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2023-07-20 12:49:59

How To Create A One-Page Website in WordPress (in just 5 steps)

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Hi guys .

Today , we are going to see how you can create a one page website in wordpress .

Now , a one page website is a simple website with only a single page where you can keep all your content .

So after watching this video , you will be able to create a one page website like this where you can add different kinds of sections like this .

And also you can create a menu for your site .

Now , when a clicks on a menu item , it will take them to that particular section of your site .

And then we will see how you can easily customize your site to any style you want just by using drag and drop like this .

Next , we will see how you can make your menu fixed on the top like this for easy navigation .

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And finally , we will also see how you can add a contact form to your site so that your visitors can contact you easily by filling up this form .

Ok .

So having a one page website will help your visitors go through your content with much ease and we will keep them more engaged .

So make sure you watch till the end to learn how to do it .

This is a brand from website learners and let's start creating a one page website .

So to create a one page website , we are going to do two parts .

The first part is to launch a website .

Now , this is where we get a new website live on the internet .

So to launch a website , we're going to do two steps .

The first step is to choose a name for your website .

So to choose the name , just click the link below this video and it will take you to this page .

Now here , enter the name you want for your website .

I'm going to enter absolute mentor dot com and then click search .

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And as you can see , our domain is still available .

Once you choose your name , you can go to the next step , which is to get this domain name .

And hosting domain is the name of your website which people need to enter to visit your site .

And hosting is the place where your website's files are stored , like your website's images and files .

So to get this domain name and hosting , click add to cart and then click continue .

Now , here it will ask us to choose a hosting plan .

Now , hosting is needed so that your website is visible on the internet and can be accessed by anyone .

And as you can see here , hosting provides the space to store your website on the internet .

So based on the number of websites you're going to build , you can choose a plan here .

I want to build one website .

So I'm going to choose this plan .

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Now , here you can choose how long you want your hosting for , but I'm going to leave it as 12 months and click continue .

Now , here you can see that we're getting a domain which is absolute mentor dot com for free and a hosting .

Now , both of these are valid for one year , which means once we complete this purchase , our site will be live on the internet for one year .

So we get our domain and hosting .

Let's fill up these details .

Now , choose the payment method you want here .

I enter your details and click order .

Now , as you can see , we have successfully placed your order .

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Now , if we click here , you can see that we have successfully got our hosting and domain .

OK ?

Once you got your hosting and domain , your website should now be live on the internet .

So to check that let's open a new tab and go to our site , you can see that we have a brand new website on the name which we selected and anyone in the world can access the site by going to this address .

Now , sometimes it takes a few minutes for the domain to become active on the internet .

So if it didn't work for you try refreshing after 5 to 10 minutes .

Ok .

So now we have successfully launched a site on the internet .

So once you launch your site , then you can go to part two of the tutorial , which is to start building a one page website .

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Now , instead of building a one page website from scratch , we're going to first import the design and then we are going to edit it to make our own site .

So this is going to really speed up the process .

So to input the design , we are going to do four steps .

The first step is to log on to our website .

So to log into your site , all you have to do is just type slash WP hyphen admin next to your site's address .

No free press enter .

You can see that we have got the log in page of wordpress .

Now , here you need to enter your user name and password to log into your wordpress dashboard .

Now , once your site is active , you should have received the login details of wordpress in your email .

So let's go to Iron Works and you can see that we have got this email just open it .

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And you can see here we have the user name and password now to log into our website , just copy these details and paste them here .

So let's copy the user name and paste it here , then copy this password past it here and then click log in .

You can see that we have successfully logged into our Wordpress site and this is our wordpress dashboard .

So this is the place where you can control your website .

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Once you've logged in , we can now go to step two , which is to install a theme in wordpress .

So we are going to install a theme called Astra , which is going to input the design for our site .

So to install the , the just go to appearance , click themes , then click add new , not here , search for a theme called Astra and you will get this theme .

Now , this is the theme which is going to help us import the design .

So to install the theme , let's click install and then click add to it .

So now we have successfully installed the team .

Once you have installed the , the next we can go to step three , which is to choose a design for our website .

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So to choose the design , let's click , get started and now it will ask you to choose the page builder .

No , we recommend you to choose element here which will make it easy for you to edit your website .

So I'm going to select element and here you will find different designs which you can apply to your site .

So have a look at these designs and select the one you like .

I'm going to choose this one .

Now , as we are creating a one page website , we are only going to import the home page .

So here you can see the preview of how the homepage design looks now to import this design into our site , just click , import home template , click next , then click skip and then click view template .

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You can see that we have successfully got the home page design which we selected .

OK .

Once you have got the design into your site , next , let's go to the final step which is to edit the content of our site .

So to edit our content , just click , edit to the element or and now it will take you to this editing mode where you can edit any part of the space .

So let's say you want to change this text , just select the text and then enter your own text .

I'm going to enter , let your change begin here .

Next , if you want to change the text on this button , just select it and then enter your text .

Now , in the same way you can change any text you want on this page .

OK .

Next , let's see how you can edit this section .

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So if you want to change the title here , just select it and then enter your text .

I'm going to enter James Allen and like we did before you can change the text here .

Now , if you want to change this image , all you have to do is just click on the image , then click here and drag and drop your image from your computer as you can see the image has been changed .

So now we have successfully edited this section .

Now , in the same way you can edit any section you want on this page .

Once you're done with all the changes , just click update and all your changes will be saved .

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Now , if you click here , you can see that all the changes have been applied .

Ok ?

Now let's say you want to remove the section from your page .

All you have to do is just go back to the tap now to remove this section , just go here and click this icon as you can see the section has been removed .

Ok ?

Now if you want to add a new section , just click here and then go to blocks and here you will find different sections which you can add to your page .

Now , if you click here , you will get different categories .

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Now , if you want to add a contact section to your page , just select contact and you will get different types of contact sections .

Now have a look at these sections and select the one you want .

I'm going to select this one now to add this section to your page , just click insert .

And as you can see the section has been added to your page .

Now , if you want to change this text , just select it and then enter your own text once you're done with the changes , click update .

Now if we go back to our site and click a verse , you can see that we have now got a new section .

Which we added to our page .

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So now we have successfully edited the content of our site .

Now , if we open a new window and go to our website , you can see that we still have a default page and the page we created does not appear .

So now to display our page , you need to set the page you created as your default home page .

So to do that , let's go to our workers dashboard , then go to settings and click reading here .

You can see that our home page is set to latest posts .

Now to set the page we created as our default home page , select static page , then click here and select home , which is the page we created .

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Once you select it , just click save changes .

Now , if we go to our site and click refresh , you can see that our page now appears here .

OK ?

So this is how you can edit the content on your site .

Next , let's see how you can add a logo to your site .

So to add a logo here , let's click customize now , click this blue icon and then a new logo here .

So let's click here and then drag and drop the logo from your computer .

And you can see the loba has been added .

Now , if you want to remove the site title , all you have to do is disabled this option and it will be removed .

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Now to save our changes , just click publish .

Now if you go to a site and click the first , you can see that the logo has been added successfully .

OK ?

Once you have added the logo , now , if we look at our site , you can see that we have a default menu here .

Now , instead of this menu , what if you want to create a menu like this ?

So when a vista clicks on the menu , it will take them to that section which makes it easy for your visitors to find the topics on your site .

OK .

So next , let's see how you can create a menu like this .

So to create a new menu , let's go to customize , then click menus and click , create new menu .

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Now to create our menu first , we need to enter a name for our menu .

So I'm going to call this menu as main menu .

Next , here you need to choose where our menu needs to appear .

If you want your menu to appear in this area , just choose primary menu and then click next .

You can see that the default menu has disappeared .

This means you can now add items to your menu to add your menu items here , just click our items and here you can see the pages which we have on our site now to add the sections to our menu , click custom links .

No , I'm going to add the section to the menu .

So just give a name here .

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I'm going to enter about and here you need to give an ID to your section , just enter hash and then type the name of the menu item .

Once you're done , click , add the menu and it will be added .

Now in the same way , you can add all the sections here .

OK ?

Once you're done , you can see that our menu has been created .

Once you have created the menu , just click , publish .

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Let's go back to our site and click refresh .

You can see that we have got the menu on our site .

So this is how you can create a menu .

OK ?

Once you have created the menu for your site , now if you click on the menu item , you can see that it does not take us to that section .

So to make it work , you need to link the menu with the section .

So to do that , just click edit to the element or now scroll down to the section which you want to link to the menu .

If you want to link the about section to the menu , just click here and then go to advanced .

Now here you need to enter the id of the menu item which you have given while creating the menu .

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So let's enter the id without hash .

Once you have done that , just scroll down this page and like we did before , you can link the section to the menu .

So let's click here and go to advanced and then enter the idea of the menu without hash .

OK .

Now , in the same way , you can link the other sections to the menu .

Once you're done , just click update and the menu will be linked with the sections recreated .

So check it , let's go back to our site and click refresh .

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Now , if you click on any menu item , you can see that it takes us to that section .

So this is how you can link the menu with the sections .

OK ?

Now , for Vita scrolls down this page , you can see that our menu is moved up .

So every time a Vita needs to scroll up to see the menu now instead of scrolling , what if you want to make the menu fixed like this ?

Next , let's see how you can make a fixed menu .

So to do that , let's go to customize and then click additional CS S now to make our menu fixed , we need to enter a code here .

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So to get the code , just go to the video you're watching right now here .

You can see that we have given the code which will make your menu fixed .

So let's copy this code , then go back to customize and paste the code here .

Once you have done that , just click publish .

Now let's go to our site , click refresh .

And now if you scroll down the page , you can see that our menu is fixed .

OK ?

So this is how you can make your menu fixed .

OK ?

Next let's say you want all of your customers to contact you when they need any help .

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How can you do that ?

So next , let's see how you can add a contact form to your site like this .

Now , to add a contact form , we are going to do three steps .

The first step is to install a plug-in in , wordpress .

So to install the plug in , let's go to our Wordpress dashboard .

Now go to plugins and click add new , not here , search for WP forms and you will get this plug in .

Now , this is the plug in which will help us create a contact form .

So to install the plug in , let's click install , then click activate and it will take you to this space .

So now we have successfully installed the plug-in .

Once you have installed the plug-in , we can now go to step two , which is to create a form .

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So to create the form , just click create and you will find different types of forms which you can create as we want to create a contact form .

I'm going to choose this .

So let's go here and click , create .

And as you can see our form has been created now , click save .

Ok .

So now we have successfully created the contact form .

Once you have created the form , we can now go to the final step , which is to add the form to our site .

So to add the form to our site , let's go to element and then go to the place where you want to add the contact form .

Now , let's say you want to add the contact form here .

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So just go here and search for WP forms and you will get this form .

Now , just drag this form and drop it here , then click here and select the form which we created .

And as you can see the form has been inserted once you're done , click update .

Now , if we go back to our site and click refresh , you can see that the form has been added to our site .

So this is how you can add the contact form to your site once you've added the form to your site .

Next , let's see how this form works .

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Now for Mr to fills up these details , click submit , you can see that the form has been submitted .

So now if you go to Iron Box , you can see that we have got an email .

Now , if you open it , you can see the details of the visitor who has filled in the form .

I know if you have any issues with receiving emails from your visits , you can click here and watch our video .

Ok ?

So that's it guys .

This is how you can create a one page website in wordpress .

Now , if you're ready to make your one page website , just click here and it will take you to the page which we saw in the first step , which is choosing a name for your website .

So just choose your name and start building your website and also make sure you subscribe to our website learners to get more videos like this one .

Thanks for watching .

I'll see you in the next video .

Take care .

Bye bye .


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