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2023-07-20 13:38:11

How to Always Look Good in Pictures!

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Are you tired of posting on social media and getting zero likes and one comment from your mother .

Are you tired of taking group pictures with your friends ?

And you being the ugly one all the time ?

Are you tired of sending girls selfies of yourself and then replying back with ill ?

Are you tired of having to post a group picture as your profile pick ?

Because you photographed too ugly to put one of yourself if you answered yes to any of these .

This is just for you .

So today we're going to go over several tips you can do to make sure you photograph well , all the time , as you guys know , I take pictures almost on a daily for this blog .

So I've learned a couple of things here and there to make yourself look your best on camera .

So a major issue that a lot of people have is always coming out with their eyes shut every time they snap a picture .

So a quick act you can do is once you're prepping up for a picture , close your eyes and then slowly open them right before they hit that shutter .

Trust me .

That works .

Number two is to avoid a double chin .

This is not attractive .

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So to avoid that , all you have to do is first of all your key , every time you're taking a picture , so stick up and out , that's it up and out , don't do it that excessive .

I'm just showing you .

But so all you have to do is stick up and out .

You do that you with a double chin .

Number three , this is crucial .

Find your good side .

Trust me , everyone has one .

If you look at a lot of my pictures , I photograph almost on the same side using the same post all the time that that tends to be my better side .

So all you have to do is go through all your previous pictures and find out , find your favorite ones , then go through them and look for the common theme .

Chances are you're probably standing the same way or positioning yourself in the same format if that's the case , try to use that all the time to ensure you always come out good .

Right , boys .

Before we keep going , I do want to thank our sponsor for today's show and that's the fifth .

So as you guys know the fifth is our partner and it's one of my favorite brands to promote you guys because these guys really do deliver on quality .

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Not only that these guys deliver on stylish products that I think almost every guy would benefit from having in their wardrobe everything is well made , looks good and it's affordable and I'm sure that's what you guys like as well .

If you've never heard of the fifth or ever even checked them out .

I really encourage you guys to do .

So I'm gonna have a link below .

Check them out .

There's also a special discount code that they offer just you guys because you are a viewer that makes it available for you guys .

So the cool thing right now is the fifth store is open before they would only sell on the fifth of the month .

Now , they're selling all year round their core watches and on the fifth , they're dropping special collections limited edition that if you want a cop , I would suggest you sign up to their mailing list .

That way you get notified when it's about to drop and that way you don't miss a drop .

These are really cool watches where they're only making like 200 of them .

So you're going to have a limited edition watch that are super , super sexy .

I'm going to have the link below guys .

I really suggest you guys check them out .

The fourth thing you want to do is to clean up an oily face .

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If you know you're about to snap a picture , a group picture or even a singular picture .

Find tissue paper , toilet paper , toilet seat covers or even better if you have oil wipes and quickly block your face and remove any excess oil this will show you look clean and avoids any awkward reflections off your excessively oily face .

Number five is to never face the camera head on .

Rarely will you ever meet the perfect human with that perfectly symmetrical face with no imbalances or imperfections .

And unless you're that person , you don't want to face head on , instead try turning your head about three quarters to the side , whichever side is your good side to add a little bit of more dimension .

And chances are you're going to look more attractive as well .

Number six is trying to find good lighting .

Any photographer , I'm not a professional photographer , but I do take a lot of pictures .

So I kind of know a little bit about this , but any professional photographer will tell you that lighting is key .

And if you want bomb pictures , you're going to need to find some good lighting .

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The first thing you want to avoid is really harsh , direct light above you that's going to cast awkward shadows on you from your eyelids , from your chin .

That's why usually pictures and a lot of shadows don't look really well , try to find natural light , especially one coming from a window and face it instantly the natural warm sunlight is going to warm up your skin tone , it's going to white your teeth brighten your eyes and you're gonna look better in a picture .

Number seven , this is something that I personally do when I'm taking pictures a lot of the times I'm here alone taking pictures .

So what I do is think of a funny joke because saying cheese or cracking a fake smile just looks weird and awkward .

A candid genuine smile will trump a fake smile any day of the week .

So try to genuinely make yourself laugh .

Think of a funny experience you had or some joke , you know , to actually smile and make it genuine because that's gonna portray through the camera and gonna ensure you get a nice picture , which leads me to number eight .

If that doesn't work , squint your eyes a little bit .

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So if you want to portray a genuine smile and you can't make yourself genuinely laugh , then squint your eyes a little bit instead of smiling like this , try to squint your eyes a little bit , which will make it a little bit more genuine .

Just the I still prefer the genuine smile .

And finally , number nine , I hinted about this earlier , but posture is key .

If you're slouching , it's going to make you look fatter .

Your chest is gonna look droopy , your shoulders are rounded .

That picture is not going to come out flattery .

When you're taking a picture , you're going to have to pull out all the confidence you have and make sure you stick that chest out , square off your shoulders and file that's gonna ensure a perfect picture .

All right guys , that's it for today's video .

I hope you enjoyed it .

Those are nine things you can do to ensure you start taking better pictures and avoid looking ugly enough .

Trust me with a lot of practice , you're gonna be a photogenic pro .

Also , don't forget to check out our sponsor for today .

The fifth .

I'm gonna have him link below with that discount code so you guys can check them out .

That's it for me today .

See you next time .


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