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2023-07-20 13:02:17

Yoga to Make You Happy, Relaxing Beginners Routine for Stress & Depression, Lori Austin

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Hi guys , I'm Laurie from Total Wellness .

Austin .

And today we're gonna do some simple yoga poses that can help with depression .

Make sure that you favorite this video and follow along 4 to 5 times a week .

We're gonna start in a seated position and we're gonna begin with some alternate nostril breathing .

So this breathing technique is going to balance the right and the left brain which will induce a more balanced state of being throughout your day .

OK ?

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So you're gonna start with your right hand , you're gonna use your ring finger and your thumb , you're gonna cover your left nostril gently putting pressure on it and then you're gonna inhale through your right nostril and then you're gonna close the right nostril with your thumb and blow out to the left and then inhale through your left .

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Normally , let your shoulders relax , let your jaw relax and then begin to let your eyes open slowly .

Ok ?

So you're gonna begin with a breath .

It doesn't have to be alternate nostril breathing , but any type of breathing is gonna bring oxygen to the brain , which is gonna help give you that feel good feeling and more oxygen in the brain kind of gives the body that sense of balance .

So the next thing to talk about is any type of inversion is going to help with depression .

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So any time you take your head upside down or your body upside down , you're bringing blood and oxygen to the brain .

And that helps also create a euphoric happy feeling .

So , one of the most common poses that we do is downward off .

So we're gonna try that first come to your hands and knees , you're gonna curl your toes under , crush your hips , up and back heels to the mat , relax your neck and head and then began to breathe .

If you want to add movement to the pose , begin to just peddle your feet slowly .

But the key thing in any of the poses that we do for depression is that we continue to breathe .

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Breathing is one of the most important things in combating depression or anxiety and then lower your knees .

To the map and then sit back in child's post and just rest .

But again , really focus on the breath .

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Even when you're in child's pose , your low back should be rising up on an inhale and coming down on an exhale and then begin to come back to your hands and knees .

And we're gonna go back into downward dog one more time .

So you're gonna curl your toes , press your hips up , he down , drop your neck , relax your head and neck and most importantly , begin to breathe .

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Typically , anxiety is what leads up to depression .

And so slowing your anxiousness throughout the day is easily done by just stopping and taking a few deep breaths .

So just remember that as you go throughout your postures and out through your day , the next pose that we're gonna do is plow .

We're gonna be taking our feet back over our head , which is gonna put pressure on the thyroid gland , which is gonna create hormones in the body that will help us to feel good .

So you're gonna come flat onto your back , palms are gonna face downward and you're gonna extend your legs .

You're gonna press your palms into the floor as you lift your legs up and then press even harder to bring your legs up slowly over your head .

If you can't touch your toes to the floor , you can support your back with your hands .

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Or if you can , you can place your hands on the mat and then let the toes come all the way back behind your head .

So not only are we pressing on the thyroid gland , but you're getting an excellent hamstring stretch and back stretch , make sure you're breathing and through your nose and out through your nose .

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And then as you begin to come down , support your back with your hands and just use your abs .

And as you roll down , you come into a flat back position , ok ?

And then just draw your knees to your chest , squeeze your knees in and just rock right to left .

Massage the low back , make sure that you continue to breathe and then roll all the way to one side , press yourself up to a seated position and then I would recommend coming into child's pose .

We just did a back , Ben .

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So you've taken your back one way I would like you to take the spine the other way just so that we create balance in the body .

So just come to see it on your heels and then just walk your hands forward , forehead to the floor and you're gonna stretch your back the opposite direction and then slowly come back up to see it .

Thank you for watching .

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Make sure that you favorite this video , follow along 4 to 5 times a week and if you have any other questions , you can look on my website at Total Wellness austin dot com .

Thank you .


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