this this and buy this and people buy it because I show them what the solution is right now .

I'm talking about comparison videos , top five .

But you can also create individual videos about every tool .

You can create a convert it review , you can create a converted tutorial block post .

You can create a converted tutorial video help to solve people's problems .

And when your content is good , you will rank better .

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People will watch longer , read your blog post longer , you will rank even better and more people will buy it .

Remember the exponential growth when I started to upload my first video , my first articles I made no sales in the second month , no sales in the third month , my first sale in the fourth month , 13 sales .

That's 10 s in one month .

Why ?

Because I kept on doing what I am doing .

Maybe at this moment you're overwhelmed like 30 .

It's too hard man .

I cannot do this .

Well , that's also what I thought I I wanted to start doing this in 2012 .

And one person told me I don't think you should do this .

This , you cannot do this .

And I said , OK , you're right .

I don't lose but I started doing it in 2015 .

And now I consider myself to be really successful at it .

Why ?

Because I just kept going .

It's joy's time .

Do you want to become successful with it ?

Well , then go this route .

It's a hard route .

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But if you persevere , if you keep on doing what you're doing , creating content , it can be blog post , it can be videos , it can be both in the long run .

You can become so successful with it .

Make so much money with it and help so many people at the same time , even while you're , while you're asleep and you're not the help desk .

I think this is the best online model to start in 2023 affiliate marketing .

It's gonna be hard , but it's also going to be so much fun when you have your first seal .

That's one of the best moments of the year .

Every time I create a new video or a new blog post now have my first seal .

I'm excited like yes , it's working .

Oh man .

And it's getting faster and faster because in my , in my first video and articles , it took three months before I had my first seal .

Now at the same day when I publish my blog post or my video , I have my first seal and every time it's amazing .

So I hope it's really informative for you .

Now , let me show you some real life examples .

So what do people want to learn ?

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People want to learn how to start a youtube channel .

I see a lot of people that want to learn it .

So what I can do , I can go to youtube .

I can I start a youtube channel ?

2023 I see three weeks ago , 205,000 views .

So people are interested in this 400 views per hour for this video .

So right now people are watching this video .

So right now there are people on the internet that want to start reading the first youtube video .

So now I can think what can I solve ?

What problems can I solve for people that want to start a youtube channel ?

And I start thinking out loud , I can talk about the right gear , which camera should you use ?

So I can talk about five cameras , get my affiliate links from Amazon , link it to them .

And then I compare those five cameras .

I can talk about screen recording because some people want to do lectures on the internet and then you can record your screen .

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There's a free version and there are two pro versions , one for the PC and one for the Mac and both pro versions have a fitted programs .

So I can walk people through the free version , which is fairly limited .

And then I can say , hey , there's the pro version and you can do this and this and this with it .

If you buy it , you can click on the link below and when people buy it , I get a commission .

So I have two videos and two articles already .

The third one , how to optimize your videos for the search results .

Well , there's a tool called Tube Buddy and it's an amazing tool .

One of the , one of the features it has , it has split testing .

So you can choose two different thumbnails .

And every day another thumbnail will be shown on youtube and then two buddy will show you which is performing better , which is amazing because in that way , you can optimize all your videos .

Try different color , try different text , try a different title .

See What's Working , working better .

That is super available .

So what I can do , I can create a tutorial about two and I can create a blog post about two .

So let's go to tube buddy dot com to pricing .

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I scroll down and if I go for the legend , one , people pay $24 per month , which is $288 per year .

Look at this , if I search for tube body affiliate earn up to 30% recurring .

So as long as those people stay active and and keep their subscription at buddy , you get 30% .

So 288 times 0.33 you can make $95 per year per person that you're referring to them .

So if I go over here to tube body tutorial 47,000 views .

So let's do some math over here .

Maybe out of every 200 people , one person buys it .

So what I can do is our commission 47,000 divided by 200 people .

That means that out of those viewers , 235 would have bought it .

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Let's say they bought the Legend plan that's times 95 equals $22,000 .

And this is recurring every year , this comebacks as long as those people keep their subscription .

So if I take a look at the video , I see that every hour , four people watch this .

So let's say 100 people per day watch this .

That means that every other day he makes a new seal .

So that's 15 times 95 .

It's a really nice amount of money for promoting one product in one video .

That's only if one in the 200 people buy this , if it's one in 100 it totally changes everything .

And if it's one in the 500 then it also decreases the amount of money he makes with it .

But the great thing , it's only one video we uploaded .

The video is 56 minutes .

I think he did a great job if it's so long and talking about all the things you can do .

So he's helping other people , he's solving problems and now he's making money with it .

They're also block post .

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So tube body review , Google is the most popular search engine in the world .

And the second one is youtube .

So if you get those combined , it becomes really powerful .

If I scroll down , refused 2023 you can tell this guy did an amazing job or a woman , the pros , the cons , the video , you see a lot of people are embedding videos in their blog post .

So it's a great combination .

What other people are saying about it .

So people would experience , oh , not that good .

So that's what you can do .

Shout Me Loud Cheap Buddy review .

The six minute read , you can share it five stars , ease of use .

And then it's just writing about it .

And I will show you exactly how to create a blog post like this .

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He's helping people images shown how to do things , text most through these images .

It can be found in the , in the search results .

And now when people click over here , he has his own personal landing page .

And when people buy this , this guy makes money talking about losing weight .

If people want to lose weight , best ways to lose weight , take over here .

Three simple steps .

So they , they help people .

By the way , you can also place uh advertisements over here and here .

That's also a great way to make money .

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So not only field marketing , but if you have a website or you have a youtube channel , you can place ads and for me ads or it changed late , late time , but it was like um sometimes it was a third of what I was making in a month .

So uh 66% was affiliate marketing .

Uh 34% was revenue from adsense .

So also Google ads , if you do not even sell anything , you only create content about free stuff .

But you have ads , you still can make a lot of money .

A lot of ants over here , man , a little bit Spumy Sam Rush uh advertisement .

But also Sam has an affiliate program .

So you can have a complete website about how to live a healthier lifestyle .

But I suggest you , you grab something that you're compassionate about and that you like , don't promote things that you do not fully stand by that .

You do not fully support .

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I promoted click funnels and they have an amazing uh uh affiliate program and I was making a lot of money with them , but it does not , did not felt feel did not feel right because $100 per month for a tool that can also be used uh with tools that they that cost like um $5 per month that did not sell good , feel good towards my audience .

So I do not promote them anymore because I want to come across as an honest person and that can harm my , my reputation on the internet .

So I only choose things that I love right now .

I'm filming with the Canon R six .

I also love the Canon R five .

I would love to make a review about it , make a video about it , what you can do , compare them and show image quality , uh go into the field and , and do a lot of things with it so people can see what it is and they can buy it and I get my commission but only because I love the camera .

If I would not like I will not do it .

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Sometimes I try a new a , a wordpress theme .

I don't like it , then I'm not gonna create a tutorial about it .

I only want to promote things that I fully support .

So I suggest you do the same thing .

And of course , the market seems to be uh saturated because there are already a lot of tutorials about how to start a youtube channel , how to work with your body , how to lose weight , but keep in mind or be the first one in the market or I'm not or become the best one .

So what I can do if I want to start a youtube channel about how to start a youtube channel or I want to create a blog post a website about how to start a youtube channel , how to start a youtube channel .

I can watch those videos and see if I can do things better .

I considered to start on the field of marketing channel because this youtube channel is actually about the wordpress .

But since I'm gonna show you how to create a website with the field of marketing .

Uh , it still falls on the wordpress but sometimes I , I wonder should I start an affiliate marketing channel ?

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Because I know a lot about affiliate marketing and then I search for affiliate marketing 2023 and I see people and I watch the videos and it's a lot of bloody blahdy blah , not telling a lot of stuff .

Just I think I can do a better job .

So you don't have to be the first one .

Maybe you think , OK , everybody is doing a marketing already or become better at it .

Make sure your videos are better than all of these .

Make sure your block posts are more in depth than others .

So that's what I suggest .

You do create content in the form of blog posts about it .

That's the , the , the , the easiest way a video is a little bit harder , but it's worth it because then you have to search engine number one and search engine number two , Google and youtube that you can be found on and that will increase your revenue .

But if you don't start out , start out with blogging and when you make your first money , you can maybe invest that money in video gear and then you can start youtube .

That's what I see .

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A lot of people doing .

So that's how it can become successful with a field of marketing .

Take a look at what people want to learn or buy and then solve all the problems they can have .

Let me give you another example .

There's a tool called Blender , which is really popular right now .

So if I search for um Blender tutorial , look at this Blender guru , 2.5 million subscribers begin a tutorial 600 views per hour .

And again , you can place advertisements on this so you can make money with that .

And I think he makes a lot of money with that .

But what you can also can do Blender is a free tool .

So you're like , OK , how can you use a field links now ?

You cannot .

But what you can do there are extensions in Blender with a field marketing .

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So you can search for the best Blender extensions or add-ons and some are paid and some have affiliate programs .

So what you can do , you can create a lot of free content , place advertisements on it .

Uh For instance , if you try to change uh change , start a youtube channel , then you can uh use a lot of free stuff and then sometimes talk about an add on and say , hey , if you want to buy an add on , click over here and then you can use a faded link .

So even with free stuff , you can use uh affiliate links and you can make use of the advertisements .

So over here you see a blog post and maybe also a video , oh , there's a block post explains what you can do as so as possible .

You can also create things in 3D and sell them .

Oh man .

Look at this theme for us .

But II I want to look at this uh 3D files .

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You can upload your files here and when people buy as those you make money , I can buy this for $9 .

What is it ?

I don't know , but I can buy it and then I have it .

How cool is that ?

So , um I'm getting ahead of myself because I want to focus on affiliate marketing .

And if you want to find out what kind of affiliate programs there are for products you want to promote or for a sort of subject you want to cover on the internet or on youtube , you can search for best affiliate programs for and then type in what you want to type youtube channels .

Click on it , here is done .

Twitch Amazon Associates Air BNB .

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So you can even make videos about all the Air BN BS you entered and then place a link so you can become a vlogger and go all out , roll to the best Air BNB , leave your reviews , create videos , create blog post , make images or pictures and then use airbnb as an affiliate program .

So let's do a little more digging best affiliate programs .

Four fitness fitbit affiliate , uh It's a watch by the gym so you can go completely well into the gym , become stronger show before and after images and then uh write about your your journey and say , hey , if you want to do the same um mention everything you've done in order to become so successful .

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If there's a program that fits or that's a little bit the same as what you have done in the , in the gym , then you can link to it , play your affiliate link and there are affiliate links , almost everything .

That's a great thing these days because it's a win-win situation when we use affiliate programs .

So what I do if I , I'm searching for a certain product , for instance , linked in learning that , that you can learn anything , you can learn words , wordpress , powerpoint , Excel , Blender , 3D Cinema four D .

You can learn so much things at uh linkedin learning .

So what I can do , I can teach anything through youtube and then say , hey , if you want to know more about the subject , follow this course .

Then when people go to linkedin learning through my affiliate link , I can get a commission .

That's $40 .

If five people do that per day , it's $200 per day , $6000 per month .

Nice way of making money .

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So make sure you find one or more products or services that you can promote and then start building content around it that is solving problems of people that are interested in that product or service and then go to give them everything you've got .

This is what I've done in my blog post .

This is what I've done in my videos and then that way you can become a successful affiliate marketer .

I hope this helps you .

Maybe you're overwhelmed , maybe you should watch the video again .

I can tell you I make a lot of money now with a field marketing .

Why ?

Because I focused on helping people with blog posts with videos .

And I kept thinking , what can I do to make my content better ?

Sometimes my videos finished And I'm like , let's go through it one more time .

See if I can make it a little bit better because that can make the difference .

People can think .

Oh , that's nice content or ?

Wow , this is great content .

So go to XML and if you watch my tutorial on how to create a blog post , you will learn how to do that .

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I want to end with the following .

I use three things to make money .

I use blog posts .

I use youtube videos and I use an email list .

And if I go to passive income with 30 I created a blog post about uh convert kit to get rid of all the ads .

And what I did a few years ago , 2018 , I was making tutorials about element .

And if you go to my website dot com , I say to people if you want to get free stuff about elemental free premade templates , you can go to templates , they need to fill in your name and your email address .

And when you do that , you get all those free templates .

So people did that .

And in 2089 I had around uh 5000 people on my list that all made use of elemental templates .

So I knew they all had element or all those people in my list .

And then there was a birthday sale from Elemental .

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So look at this , I made $5000 in three days with an email list .

So let me show you the results study , case study , $5000.03 A I sent an email the June the 4th 2018 , I was in Italy on vacation and I wrote an email saying , hey guys , 25% off for Elemental Pro .

So if you want to get it , this is the best moment .

30% open it from the 5000 people .

5.6% clicked on the affiliate link and look at this the first day I made around $2000 with this simple email .

The second day , around 16 $1500 1500 dollars , $1200 in three days .

I made $5000 .

How by giving something for free , that's valuable and it needs to be really valuable .

So people don't think that you , you miss misled them , it needs to be really valuable .

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And then when you offer something that people can buy , you can make a lot of money through the years .

I made a lot of money using my email list .

Sometimes there's a Black Friday every year and then my seals go through the roof because I just sent an email .

I give them some value .

I create uh some information about the tool or a video .

And I say , hey , if you want to buy it right now is the best moment you can buy it through this link .

People bite like crazy .

I made a lot of money in a short amount of time .

Why ?

Because I have an email list right now with around 50,000 people that are all interested in making websites .

So when there are tools , premium tools that have a discount , I can send an email , make a lot of money in a short amount of time .

So those are the three things , one block post , two videos and three an email list .

And if you want to uh create an email list , I also have a tutor about it .

So again , I have my blog post over here about convert kit , my review .

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And then if I go to youtube and I search for converts kit , that's my tutorial 2.5 hours , I put a lot of effort in it .

But again , it's making me a lot of money every single month .

As long as people are a member of convert , get through me , I get a recurring commission every single month from everybody that is a member and that's growing and what I did it's a year ago that I created this video .

It's a year ago that I created this blog post and I'm still benefiting from it today .

And that's what I love about affiliate marketing .

Even when I was sick .

The latest days , I still made a lot of money .

So I hope that makes you excited before we're gonna answer the fourth question , how to get started .

I want to summarize it what we've covered so far .

The first question was what is affiliate marketing , affiliate marketing is promoting other people's products in exchange for a commission ?

The second question , how much money can you make with affiliate with marketing ?

Well , the sky is the limit .

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You can make $300 per month , $1000 30,000 dollars per month or $100,000 per month .

It's all about how much effort you put into it .

And then when you're willing to put a lot of effort in it , then the question is , how should you do it in a way that you will become successful ?

And then you need to find out what people want to learn or buy and then you need to solve their problems .

You need to answer their questions .

People want to buy something but they don't know which product or which service .

And then you come in with your awesome blog post or you're awesome video or both , you answer the questions and then they're ready to buy and they will use your affiliate link and you make a commission and the better the quality of your content , the better you will rank , the more people will visit your website and the more people will buy .

I hope that makes you excited .

This can be the day that will change the course of your life .

And now we can do two things you can think .

Wow , I'm excited .

OK , let's do something else .

Or you're gonna take action .

And that brings me to the fourth question , how to get started ?

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Well , I mainly talked about creating content through blog posts and videos .

So I want to show you two things .

What you can do .

You can create a website .

That's the first thing I will show you .

And the second thing I will show you is how to create a youtube channel or maybe you think , but I don't know which domain name I should choose .

I will think about it and I'll come back later .

You can do that .

But what I suggest you do make sure you get your domain name with your first and your last name .

Look at this , I go to Tony Robbins dot com .

What does he offer ?

He can offer anything because he use his name as his brand nice website .

By the way , I show people how to make websites that that's what I teach on his youtube channel .

So you can learn how to do that .

Look at this .

The second one Brandon dot com .

He uses his name as his brand .

So I want to start a new channel and my first name is Ferdinand and my second name is David and my third name is Goo .

Goo is not that appealing .

So I want to make a mix of my 1st and 2nd name and it was already taken .

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So make sure you get your domain name with your first and last name dot com and then you can start your business using your own first or last name .

You don't have to do that , but I highly suggest at least get your own domain name with your first and your last name .

So are you ready to get started with affiliate marketing and become successful with it ?

If so , let's go to web hosting 29 dot com hit enter and you will be redirected to hosting .

Hosting is in my opinion , the best web hosting provider there is and I'm not the only one .

If you take a look at all the reviews at trust pilot , you see that people are really excited about hosting her .

And if you take a look at the Google Trends , you see the word is spreading more and more people are getting into hosting her and they are really excited just as I am .

So if you want to get started , we click on start now and you see there are four plans and I can tell you all the plans are really fast .

It's maybe a little bit overwhelming four different plans , but I will show you which plan is right for you .

You can get started with one website and then you pay less than $2 per month .

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The only thing is you don't get a free domain name with this plan .

If you take a look at the most popular plan , the wordpress starter plan , you can create up to 100 websites In this plan , you have 100 gigabytes of SSD storage , which is more than enough and you can have up to 25,000 visits per month .

And over here , you see you get your free domain .

The big difference between the wordpress starter plan and the business wordpress plan is that you can have more gigabytes storage , but I don't think you need those extra 100 gigabytes .

I think this is enough for one hour , the websites , but you can have more monthly visits , but you can always upgrade later .

So when you reach 25,000 visits per month , you can upgrade to the business workers plan .

And if you know already , you want to start an agency , you want to create 50 websites in the first year , then I suggest the cloud startup .

And the crazy thing is this is really affordable for cloud hosting .

As I said , you can always upgrade later and two more important things to say , all plans are blazing fast .

The only thing is the higher the plan , the more websites you can have up and running at the same time and still maintain the super fast speed of your websites .

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So if you know , you want to create 50 websites in the first year , then I definitely suggest you go for the cloud startup .

But if you want to create one website or two or maybe five or 10 , I suggest you go with the worker startup plan and then when you reach 20 5000 visits per month , and I hope that will be the case for you .

And you can always upgrade later .

And the second thing I want to tell you , there is a 30 day money back guarantee .

So if you somehow , I don't know why , but if you somehow would not like the service , you can get your money back , no questions asked .

So it's solely risk free .

And I will show you step by step how you can create your first website .

So I select the word for startup plan .

I click on select and now we can take a look at the amount of discount we get .

And the great thing with hosting is if you are really sure , you want to go for a few years with your first website , you can get the discount of $2.99 for four years for 48 months .

And that will save you $432 .

And then after those four years , you start to pay $6.99 which is still super affordable for a web hosting plan that can hold 100 websites .

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If you just want to start with two years or one year , you can click over here .

And then in your first year , you just pay $2.99 per month and then you're still going to create 100 websites .

And after the first year , you start to pay $8.99 per month .

So the longer the first period , the more discount you will get when you renew your plan .

So if you have the budget and you want to get the most discount possible , you can go for the 48 months .

And after those 48 months , you start to pay around $7 per month instead of $9 .

But wait , there is more .

If you scroll down over here , you see have a coupon code and if you fill in 30 you click on apply , you get even more discounts .

So I scroll up again .

Now you see $2.69 for the 1st 48 months or 24 months or 12 months .

I go for 12 months .

I scroll down and I need to create an account .

So I will fill in my email address over here .

Of course , you need to have access to this account .

Then I scroll down a bit further and the great thing is with hosting her .

You have local payment methods .

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So if I'm from the Netherlands and I go to hosting her , I can pay with ID , which is in the Netherlands , the main payment method .

If you're from India , you also have local payment methods .

And that's the great thing about hosting her depending on where you come from .

There are more payment methods .

I want to pay with credit cards and let's see what we have over here .

We have to work for a starter plan for 12 months .

We can have up to 100 websites .

Our first domain is completely free .

Instead of $10 we get a lot of discounts and the total amount I have to pay is just $32.29 .

It can be , that's a little bit more because of the taxes depending on where you come from .

But this is so affordable .

So what I will do , I'll scroll down .

I will fill in my credit card details and as you see a 30 day money back guarantee and I click on submit secure payments .

It's redirecting us to the control panel .

Now , we need to create a password for our hosting our account .

We need to confirm our password and then I click on confirm .

Now .

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They are gonna ask a few questions .

So I click on start now and then I want to skip those questions .

So I click on skip .

I want to create my first workers account so I can use my administrator email and then I need to create a password and then I click on continue .

I don't want to have those plugins on my workers website .

I want to start from scratch .

So I click on skip .

I will manage plugins later and I don't need to have a certain look .

I want to start from scratch .

So I scroll down .

I click on skip .

I don't need a template now , I can claim my free domain name .

So I click over here and then I select my domain name .

I want to go for a dot com .

You see all those extensions they have , I go for dot com .

And if it's already taken be creative with another domain name because you definitely want to have a dot com domain name , especially when you're into international business .

If you're from a local business , check out if your country extension is over here .

But I want to go for dot com and then I can enter my desired domain name .

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I go for affiliate marketing .

Course , let's see if it's still available .

I click on search and it is available .

So I click on continue and now workers will be installed on this brand new domain name , which is completely free .

I click on , finish set up and then I need to fill in some details for my domain name .

The question is , where do you come from ?

I'm from the Netherlands .

And did you buy this web posting personally or because you are a company I choose personal .

So I click on next step and then I need to fill in my details over here .

So there I go .

My first name , my last name , my email in the Netherlands .

I'm from South Hollands , a city , my address space and my phone number and then I click on finish registration .

Now our domain will be registered .

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And the great thing is this is crazy with hosting her .

Ultimately , your information , your email and your phone or what you just filled in is secure .

It's , it's hidden .

It cannot be seen by companies that want to advertise to you that want to call you that's called Domain Privacy .

And with hosting that is free with other web hosting companies , this can cost $20 per year here .

It's free .

So now we can edit our website , it's live already or we can go to the control panel .

I first want to go to the control panel .

So I click on manage site .

Then I want to go to the wordpress dashboard and maybe this looks overwhelming , but you're gonna be fine .

We don't have to spend a lot of time over here and the more you do , the easier it becomes , I really like this layout .

So you click on wordpress dashboard and what I want to do , I want to force the htps .

So our website will be secure like this .

So I turn it on and it's for this domain name .

So I click on install SSL and it says your SL is being installed for your domain name in the background .

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HPS will be automatically forced on your domain .

Then we click here on edit a website and ladies and gentlemen , look at this .

We will be redirected to our own brand new domain name with web hosting with Wordpress installed on it .

Great .

So now we are logged in .

You just need to close this , click on the wordpress logo .

OK ?

Then we need to go to our dashboards .

Look at this .

This is the back end of our website .

This is what we will see when we are logged in and when you're logged in , you can adjust things in your website .

If you click over here on the house , you go to the front end of your website and you see you are alive already , your website is secure .

So everybody that goes to your domain at this moment will see this over here .

And that means you are life .

I want to congratulate you with that right now .

You have your own website and your journey can begin .

Well , I want to give you all the value there is .

Uh I want to show you exactly how to get started .

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So I've made a youtube tutorial tutorial on youtube about affiliate marketing .

So if you search for affiliate marketing 30 since we're creating a website , I highly suggest you go to this one how to create an affiliate marketing website .

Six hour tutorial .

I will show you step by step how you get started .

And this is real money I made with it .

More than 20 right now , more than $20,000 already .

I need to update to the thumbnail and then you can get started and I'm excited for you .

And I want to thank you for your trust that you watch my video and that you decided to take action and I can't wait for you to become successful with this .

So , what's that tutorial ?

And now it's time to create a youtube channel .

I want to show you every step there is .

So what I will do , I will open this in an incognito window because I already have a lot of um youtube channels .

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So right now I open this website as if I open it for the first time and what I need to do now , I need to go to Google dot com before I continue , I need to uh agree with the terms and I accept them all .

And then I want to click on sign in and I want to create a new account .

So I click on create accounts for my work or my business or my personal use .

I use personal use .

You can always upgrade it later .

It doesn't cost any money but personal use .

My first name is Ferdinand .

My last name is David .

My user name that will be the email address and I will choose affiliate marketing course and it says already taken .

So I say the affiliate marketing course and I create a password and I click on next .

I need to verify my phone number .

So I fill my phone number in .

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I click on next .

So I get a goat and a goat like a jacket but a goat message 256060 .

Fair .

You should not share the code because then people can hack you .

Now , I can share this code .

Verify it .

And then I have a recovery email address which is optional .

I go for this one and then the month that I was born in June 28 this is definitely something I will hide .

I consider myself to be a male next right now .

I skip this so I click on skip , choose the first option next .

Ok .

Ok .

Ok .

Confirm .

Scroll down .

I agree .

Great .

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Now I search for youtube youtube except all I want to sign in there .

I am already look at this .

I can create a channel and my name is affiliate , excuse me , affiliate marketing course and I create my channel .

Uh I would definitely get rid of this for you .

Great channel .

Uh This one is already taken .

Ok .

Now I can upload my video so I can select the fell .

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Now , I can select my first video if you want to learn more about channel art , all that stuff , man , there are so many tutorials about it on youtube .

This is what I want to show you .

And , um , again , if you took action .

Congratulations .

Oh .

Oh , man .

I hope you can feel the , the , my sincere en enthusiasm , excitement for you to take action .

I did it in 2015 .

I was totally done with how my life was going , especially in , in the area or mainly in the area of finances .

And II , I went for it .

And right now , seven years later , almost eight years later , I'm so thankful for where , for where I am right now .

And it took me eight years .

But there are also different stories of people that um took only six months in order to get to 500,000 subscribers and make $600,000 .

And I'm like , what am I doing wrong ?

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Because they make so much money in a short amount of time .

But everybody has their own journey .

And uh the most important thing is to persevere give value through all the content you create through the blog post , through videos through views on Instagram or tiktok or whatever .

And then make sure you direct people to the right place so they can buy things through your filing .

As I said , I think field marketing is the best online business model in 2023 2024 .

Unless something changes in a year , there's a better one , but I love it .

Good luck with it .

And if you took action on both things , you have your own website and you have your own youtube channel .

And now it's a matter of learning things diving deep and then create content about it that will help people and always think about the people that you want to help and then go the extra mile .

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If you think this blog post is finished , take a look at what you can do to make it even better .

That's also what I I've done with this video .

I hope you can see that I went through this video over and over again and , and I was thinking , is there something I can do to make this better ?

So , um that's it .

Thank you for watching this video .

Please like it .

Normally I ask to subscribe .

In this case , I would say subscribe if you want to learn more about the work related stuff because it's a workers related youtube channel .

I consider to create a , a Phillip marketing channel because I have so much passion about it and I think there's a lot of trash on the internet about this subject and I want to shine some light on it from an honest view .

Uh But , but I will also do more affiliate stuff on my youtube channel .

My current youtube channel on the , the goal of my youtube channel is helping people to make websites that make them money .

So if you want to make money with your website you can subscribe if you have any questions , feel free to leave a comment and I do my best to answer them .

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Yes .

Ok .

Good luck with your journey and I hope you will be really successful with it .

Bye bye .


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