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2023-07-22 12:45:37

30 Minute Yoga for Balanced Core Strength and Stability _ Beginner-to-Intermediate Friendly

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Yeah , hello you two family .

Welcome to a new class .

My name is Flo .

Welcome to the channel or welcome back .

The practice .

Today is a short well rounded Vinyasa flow class with a short meditation .

In the end , we're going to keep it quite fluid and flowy and move in all directions , targeting different kinds of input and angles for the body .

Of course , connecting it all to the breath and finishing with some stillness in the end .

This is just the short version of a long class I filmed for Patreon .

So if you want the extended version , which is about 60 65 minutes , you can check that one out in the description below .

In fact , on Patreon is the only place where we post long classes on youtube .

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It's all about 2030 minute classes .

And on Patreon , you get no class shorter than one hour .

So it starts at one hour and then sometimes goes a lot longer .

Patreon also helps us to continue this youtube channel and to provide all these hundreds of videos for free .

So if you like what we're doing , if you want us to continue doing videos on youtube at least consider subscribing to the channel here on youtube , liking the video .

And if you really want us to continue , then join us on Patreon , support us , support the channel , support our mission .

And you also get very exclusive content with that , that you will not find anywhere else for today .

You just need your mat .

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If you like to use props or bolsters or anything , please get that now and we will start at the back of the mat in Bala Sana child's post .

Make your way to the back of the mat .

Feed together and need the part just for about five breaths .

Relax the forehead down to the mat and connect to the breath and to your intention .

Give yourself permission to be here now to practice for the next 2025 minutes or so fully be here .

You already did the hardest step to show up to roll out your mat to start the video and you're here .

So let's enjoy it .

Get the most out of it before we continue with all the other things that seem to be so important .

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Notice the breath , establish a good rhythm of your breath ideally in and out through the nose .

The most basic breathing exercise is always to breathe through the nose only to keep the lips sealed .

Connect to your intention for the practice today .

You're offering to yourself your why for yourself .

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And with that , we start to move into a table top to lift the hips , hands down , come onto the toes , quick wrist , warm up , slide the hands back and we simply shift forward with the arms straight until you feel a strong sensation .

And then from there , we start to make circles clockwise around the wrists .

Two more the last one and then switch directions .

Three circles , counter clockwise .

Sit on the heels for a moment and shake out the hands .

Let's come into a downward facing dog .

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Take your time to arrive , walk your dog , do whatever movements you want to do to be here .

We all have our favorite movements that we want to do .

First time we come into a down do do those now , right ?

We'll meet back in a downward dock .

We from here roll forward to a plank shoulders over the wrist .

So this is more about feeling articulating the spine and back to down do two more just like that from down dark to plank .

Last one back to down do bring your feet wide apart , maybe almost as wide as the mat .

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We continue to move forward and connect to the spine , articulate the spine and you can stop in plank if you want .

But I will then engage the glutes and lower the hips , open the front body for upward dark , but we stay on the toes as they are in plank and then we roll back through the spine to down dog .

Two more just like that .

Rolling forward into up dog and down dock .

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Last one , regular down do bring your feet again , closer together , roll forward to plank , bring the feet together , big toes together , side , playing on the left .

Lift your right leg up , reach your right arm forward , up and over the head .

Look to the front of the mat .

Stepp , your right foot to the inside of your left hand war wheel .

Three prep .

Big step .

Lift the left leg up , fingertips to the ground or maybe on blocks .

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If you need them , lower the left hip down , lengthen the spine forward , reach the left toe's back .

Try to keep your right leg straight as you rise up for three post , bring the left foot inside the right shin or inside the right thigh .

Hands to the heart , gently press into the palms , lower the wrists that they are on the same height as the elbows , push the hips forward , pull the left knee back to make it not only a balancing post but also a hip opener for the left hip to release , reach both arms up , draw the left knee forward and up to the chest on your exhale .

Step left foot back .

Big step for low lunch , left knee down , untuck , the left toes and we do cactus arms here .

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So bend the arms 90 degrees on the inhale .

We start to pull the elbows back , open the front , maybe look up , exhale , close around the back , bring the elbows closer together .

Two more .

Last one pack to low lunch .

Both thumbs up , deep breath in exhale , hands down , three legged dog , right leg , up and back .

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Press into your inner hands to pushed the left heel a bit more down , bent the right knee open , stack the hips inhale .

Come high to your left toes .

Exhale right knee to the chest , hold it there on the inhale , exhale right foot between the hands , inhale , crescent lunch , rise up , bring your hands to the heart .

Lean forward again , the wrist in line with the elbows .

Warrior three , the left leg floats up right leg stays straight , lower the left hips a bit .

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The left hip a bit more down , reach the crown of the head forward , reach the left leg back , take a deep breath in rise up to standing left knee up to the chest , arms up , exhale a frame pose .

Bring the left leg behind the right , the left thigh behind the right , come onto the knife edge of both feet .

Left finger tips down right arm up , straighten your right leg a bit more .

Breathe into the right outer hip and release plant .

The right foot down revolved half moon , left hand slides forward .

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Her right arm is reaching up to the ceiling on the exhale .

Chair post step the left foot forward to meet the right bend the knees and the hips back .

Reach the arms higher up to the ears , lift your heel .

So you're only on the toes , draw the belly in and slowly squad down .

We come into a boat post from here , low boat extend the legs forward , arms up and over the head .

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And from here into Saga plank , your knees down , elbows down , you glide forward and through do just down dock , roll forward through the spine to plank feet together , big toes , touching side , playing on the right hand was lift your left leg up , left arm forward , up and over the head .

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Look to the inside of your right hand , step the left foot there and then shift forward .

Maia three prep the right leg .

Lift up , lower the right hip down , reach the right leg back , draw the belly in , reach the head forward on your inner rise up for three right foot could go inside the left chin or inside the right thigh .

Hands to the heart .

The wrists are again in the same line as the elbows , press the palms together , reach both arms up , bring the right knee forward and up .

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Inhale , exhale , step the right foot back , low lunch land the foot , land the knee untuck , the toes , cactus , the arms on an end , he'll pull the elbows back , bring the elbows forward and together round your back .

That's three nice and slow too and one back to low lunch .

Both thumbs up , deep breath in excel hands down , three legged dog , left leg up and back , firm into your inner hands .

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Push the right heel a bit more down , bend the left knee , open , stacked hips , the inhale come high onto the right toes .

Exhale left knee to the chest , hold for the inhale , exhale left foot between the hands re and lunch .

Rise up hands of the heart and we shift forward for warrior three , lower the right hip down strong in the left leg , the standing leg .

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And from here you rise up to standing right knee , up to the chest arms up , deep breath , thin exhale a frame post cross the right leg behind the left right hand down , come onto the knife edge of both feet .

Left arm up .

Once you hear straight in your left leg , just a bit more slowly , release , move the right hand forward .

The left leg floats back and up , revolved half moon .

Mhm On your exhale , chair post up the right foot forward on the inhale , actually rise up into chair , be the knee and the hips back .

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Lift the heels and slowly start to squat down to both po set the hips down , pointed to forward .

We come down into a low boat arms up and over the head on your exhale .

Come forward , step a load back plank .

That's all meat and plank .

Now we do what's what I like to call uneven push ups ?

So , readjust on your mat , the left hand is slightly forward , right hand is slightly back .

So the hands are not in one line also go a bit wider , almost as wide as the mat .

So that the middle of the mat , the middle of your palm is at the edge of the mat .

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From here , you shift forward , bend the arms , one , push up and we bring , we switch right hand forward , left hand back .

So it's again , uneven , push up , switch and even push ups .

Three , four , let's do five more .

Six can always set the knees down if you want to or just hold seven .

The plank it nine 10 back to plank .

Now you're on your own .

Your transition to downward dock .

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That's all meat and down dark .

Stay here for about a minute or two .

Close your eyes and meditate in this position .

Focus on the meditation object , the air flowing through the nostrils and out through the nostrils .

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So there's no no mastering of oppose .

Because if the main intention is to go inwards in terms of awareness , there's no end to it .

That's beneath the knees down , child's post , forehead to the ground , just like how we started .

We are going to finish our practice .

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If you need a bit of a wrist release you can slide the hands back next to your shins , then come onto the tops of the hands to the fingers are pointing towards the toes and then you press down , the elbows are above the wrists .

We want to surrender here for about a minute so we can finish up our practice .

Like I said , it's a short class .

If you want the long version , you know where to find it .

But you can only do so much in 2030 minutes .

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I consider this a short practice slowly come up and we bring the legs forward and through , could be leaning to the side or Loana style floating through to come into a seated position or maybe come onto your back if you pass the video and or finish here and continue with your own practice with your own 10 , 15 minute meditation , which I highly recommend you do now is the perfect time to do that .

The body is opened up .

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You created lots of space for the passenger inside and you can explore that space a bit more in some silent meditation .

But I simply sit for a minute or two or lay on your back , whatever you prefer before I leave you and let you continue with your day .

Sit tall , close your eyes , sit alert , but also relaxed .

If you're on your back , relax your whole body allowed the mother earth the surface beneath you to carry you support you .

Let's simply sit here .

For one more minute to observe the air flowing in through the nostrils and out through the nostrils .

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Let the next breath be deeper than the last wherever you are and take a few deep breaths .

If you're on your back , slowly start to move the body , roll over to one side in your time with no rush and come up to a seated position so we can all bring the hands to the heart .

Thank yourself for showing up .

Thank you for allowing me to share this practice with you today .

May all beings everywhere be happy and free loo Batu Shanti , Shanti Shanti , peace , peace , peace .

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Thank you very much for joining me today .

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat for the extended version of this video , this class or for another class tomorrow .

Much love and gratitude .

Have a fantastic rest of your day .

See you soon .

Peace .


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