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2023-07-20 12:57:58

How to Send Cover Letter and CV by Email - Professional Job Application Email

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Sending your cover letter and your CV .

The wrong way can cost you a job that you're fully qualified for .

In this video .

I'm going to show you exactly how you compose and send your cover letter and CV .

The right way for a job application by email , I have been able to help so many of my clients and they follow the instructions that I gave them and they saw a tremendous response from employers .

Take a look at this .

This is a message from Miss Klia .

She says , hey , da thought I would share with you this amazing piece of news .

I finally got a job .

I followed what you told me .

And yes , I got a better job .

This can be you .

So watch until the end of this video to get to know exactly what you need to do .

So without further ado , let's get started .

Welcome to Daniel Mutu Show where I help professionals succeed in their career .

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And if this is your first time here , ask you , please subscribe to my channel , press the bell button so you can get to know each and every time I release a new video .

And in this video .

I'm going to share with you exactly how you compose , send your cover letter and your CV for that job application to get response .

And I'm going to focus on five main things that you need to follow to ensure that you get that response and invitation for the interview .

Number one , you need to make sure you get the correct email address where you're sending application to .

It is an example whereby we are trying to apply for a position of a project accountant in this organization .

You were supposed to send your email to R at nigee dot org from what we have been familiarized with .

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Most of the time people will write the email and put dot com or dot co dot ke , the safest way to get it right is just to copy the email from the job description and paste it as you compose your new email .

If it is on a hard copy where you can copy and paste and ensure that you type it correctly and double check that you have it the right way .

Most of the people get confused like when they are sending an email to me , my email is Daniel at career point dot co dot ke , but our website is on career point solutions dot com .

So someone might be confused and send an email to Daniel at career point solutions dot com , but we don't use that domain for the email address .

So each and every time it is very important for you to make sure you have the email address you're sending to correctly .

Number two , you need to have an informative subject line .

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And what I mean by this is that it should come very clearly to the hiring manager when they see that email popping in their inbox , that this is a job application .

And number two , you are applying for which position in the example that we are using , you can see the subject line should read clearly application for the position of a project accountant .

If the job had a reference code or reference number , it is very important for you to include it in the subject line .

This makes it easier for the hiring manager to be able to sort out the emails that are coming in and to know which email is an application for which position and it is easier for them to sort them out when they are going through the emails to invite candidates for an interview .

Number three , copy the cover letter that you have written and paste it in the body of your email .

If you haven't watched this other video , how to match your cover letter to the job description , please take a look at it .

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I have put in the description below .

So we had already written the cover letter for this position of a project accountant .

So this time we just copy it and paste it on the body of the email .

The reason why this is important .

We want the first thing that the hiring manager sees once they opened that email is your cover letter .

And remember it is very short , it is very brief and straight to the point .

You're just telling the hiring manager why you are the best candidate .

You just briefly mention about your qualification , your experience and what makes you the best candidate for that position and you are just teasing them to get them interested to know more about you .

And by that , they will need to , to check out your CV , that you have attached .

Number four at the bottom of the CAL letter , have your professional electronic signature .

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As you can see mine here is quite professional where you can see my name , my position , my contact details .

And I've also included a professional photo .

This is a sly way of sliding in your photo in your application so that the hiring manager can get a glimpse of who you are in a professional way .

I use Y stamp .

So you can easily sign up A Y stamp .

It is a free email signature or sign up for it and create your professional electronic email signature .

Attach your CV only .

You should not attach any other document unless you have been asked to do so .

And when you're attaching your CV , there are several things that I want to point out here .

Number one , think about how do you name your CV .

In my case , I've just written Daniel project accountant and it is in PDF .

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So I have put in my name , I have put in the CV , for which position I'm applying for .

And I have ensured that it is in the PDF format .

Always send out your PDF format when you send your CV in one format , most of the time it gets distorted when you preview it on email and that can present you as someone who is disorganized .

But when you send it , you see it in PDF , it does not get distorted when someone is just previewing it , it is important .

And I want to repeat , make sure you send it in PDF and name it the right way .

The reason why it is important for you to name it the right way .

Take a look at this .

This is just a screenshot of my download folder and you can see there are so many documents here , just written CV CV curriculum curriculum , but CV 2020 .

And if I had downloaded your CV and later on , I want to come and check your CV for the second time .

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Just to confirm that you are the right candidate for us to invite you for an interview and I and your CV , get lost in all these CV S that are here .

Probably I will not take a look at it .

I will not waste my time trying to sort opening all the documents here .

Just to see which one is your CV .

So make the work easier for the hiring manager by renaming your document by your name and the position that you are applying for .

I also try to emphasize , only send U CV no other attachment unless they have been asked for .

Take a look at this .

This is a screenshot of someone who sent me a job application with 18 attachments .

I can see his result slip .

I can see some certificate .

I can see his ID back in front .

I can see some recommendation letter who will go through these 18 attachments .

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You are wasting your time thinking that you are improving your chances of getting that job invitation or getting that job interview .

Don't send unnecessary documents .

We said the attachments that you put in should be only the attachments that are used to support your candidacy .

And at this level just you need your CV .

If they need any other document , they will reach out to you .

Take a look at this other message I got from Bernard , one of my clients , I was congratulating him on a new role that he had gotten and I was here .

We go .

Congratulations on the new role .

Thanks Daniel boss .

You can see how the CV you dropped in has done wonders if you would like to have a CV .

That does wonders just like I want to invite you to send me your CV for a free review .

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Go to www dot career point dot co dot ke forward slash CV review there .

You will be able to submit your CV for a free review .

We will let you know what you need to do to make your CV professionals .

And if you would like to take us on our professional CV writing service , we will be able to inform you how you can be able to go about that and finish this video .

I want to ask you one question , what is the one thing that you have learned that you're going to apply right away when applying for a job by email ?

Let me know in the comment below again , don't forget to subscribe to the channel like the video , share it so that we can get as many people helped as possible .

Also remember to take a look at these two other videos how to apply for a job by email and number two , the perfect cover letter .

How do you match your cover letter with the job description ?

I have also posted the links to this video in the description below .

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Make sure you watch them out .

And until next time as I release the video , the five worst mistake that you should avoid when applying for a job by email .

See you then .


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