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2023-07-20 13:04:36

20 Minute Morning Yoga For Beginners - Tap Into The Goodness

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Hi , everyone .

It's Kno here .

Welcome to this morning , yoga for beginners class .

This is a perfect practice to start your day off in that feel good space of the yoga vibe .

So let's come to a comfortable seated physician and let's get started .

Close your eyes , bring your hands together a nice long deep breath in .

Yeah .

As you exhale , let's rest the hands down to any comfortable position .

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Take a moment to tune into your breath , tune into your body , tune into your mind , establishing that inward direction of focus .

That is the beginning of the journey of yoga , then activate the muscles of your pelvic floor .

Allow yourself a long conscious , deep breath in .

Now as you exhale , let's softly open the eyes and inhale .

As you lift the ribs away from the hips , exhale , lean your right hand over to the side and then inhale , sweep the left arm and give me a big reach across the center line .

Very good .

Just like that .

We'll stay with it .

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You got one deep breath in and feel the energy starting to lift up out of the pelvic bowl , up through the spine and out through the fingertips very good .

Let's do two more breaths .

One more breath .

Very good in hell .

Back to the center .

Exhale , stabilize .

We're gonna pop on over to the other side .

So again , lift the center of the chest up , exhale .

Let's lean over , taking the left hand on the ground .

Now , sweep with the right arm and reach over .

Very good one .

Nice and easy to , from the hips lift along the center line through .

Y let it feel like you're saying good morning to the world .

Good morning to all the goodness within yourself .

Let's do one more breath .

That's it .

OK ?

Give me a big read .

Lift this lift and then inhale .

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Come on back to the center .

Let's shake out the shoulders like you're just saying a nice big good morning to yourself .

And then let's head over on to your hands and knees .

All right .

So now we're going to do the table top position .

This is your hands , our shoulder with a part , your knees are hips with a part and well , you're looking kind of like a table .

So let's hold this for five breaths and you want to grip all 10 fingertips , draw the navel in shoulder blades , move away from each other and then just hang out here , pressing a little weight into the hands .

You can shift a little side to side and test out the stability of your table or you can just be a nice super stable table and stay in one position .

Give me two more breaths here , one more breath .

Super good .

Now we're gonna do cat and cow .

So inhale , extend the spine , lift the tail bone up and reach out through the top of the head .

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Aha , you tuck the chin , rotate the tail bone under and switch your gaze down to the pubic bone two more times .

Inhale , extend the spine long , steady and deep breathing .

Aha drop the chin , rotate the tail bone under .

Very good .

Let's do it again .

Inhale deep breath in and exhale .

Rotate the tailbone under all the way on .

And this helps mobilize the spine .

Come back to your neutral table top position , walk your knees a little bit back and now we'll move into puppy pose .

So you walk the hands slightly forward until the thumbnails can get close together and then exhale , place your forehead on the ground between your elbows and will hold for five breaths and draw the navel in and keep setting the hips back and up .

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And remember deep breathing one to ST breathing three .

The navel is in .

Hello , almost there .

Five .

Press into your hands and inhale .

Lift the head up .

Exhale , walk the hands back to table top position .

Now we're moving to thread the needle to help a spinal to use a spinal twist .

So you're going to press into your right hand .

Inhale , lift your left arm up , creating lots of big space and then exhale thread your left hand and whole arm right through the body and then extend your right fingers up right .

Then we'll hold this for five breaths .

Relax your head and just soften down on .

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Think about your hips , moving back and up two and explore how much twist your body wants to give you this morning , stabilizing through the shoulders .

Three , the navel is stabilizing through the hips for we're almost there super good .

Five drape your head a little down , walk the hand right hand back and then we're gonna lift the left arm all the way up back to your table top position .

Nice .

And then we're gonna press into the left hand and inhale .

Lift your right arm and spiral open the chest .

Nice big breath in exhale thread that right arm through the space between your left hand and your left thigh .

And the next stand , the left arm over coming on to the left fingertips will stay for five breaths .

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Your hips move back and up on , explore the twist while stabilizing the shoulders .

Two , relax the neck through very good deep breathing for .

Don't overdo it just getting the energy flowing in a state of ease and flow .

So you can feel the body , feel the breath , feel the mind and remember all is good .

One more long , deep breath in long , deep breath out , lock your left hand back , press into the left hand and he'll come back up to your table top position .

All right .

You're ready for downward facing dog .

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We're gonna curl the toes under and , and he'll lift the hips back and up to downward facing dog .

If your knees need to stay a little bent , that's totally fine .

If you feel better in puppy pose , you can always come down .

We'll stay for five deep breaths .

01 .

ST breathing two .

Nice and easy .

Three .

Oh .

Mm .

Rolling the shoulder blades away from each other .

Relaxing the neck .

Five .

Let's switch the gaze forward and he'll step your right foot forward , coming up onto your fingertips .

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Then let's drop that left heel down and come all the way up with the torso .

You're going to stabilize your legs .

So the legs are nice and stable , then externally rotate the shoulders and inhale .

Lift the arms up to warrior one or a very good , steady , deep breathing one .

You can gaze forward or you can press the palms into each other and look up at the thumbs .

Two really lift through really lift , feel the heart center opening , feel the muscles of the back starting to really turn on f That's it .

It's a little bit deeper .

Lift a little bit higher .

Five exhale , dangle your arms by your side .

Then let's roll the chest down , taking the hands down , spin those left toes forward and we're going to do the plank pose next .

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So in hell , lift your right leg back to plank .

Let's hold for 51 , two .

Steady breathing three .

Fire up the shoulders for five , sink your knees down and then exhale .

Let's bend the elbows down to a push up position .

You can go all the way down next .

We're gonna lift up to upward , facing , you're gonna lift the center of the chest up .

Nice in hell .

Roll over your toes upward .

Facing dog exhale .

We can send the hips back and up to downward facing dog .

Very , very good .

Just breathe here for a few breaths , moving your shoulder blades away from each other and then we'll switch the gaze forward and inhale .

Stop your left foot forward .

Coming up onto the fingertips externally .

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Rotate the right hip joint , place that right heel down and inhale .

Come up nice .

Find the pelvic floor and lift up along the center line , dangling your arms by your side .

Keep the legs very active and then rotate the shoulders externally and lift into warrior .

One on the left side .

Good .

Want bind the hand position .

That's right for you to lifting , lifting free , expand the tusks , lift your ribs away from the hips while you root down through the legs , get that energy moving through the body .

The goodness tap into the goodness almost there .

Five exhale .

Let's dangle the arms down .

We're gonna go all the way down to the ground .

Exhale , take the hands down .

Spin that right foot forward .

You're ready .

Inhale .

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We got our friend , the plank pose again .

One plank gets too difficult .

You can always sink the knees down , take plank from here or you can keep it up .

All right , let's say , for two , three , almost there for , well , we got one more breath .

Don't give up .

Five , sink the knees down .

Exhale all the way down .

Teranga inhale .

Let's roll forward to upward , facing , lift the center of the chest .

We got a big breath in exhale , downward , facing dog from downward facing dog .

Switch your gaze forward .

Let's cross the shin bones and then exhale , sit down .

So you roll easily over the shin bone and the hips back legs come forward and we're going to work on d do in a position the Yogi saft po .

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So let's bend the big toes back and all the toes back .

So the toes , they've really activated , try to press the bases of the big toes into each other , lift the kneecaps and then draw your thigh bones back and settle them into their sockets .

The hands go nicely down near the hips and the chest lifts up , gaze at the nose center to help concentrate the mind .

Now , deep , steady breathing .

One to three long , deep breaths .

Four .

Yeah .

Five .

Now , remember your feet pivot at the hip joints , lift the ribs up and over .

You can reach your hands down .

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You can hold on to the shin bones or you can hold on to your big toes and we inhale , prepare a nice deep breath in .

Now , when you forward fold .

I want you to relax your back muscles .

You can tuck the head a little in pivot from the hips and we'll stay here .

Strong thighs .

One , you could hold on to your toes if that's right for you .

Two , the navel is in .

Don't force it .

Three .

That's it .

Just keep breathing for almost there .

Five .

Let's do it again .

Inhale .

We got a big breath .

Aha .

Deepen .

You could hold on to the tops of your feet or you could walk in on the floor in hell .

Prepare , relax your back muscles , one shoulder blades down the back and away from each other .

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Two , this forward fold is called , this is our deep forward fold .

The deep breathing .

It might take years for you to get deeply into the posture .

But every breath helps you tap in to that inner state of goodness .

One more breath .

Inhale .

Lift the center of the chest up .

Good .

Nice big breath in .

Exhale here .

Now , reverse table top , you're going to separate your feet a little bit .

Take your hands behind you .

Roll the shoulders forward .

Let's lift from the pelvic floor .

So draw the navel in and then inhale hips up .

Done for nice one .

ST breathing .

Two , three really left .

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Four really lists five exhale .

Let's set it down .

Nice .

Cross your shin bones .

We're gonna roll over the shin bones , take the hands down and inhale .

Find your way to a friend .

The plank pose exhale .

Come on down in hay , upward , facing , big fat in a downward facing all the way out .

Cross your feet again , crossing at the shin bones , gently sit down and now moving into butter , your heels come close to the pubic bone .

This is the place where if your knees are very elevated , you could take two yoga or two big pillows that you might have at home and just place your knees right underneath them .

Then inhale , prepare and we will hold for five breaths .

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One gaze at the nose tip , lift the center of the chest up to you .

Find you don't need the blocks .

You can just remove them and let the hips open through deep breathing , don't force it , don't bite the body for nice .

Five .

Now we're going to try to pivot at the hip joint .

So I want you to pivot the heels , stay together , the knees point as far out to the side as possible .

And we try to lean and pivot forward .

You could change your hands to the ground .

Sometimes that's helpful or you can keep the hands around the feet and just lean , try to lead with the chest so that the heart stays open and lift the sternum forward .

And again , for five more brats , we got one with the nose tip , deep breathing , feel the body , no fight , no force .

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Eventually you'll go all the way down to the ground , but maybe that not happening today .

Don't be in a rush .

You know , you got the whole lifetime to practice yoga , deep breathing .

The immediate benefit is that feel good sensation when mind , body and breath all come into alignment good .

We got one more breath in here .

We come all the way up and exhale .

Let's do it one more time .

We're gonna cross the feet , roll over the shin bones and find the way back to Plank .

Hello , to a good Plank and exhale chatter .

We can come down to the push up position , inhale upward , facing , we give a big lift through the center of the chest .

Exhale downward , facing ax .

Hell , now sink the knees down , cross your feet and again , we'll roll over the shin bones and this time we're gonna lie down .

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So I want you to rotate the tailbone little under and then just roll your spine down .

Very good .

And now when you place the sacrum on the ground and the feet are a little wider than the hips with apart , this is constructive , rest , position your spine and your whole body really rests here .

And this gives the bones of the body almost like a break from gravity .

So you can feel a floaty sensation , almost like a lifting sensation .

And we'll stay just for two breaths here where you can kind of tap into that limitless flow of energy that is who you are underneath your thoughts .

One more brow .

Good .

Now let's draw the knees up into the chest , giving yourself a little squeeze and then extend the legs .

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Now , when you extend the legs , if your knees are a little bit bent , it's totally fine .

If we feel that it could be useful to elevate the hips , we can grab one yoga block , lift the hips and then just place the hips up on that block so that we can get that feeling of a nice little elevation and check out how the hips feel once they're elevated in this position .

Now , this is the beginning of the shoulder stand posture .

This basic entry is often referred to as Vida Krai or the legs up position .

It's very difficult or straining to lift the legs .

You can place the feet up a wall and now we'll stay for five breaths long , steady breast .

Be sure if you have the block lifting up the pelvis that the block is under the sacro , not under the bones of the lumbar spine , keep the legs engaged , reaching up towards the ceiling .

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Two , steady breathing .

Three oh Where I'm good .

One more long , deep breath in love , deep breath out will bend the knees , place the feet down , lift the hips , remove the block back to constructive rest position for a moment .

Then separate your hands , separate the knees and let's lie all the way down .

Feel your body relax , feel the mind relax , feel the breath relax as your heart opens .

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Let the goodness within you flow freely so that you recognize , respect , love and honor yourself completely .

And at the same time , the heart remains open to receive connection , connection to the grand cosmic oneness of all beings .

As the goodness is within you , the goodness is everywhere in all beings throughout all time .

And then keeping your attention through breath , body and mind .

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Let's reawakened fingers , toes , hands and feet , your arms and legs , the head , the neck , the torso , then let's bend the knees and the elbows and back to a constructive rest physician .

Let's drop the knees into the chest .

Give yourself a little squeeze and just say , thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you for the body .

Thank you for the practice .

Thank you for this beautiful day on the next Hale roll over onto your side in hell .

Come on back up to a comfortable seated position .

Let's close the eyes .

I want you to tap into the goodness within you that feel good sensation where the vibration of happiness , the vibration of joy is almost infused into the cells of the body and is bubbling up outward from you .

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Tapping into that goodness , let it flow and keep your connection in every breath and every day return to this practice over and over again so that you can continue to be a wellspring of goodness for all in your life .

Bring your hands together a nice long , deep rain .

Mm As you exhale , softly , open the eyes , thanks so much .

For joining me on this practice may be happy , may be peaceful , may be filled with um , no mistakes .


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