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2023-07-22 13:10:36

Level 1 - Yoga For Beginners- Asana Foundation - Evolution Series - Yogbela

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Hello , everyone .

Welcome to Yo Bella .

I am Preti .

So welcome to a new 10 day yoga series evolution series yoga practice level by level evolve .

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Starting from the foundation , it's an important series for regular practitioners because alignment up wrong alignment or eight point the USA foundation strong sound or up easily advanced postures we attempt and for pure beginners and beginners , it is the point from where you can start a level , complete a level successfully complete here , practice complete key without drop and second , a correct that means sufficient strength here and a foundation by chance a criteria fulfill Naka .

In that case , a level repeat .

Kaho repeat at .

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Make sure you stay true to yourself .

It's your personal yoga journey .

So let's get started with evolution series day one , sit comfortably , make sure your spine is uplifted shoulder , completely relaxed .

Join the tip of the thumb to the tip of index finger , back of the hand resting on your knees , keeping your chin parallel to the floor , close your eyes , make sure you have a nice tall lengthened spine .

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Witness your breath , observe each inhalation and exhalation , leave all the thoughts at this moment .

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Entire focus is on your breath , transfer your awareness to eyebrow center setting the intention for today's class .

You can set the intention to learn new things .

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You can set the intention to grasp the knowledge of yoga or you can set the intention to just have fun and enjoy the practice .

No , join your palms to the center .

Take a deep breath in , exhale out , completely .

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Inhale for the gentle blinks , open your eyes .

I must do .

We'll start with observing our breath .

So we'll check like we have been breathing correctly or we have been doing reverse breathing in our normal days .

So we'll check it first for this .

What you have to do , just place one palm on your abdomen and the other palm facing up , close your eyes and simply observe your breath .

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Just observe the movement of your abdomen while you breathe .

So I would recommend you to focus on your exhalation like with every exhalation , what is happening , whether your abdomen is expanding or you are pulling it in .

So you have to be like really mindful while observing , just make sure that you carefully observe whether with exhalation , your abdomen is expanding or you are pulling it in .

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Just observe five D brits gentle blink , open your eyes .

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Now you are pulling it in , if it is going in towards your spine , that means your breathing pattern is correct or exhalation , abdomen expand that you have been breathing reverse reverse breathing .

So you have to learn it .

You have to practice it every day with practice work .

Correct .

So now we'll practice it like you have to do it consciously .

And with focus with every inhalation , try abdomen expand and with every exhalation contract .

So you have to mindfully consciously do it .

It's great .

OK .

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So we'll start the practice next five breaths .

Make sure with inhalation , expand with exhalation contract .

OK ?

You can still place your palm on your abdomen .

The other p facing up .

Inhale , inhale , feel that expansion exhale , inhale , let it expand .

Exhale , allow your abdomen to contract .

Inhale , exhale .

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Now , relax back to natural breath , gentle blinks , open your eyes .

Correct breathing is the foundation because breathing to 24 7 diseases .

The one thing you have to make sure breath correctly to keep a check , sit at any comfortable position with an exhalation .

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Pull your abdomen in inhale art your spine , exhale it into the chest , going towards your spine , drowning your spine in here , exhale , inhale , exhale center .

Now we'll go for a twist place your right hand on your left knee , left hand back .

You can keep your fingertips .

You can use your fingertips to twist , inhale , lengthen your spine .

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Exhale , twist , breathe there , fingertips using fingertips will give you a length in your spine .

Do not rely completely on your back end just using it for the support one , two , three for and five inhale center .

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Exhale out completely the other side , placing your left palm on your right knee , right fingertips back , inhale , lengthen , exhale , twist one to three for and five .

Center , gentle movement in your neck left , right up and down , rolling your shoulders back , releasing all the attention from your shoulders .

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Now , the next practice making circles with your waist , placing your palms on your knees , go down center going mostly forward , not too much back .

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Now , the other side slowly center table top position onto your force fingers wide , open your center finger pointing forward , wrist , shoulder is in one line knees underneath your hips , untouched toes .

We'll go for cat cow breeding here .

Make sure your knees , it apart with an inhalation .

Look up , push your elbow out , cont cave your back .

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Exhale into the chest round your spine , draw your navel in , inhale into the chest around your spine and your but it is completely relaxed .

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Inhale , exhale , inhale , exhale , inhale , look up concave , pushing your tailbone out , exhale into the chest around your spine with the next inhalation , neutral , your spine neutral .

Now , staying in the same posture , if you feel you are comfortable , then slowly take your right leg off .

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So your weight is on your palms and your left knee , if you still feel comfortable and you want to challenge yourself , release your left hand and breathe there , find the balance , gaze is fixed at one point .

Breathe neck is aligned with your spine , one , two , three , four and five , left palm down .

Write me down and make sure your knees fit apart .

Only don't bring them together for doing this practice .

Now , slowly extend your left leg , find the balance , breathe there .

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Only if you feel comfortable and you want to challenge yourself , extend your right arm , find the balance , guess fixed at 1.1 get two , three , four and five , right bum down , left knee down .

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And now those together spread your legs wide forearms down , you are very comfortable if your buttocks in touch with your heels and you are comfortable here , only in that case , walk your palms forward and forehead down .

So basically , you don't have to lose the touch between your hips and your heels .

They should stay in touch for the correct alignment of this posture .

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So here just surrender yourself , observe your breath slowly back to forth .

Now , the next posture is an or puppy preparation for downward facing dog .

Walk your hands forward , drop your forearms down .

Once you are comfortable , walk your pumps , little bit forward forearms down .

If you feel good , you can drop your forehead down .

If you feel stiffness in your shoulders , keep coming up and then keep trying to go down .

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If shoulders are too tight , you can keep your forehead off the floor , feel the opening in your shoulders .

All this is the foundation five , one to focus is at your shoulders .

Three for and five , slowly look up and now walk your palms back .

Now , the next posture is downward facing dog .

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So how do you decide like what is the distance between your palms and your feet in downward facing dog ?

Like height different ?

But upside .

So from your child pose , this is child post .

When you keep your knees together and extending arms forward , forehead down your child post will decide the distance between your palms and your feet .

So when you are in child post , this is the distance between your palms and your feet .

Simply tuck your toes , take your knees off .

This is right down dog for you .

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And no , if you are a pure beginner , then you may feel like your spine is slightly rounded and you are not able to reach the ground with your heels , your heels off the floor and your knees are slightly bent .

So it is completely fine .

I would recommend you to work on the length of your spine first , then later on work on straightening your legs .

So I'll show you .

So your condition may be this heals off knees bend or uh spine rounding like this .

Focus on the length of spine first , lengthen it , knees bend , it's completely fine .

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You can , what you can do is peddle your legs one by one straighten , keep the other leg bent , just feel it , make sure your fingers wide , open , center finger pointing forward , shoulders externally rotated and you have a good space for your neck .

Just make sure in downward facing dog , you are your neck is not stressed .

So you are not doing this , make sure you are not doing this .

It's completely relaxed , it's easy .

And your biceps in line with your ears .

So yeah , coming back to Ben , just breathe there .

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Work on lengthening your spine , your sitting ball pointing up , be there and paddle your legs , bend your left knee straight in your right , bending your right , straightening your left , bending your left , straightening your right , bending your right , coming on your right toes , straightening your left .

When you are straightening one leg , feel the stretch in the back of that leg , the other lake change change .

Now , center five Brits and downward facing dog , whichever variation suits you with practice .

You'll be here where I am today .

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One , two , three , four and five .

Now , slowly bring your right foot forward in between your palms and drop your left knee down .

So now we learn low lunch .

Make sure your right knee , right ankle is in one line , interlock your fingers , place it on your right thigh and um , feel the stretch in your left thigh , hands at your wrist , push your hips forward , make sure you are not doing this , just make sure you are not doing this .

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In fact , you have to shift your weight a little bit forward with this .

You will feel a lot of stretch in your left thigh .

If you will do this , you will not feel any stretch .

So if I talk about low lunch it's always this to lock your fingers , placing on your right thigh and sink down , sink down as much as you can feel that stretch in your hip .

Flexor , feel that stretch in your left thigh and breathe there .

If you feel very comfortable , you can extend your arms up , breathe there .

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You can join your pumps , one to three for and five thumbs down .

Tuck your left toes , press your palms left knee off , sending your right leg back .

Now , bring your left foot forward in between your palms , dropping your right knee down , release your right toes , hands at your waist , push your hips forward and you lock your fingers , place it on your left thigh , feel the stretch in your right thigh now .

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And also one thing if you feel a lot of pressure on your knee , on your right knee , what you can do is using cushion under your right knee or simply roll your mat like this , we will be holding the posture for five , one very comfortable .

Extend your arms up to feel that stretch .

Keep going down .

Make sure there is no resistance in your body .

Three for and five palms down .

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Tuck your right tose , write me off , send your left leg back downward .

Facing dog , downward , facing dog is the foundation posture .

We'll be doing a lot of downward facing dog in the coming sequences , keeping gaze at your navel or at your knees , feeling a good length in your spine .

Neck , completely relaxed .

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Next , we learned high lunch , bringing your right foot forward in between your palms , right knee , right ankle is in one line back leg , absolutely straight .

Keep pushing your left heel back to keep your left leg straight .

Once you are there , hands at your waist , lifting your chest up , five deep breaths in high lunch .

Just make sure you're not losing the alignment .

Right knee , right ankle is in one line right thigh .

Uproxx parallel to the floor back like straight .

Keep pushing your left heel back .

If you find it very , very challenging , you can do like this .

It's completely fine .

In your initial days , you can practice like this .

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The challenge is actually your right thigh starts burning the moment it goes parallel to the floor if you don't have enough strength in your right thigh , so it works on strengthening your legs .

Once you are comfortable there , extend your arms up , not so comfortable .

Stick to this posture .

It's completely fine or handset your waist .

Any variation completely off your choice .

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One , two , three for and five bounce down , sending your right leg back to downward facing dog to three for and five slowly bring your left foot forward in between your palms high lunch on your left side , taking care of all the alignments .

Left knee , left ankle is in one line , left thigh approximately parallel to the floor .

Keep pushing your right heel back to keep your right leg absolutely straight .

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Once you are there , hand at your waist , lift your chest up , extent any variation of your choice .

This variation is the first one second .

This very comfortable .

This not happening slightly , dig it off , dig it higher , comfortable , go down and breathe one , two , three , four and five .

Exhale pals , down left leg , back , downward facing dog .

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Next posture we are going to learn is blank and also a few variations of blank for that .

Again , fingers wide , open the wrist under your shoulder .

And when you were there , tuck your right , take your right knee off , comfortable , left me off and duck and her body is in one line , one to three for and five , drop your knees down .

Sit back now that you have practiced plank one time .

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So let me tell you hip sink and so neither it should sink like this nor it should go high like this straight line is always the right blank .

Plank is one of the most beautiful position .

Not only works on strengthening your arms , but your core and your legs as well .

So now we'll practice a few variation of plank if you are comfortable in plan and you want to challenge yourself , take your right leg off and breathe there .

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One , two , three , four and five , the other leg off .

One , two , three for and five down , drop your knees down , relax , catch your breath in the next variation you'll take your arm off the floor .

Let's see .

It is a little bit more challenging than the previous one .

Also , make sure you are keeping your body straight body while doing this variation .

So for that , I would recommend to keep your feet a little wider .

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So now taking your right arm off , breathe one , 234 and five , relax even a variation .

Previous variation , repeat the other hand , one , 234 and five , drop down , drop your knees down and relax .

Get your bread .

Observe your bread now slowly .

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So your legs forward and now lie down on your spine , hug your knees to the chest to release all the tension from your lower back .

Make sure you are not hugging your knees too tightly like this , your tailbone is resting .

So in a light way , release your legs , we'll go for Shabaa .

Now spread your legs wide mat with the part to swing either side of the body pumps , facing up to the ceiling , your fingers naturally curled , allow your armpits also to breathe .

Release your hands .

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Observe your breath .

Now again , check how you are doing with your exhalations .

Are you expanding your abdomen or your abdomen is contracting with exhalation ?

Check .

Once you check it , then correct it with every inhalation .

Feel the expansion of your abdomen with every exhalation , it should contract with every inhalation .

Let your abdomen expand with every exhalation .

It sinks down into the mud .

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If your breathing pattern is correct , it's great .

If it is reverse work on correcting it .

Now , just relax .

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Let your breathing be natural .

No conscious effort , entire body is completely relaxed .

You have released all the tension from your body .

It's completely relaxed .

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Now , slowly bring your awareness back to the body .

Gentle movement in your fingers and your toes slowly move your hand left , right , bringing your feet together , extend your arms up over your head to lock your fingers .

Give a nice stretch from top to toes , bend your left knee , rolling on to the right side .

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And the moment you feel comfortable sit up in Sukha , keeping your eyes closed , take a moment to acknowledge the experience of last practice .

Observe the change in your mind which has come after the practice check your bread , has your breath slower down , your thoughts would have got reduced .

Now , hands at the back , grab your opposite elbows , inhale and back , exhale forward .

Send your gratitude to the universal energy and be thankful to the mother earth .

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Slowly come up with an inhalation .

Release your hands , rub your palms nicely generate the heat transfer this heat to that body part which you want to heal .

You need emotional strength , transfer it to your heart .

You want great digestion , place it on your abdomen , looking straight into your palms , gently open your eyes .

Pumps to the center .

Thank you so much for your practice .

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I'm sure a tutorial sequence without dropping and sari alignments go correctly .

Follow complete Kari to comment section in level one or to a level one repeat and level one complete .

I'll see you tomorrow in level two .

Till then .

Eat well , sleep .

Well , take care .


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