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2023-07-21 08:54:19

How To Create A Blog On Wix - New WIX Blog Tutorial (2023)

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Sometimes I want to lock the focus and then change the exposure to do that , tap on the subject and hold it until you see the A F slash A E lock , which stands for autofocus auto exposure lock .

Then you can adjust the exposure like we saw before the next step is viewing outside the frame .

This is applicable for iphones with multiple lenses .

Suppose I'm using the tele lens outside the main frame .

You will see an overlap of a slightly wider frame that you would get with a standard lens .

If you're using the standard lens , you will see an overlap of what it would look like with a wide angle lens .

Now , it is helpful sometimes and I understand why Apple has turned it on by default .

But personally , I find it distracting .

I only want to focus on the main frame and nothing else outside it .

So I prefer turning it off .

You go to settings camera turn off the view outside the frame option .

Is it necessary ?

No .

Is it going to improve your photography ?

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Probably not .

But if you find it distracting like I do well , you have the option to turn it off .

The next step is daytime long exposure photography .

Now , generally , if you want to capture long exposures during daytime , you have to attach an end a filter , but you can also mimic the look of long exposure with the help of the life mode .

Turn on the live mode .

If it's off by clicking here , then when you take the photo , you can see the live text appearing for a second .

Basically , it is taking multiple photos .

You open the photo swipe up , you can create a loop video or bounce .

But what we're looking here is the last option , long exposure .

This will combine the images and give you that long exposure image look .

One thing I've noticed is the image gets cropped a bit once you convert it into a long exposure image .

So I would recommend to shoot a bit wider than the original composition .

You don't need a tripod , you don't need an N A filter .

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Obviously , you don't get the option to choose the shutter speed for the long exposure image .

But still this small hack comes pretty handy moving to the next step is using and not using HDR .

What is HGR ?

It is high dynamic range meaning you have very bright highlights and very dark shadows .

And it's very difficult to capture all the details in one single image .

So the iphone is going to take multiple images and combine it and try to give the best result possible .

It works great most of the times .

But sometimes I feel the results are a bit over processed .

If you have smart SGR on iphone will automatically turn it on in most of the situations .

What I prefer is turning it off .

So that when I'm taking a picture , I get the option to turn the SDR on or off manually .

I won't recommend to turn off the SDR .

Every time the iphones do a great job in computational photography and I use SDR a lot for my landscape images .

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The next step is about shooting in low light .

But before we move to the next step , it's time to thank the sponsors of the video .

And that is skillshare .

Skillshare is an online learning community .

And I've been using skillshare from a long , long time .

You want to learn photography , videography , editing animation , skillshare is the place to go .

Recently , I joined this class on street photography by trash and where he talks about shooting portraits , architecture , shooting in low light .

And also he shared his editing work flow .

Now I'm new to street photography .

So this course was super useful .

You want to learn something new , you want to upgrade your skills .

I will definitely recommend skillshare for the 1st 1000 people to click on the link .

In the description below , you get a free skillshare trial membership .

If you're taking a yearly subscription monthly , you're paying less than ₹800 or $10 .

And you're getting access to all the classes if you're interested .

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Probably not .

But if you find it distracting like I do well , you have the option to turn it off .

The next step is daytime long exposure photography .

Now , generally , if you want to capture long exposures during daytime , you have to attach an end a filter , but you can also mimic the look of long exposure with the help of the life mode .

Turn on the live mode .

If it's off by clicking here , then when you take the photo , you can see the live text appearing for a second .

Basically , it is taking multiple photos .

You open the photo swipe up , you can create a loop video or bounce .

But what we're looking here is the last option , long exposure .

This will combine the images and give you that long exposure image look .

One thing I've noticed is the image gets cropped a bit once you convert it into a long exposure image .

So I would recommend to shoot a bit wider than the original composition .

You don't need a tripod , you don't need an N A filter .

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If you don't have a tripod , I would recommend at least use some kind of support if you're getting shaky images .

The last tip is for people who are more serious about photography and that is using third party applications .

The stock application is great .

The UR is pretty neat and easy to use but it doesn't allow you to change all the settings .

I've been using Android phones till now and all the recent Android phones have promote built in as a photographer , I like to have manual control over my settings .

The app I'm using in this video is a lightroom application .

It has a camera option built in which is allowing me to change the shutter speed is so white balance and I can fine tune these settings .

As I like as I said , this is not for everyone only if you're serious about photography only if you want manual control over your settings .

This is for you 90% of the times I'm using the stock application and I'm very happy with the results .

But if you need that extra controls , you can use the third party applications .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

The next step is about shooting in low light .

But before we move to the next step , it's time to thank the sponsors of the video .

And that is skillshare .

Skillshare is an online learning community .

And I've been using skillshare from a long , long time .

You want to learn photography , videography , editing animation , skillshare is the place to go .

Recently , I joined this class on street photography by trash and where he talks about shooting portraits , architecture , shooting in low light .

And also he shared his editing work flow .

Now I'm new to street photography .

So this course was super useful .

You want to learn something new , you want to upgrade your skills .

I will definitely recommend skillshare for the 1st 1000 people to click on the link .

In the description below , you get a free skillshare trial membership .

If you're taking a yearly subscription monthly , you're paying less than ₹800 or $10 .

And you're getting access to all the classes if you're interested .

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There's some really good applications on the app store and I'm planning to make a video about them .

So stay tuned for that .

I know I said that was the last step .

But here's a bonus tip disclaimer .

This is only available to the 12 Pro and the 12 Pro max users as of now .

And that is using pro is a big deal for me .

Let me explain why raw files have more data compared to JP files , which is useful in post processing .

You can push the raw files more in post processing compared to the JPEG files and make it look better .

You could shoot in raw even before the help of third party applications .

Then the question is sort of why is Apple pro raw so exciting when your iphone takes an image , it does a lot of computational photography which we even saw in this video to give you the final result .

Raw photos from third party applications are simple raw images .

There's no computational photography involved .

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There's some really good applications on the app store and I'm planning to make a video about them .

So stay tuned for that .

I know I said that was the last step .

But here's a bonus tip disclaimer .

This is only available to the 12 Pro and the 12 Pro max users as of now .

And that is using pro is a big deal for me .

Let me explain why raw files have more data compared to JP files , which is useful in post processing .

You can push the raw files more in post processing compared to the JPEG files and make it look better .

You could shoot in raw even before the help of third party applications .

Then the question is sort of why is Apple pro raw so exciting when your iphone takes an image , it does a lot of computational photography which we even saw in this video to give you the final result .

Raw photos from third party applications are simple raw images .

There's no computational photography involved .

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Whereas with the pro you get the same processing deep fusion smart HDR night mode and you still get the benefits of shooting in raw mode .

Basically , you're getting the best of both the walls .

If you're going to post process your images , I definitely recommend turning the pro raw option on .

Remember the file size is huge .

So don't turn it on every time .

If you don't need it by default , it will be off even you have turned it on in the settings .

So remember to check every time while you're taking the picture .

That's it from this video guys .

I hope you people enjoyed the video and found this video useful .

If you did press the like button new to the channel , you should definitely consider subscribing for more such content .

I'll talk to you guys in the next one .

Bye .

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And as you can see in the menu at the top , it's not gone , but we actually want to show this page .

So we're going to go back and click show and it's going to be back at the top again .

Uh within the pages settings , you have more options as well .

So you can add new pages or you can just go ahead and change your settings for the page .

You can set a password on it .

You can change your Sco for Google , you can rename the page , you can copy , you can duplicate it and can also do it to a sub page .

And if you want to do it to the sub page , what you can also do is just drag it and drag it underneath another page , what that is going to do is change it in the menu .

So if we do preview and hover over travel , you're gonna have it as well .

And this can be a good thing if you want to sub page your pages , but we're going to go ahead and drag it back onto the top .

Then you also have blog pages under blog pages , you're going to have your post and your blog .

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Same thing here is why you can have your settings and also changed for Google , you can rename the page or just delete it page transitions is not super needed .

So what you can do right here is just click none .

What this is going to do is increase the website speed because having these effects are going to just drag down the speed of your website .

OK .

Next , we have the overall background of the whole website .

So if I click something right here , you can change the , see that the whole website is going to change , it doesn't look super good .

So we're going to go back to color and just add it to white , then you're going to have the plus right here .

And what that is going to be is all the elements you can add to your pages .

And if you want to go back to a page , you have the banner at the top .

Let's say we want to go back to the home page , just click on home and right here we have our home page .

So if we want to add , let's say this woman right here , we would just click it and drag it wherever we want it on the website .

So if I want to read right here , I want it to be a bit smaller and I want to put it right here .

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That's how you would do it .

Then I'm going to delete this because I don't want it .

So just delete , it's gonna be gone .

You can do the same thing with all these different elements .

You have video , music , social contact forms and menu , lightbox , content manager .

So much more , if you keep going , you're going to have the Vix app market in the Vix app market , you can add features that are not originally within Wix and this is going to be third party or apps made directly by VX .

This is going to be super good .

If you want to add some special feature that Wix doesn't offer , you can just search within the app and then click on add .

So just to give you an example , let's say I want to add my Instagram feed .

I can just search Instagram and you can see this app is made by X and I want to add this just click add once I've clicked add , you can see this whole element on the website and you can see this is not your Instagram feed , right ?

So what you're going to have to do is go to settings , then you're going to have to connect your Instagram account .

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So you can show your images and then you can just change the overall layout of this element .

So you can change it to a slider collage how many images you want to show how many rows you want and how much spacing you want between the images .

You also have more settings .

So you can change it to your language , you can turn off to show more button or keep it on .

You can also display on hover full screen , you can change the side .

So there's a lot of features within every element within Wix .

But this Instagram feed , we don't want it .

So we're gonna delete it as well .

And as you can see , we have a huge gap once again .

So all we have to do is just drag all the content back off to the top , all the way up and there we go , there's no change to the website , going to go to media .

So under media , you can just add your own photos or as again , you can add your images from DEX , free images from DEX or shot or stock or just upload your very own images directly .

Then right here , we're going to have our blog manager .

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So in your blog manager , you can either create a create a new post or you can manage your old posts .

So what we are going to do is create a new post .

Once you're in the post creator , this is going to where you're writing your blog post .

So new youtube channel is gonna be my title and then just fill it out with your content as it would usually do .

So , hello , don't until it co is just to add some content on it just like this , then you can see the plus sign right here .

So let's say you want to add a video in the middle of the blog post .

This is how you would do it .

You can go to my video media from VX and let's say we want to add this one right here .

Now you're gonna have an image within your blog and then you can just keep writing your content down below , you can add your titles .

So if I wanted to create this one into a title , er I can just change it right here .

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So now it is a title and then I can continue writing the text down below .

Let's change this back to a text .

So now it's just gonna be text , uh check out this and then you can write your content .

Once again , you can add gifts , you can add code , you can basically add anything you want within your blog post .

Once you're finished with your blog post , you want to make sure that in settings you have a cover photo and that you want to show up in your blog feed , you can publish it now or publish it later , you can also change or wrote it .

So if you don't want your own name , you can change it to someone else's name .

You can also add this which is going to be a preview in your blog feed .

You can also do your sco so the URL for the actual blog post , you can change the title which is going to show up in search in Google , you can also add your description .

So this is , this is basically a preview on how it's going to look in Google .

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So if I change this right here , my new blog post , this is how the title is gonna look within the Google search .

And hello , please read my blog and that is description how it's gonna look within Google outside your categories .

So if you want to make sure you're putting it in the right category , you do it here .

So you can do e travel or relax or you can just add your new categories and you can also remove , add these categories when you want or add new categories .

So if you import a theme and the theme doesn't have the categories you want .

Don't worry , you can change the categories however you like , OK , let's say our blog post is done .

We're going to click publish and that is going to be our new blog post .

And when you import a theme , you're going to have old blog posts that are just standard .

What you can do is just go ahead and delete these .

So move them to trash , that's just going to remove them all from your website and you're never going to see them again .

Now , when we have edited our website , we have changed the layout .

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We have created our first blog post .

We want to make sure that our website looks good .

We can just go into preview mode , look at our , how our website looks .

Let's go to the home page looks beautiful and we changed everything and obviously we want to spend a lot of time changing everything .

So it looks like you wanted to .

But once you're done with your website , what you want to do is just go back to your editor , you can publish it .

And as you can see right here , we're not going to have a , a domain right now .

So what's going to happen is that we want to make sure that we upgrade our package .

So if you go to upgrade right here and then we go to compare plans , we're going to be able to see the different packages for your website .

So what I would recommend you to do for your blog is definitely get the combo package , the combo package is going to give you a domain .

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So you can have , let's say who is Bobin dot com as your blog name instead of having who is Bobin dot vix site dot com going to make it a lot more professional and also make it a lot easier to visit your website because a lot of people are not going to do who is Bobin dot vix site dot com .

It's just too complicated to write .

So it's super good .

Did you get a free domain with your purchase ?

And it's also going to be £6 a month ?

And what's included in this is why is that you're going to remove all the Vix ads on your website , which is going to make it look super professional compared to having Vix ads on your website .

Once you have bought this package , you will be able to pick your domain , connect it and then publish your website and it's going to be up on your new domain and there you go , your website is live .

That is gonna be it for today's video .

If you guys enjoyed , please make sure to subscribe .

Also , feel free to comment if you have any questions .

I usually answer as many questions as I can .

And if you want me to cover any special ideas , just comment it down below .

I'll make sure to make a video on that as well , but that is going to be it .

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Hopefully you guys enjoy it and I'll see you next time .


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