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2023-07-21 08:49:33

Yoga For Complete Beginners At Home - 30 min Yoga Flow

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I must say welcome Yogis .

My name is Cassandra and I'm gonna take you through a really wonderful full body beginner yoga class .

You don't really need any props for this practice .

But if you do happen to own some blocks , you might want to have them close by just in case .

And we're going to begin sitting and try to sit in a way where you have one chin in front of the other .

If that doesn't work , you can just be crosslegged , which is fine as well .

But if so try to get your right shin in front of your left one and we're going to rotate and move over towards our right knee and just crawl the fingertips out as much as you can while pushing down into your left hip .

So you should start to feel a really great stretch here through the left side of your rib cage and maybe along your back , try to relax your head and your neck .

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I'm just staying up high on the fingertips , see if you can crawl them out even more .

And now keep your right hand as it is and stretch your left arm all the way up big diagonal line , opening your chest and really rolling that left shoulder back and inhale , come all the way back to center and switch so that you have your left shin now in front of the right one and face over towards your left knee and start to crawl the fingertips out length and out and really reach through your right arm , push down into your right hip and stretch out through the side of your waist .

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So , most important in this class is that you stay connected to your breath , slow and steady , inhales and exhales through your nose if possible and keep your left hand as it is and stretch your right arm all the way up big diagonal line .

Try to roll your right shoulder back , really expand nice and long and use a little bit of coarse strength to come all the way back through to center and now sitting in any way that works for you , we're just gonna open up our arms a little cactus shape here as you inhale , puff the chest forward and only exhale round and contract forms together .

So inhale , open up , exhale around and bring it in two more like this cat and cow from her seated position .

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Get this motion in your upper back in your mid back and coming all the way back to neutral .

You can bring your left hand to your right knee , right hand behind you , twist , draw your navel in and try to eliminate any rounding from your spine here .

So you're trying to lengthen and get even straighter as you roll that shoulder back and release the center and switch side .

So right hand on your left knee , left fingertips behind you roll it back so your hips are facing forward and you're really just rotating through your spine , maybe looking over your left shoulder and release .

Let's find tabletop poses on hands and knees , palms underneath your shoulders , knees underneath your hips , spread your fingertips nice and wide .

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So , really important here , your foundation , you want middle and index fingers to be pointing towards the top of the mat and really push into your fingertips and knuckles .

Just cat and cow inhale , drop your belly , lift your gaze , curl tail bone up .

Exhale to reverse this .

Pull your navel in , let your head be heavy .

We keep going , try to match movement with breath .

So exhale you round and inhale .

You drop your belly and lift your gaze two more here .

Keep pushing into fingertips and knuckles and come back .

Neutral table top pose , engage your abdominals here .

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So working on core strength , keep your toes pointed back and see if you can push into the tops of the feet , super straight spine and then lift your knees and your shins just an inch or two off the floor and then set them back down , squeeze and lift your right knee up .

This is kind of like puppy fire hydrant So you're lifting your knee up as high as your hip and then set that knee and shin back down .

Push into the feet , squeeze and lift the knees off the mat .

Strong for your shoulders .

Knees come down this time , go ahead and lift your left hip .

Notice if you're bending your right elbow , try to press it straight and release .

So a little faster this time going through the sequence and inhale , lift the knees , exhale to lower inhale right knee lifts up to the side , exhale , bring it back down .

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Inhale , lift up , exhale shins to the mat .

Inhale left knee and thigh lift to the side , push the elbow straight , exhale , set it down one more on each side .

Inhale , lift and lower right knee lifts and lowers last one .

Lift the knees , lower them down , left knee and thighs , squeeze up and lower it down .

Keep your hips over your knees and walk your hands out in front of you .

Try to relax your forehead and your chest down towards the floor .

So a nice puppy pose .

So that little kneeling sequence was certainly challenging .

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Totally normal if your heart rate has elevated , but try to come back to those slow steady breaths in and out through your nose and let's ripple all the way forward into our Sphinx pose .

So laying on your belly , keep your forms on the mat , spread the fingertips wide and think of lifting your heart up , rolling your shoulders back and broadening through your chest and release down towards the mat .

Slide your hands a little bit further down .

So they're closer to shoulder level .

Push into your feet .

Inhale chin , chest and palms come off the floor .

Exhale to lower down twice more like this .

Inhale , squeeze and lift , exhale , release .

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Last one , inhale up , exhale to lower , push into your palms , engage your core and your abs and see if you can push back up using arm strength back into your table top pose from this table top pose , hands are under your shoulders , knees are underneath your hips , reach your right foot back and roll to the inner edge of your right foot .

So you're leaning on your left hand , left knee and then right arm can stretch up towards the sky .

So I'm trying to align my right shoulder directly over the top of the left one and also trying to stack right hip on top of the left hip .

And if you're feeling pretty good balance wise , you can challenge yourself by looking up towards your thumb really strong here .

And if you'd like to challenge yourself further , you're going to squeeze into the glutes and maybe float your right foot off the floor .

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So only balancing on left hand and left knee .

So just because a class is called beginner does not mean it won't necessarily have some challenges and let your right foot come down to the floor , just stretch your right arm up overhead , big side , body stretch here and let's release and we'll go do that same thing on the other side .

Step your left foot back , roll to the inside edge of that left foot .

So it's flat on the floor .

This will help you with balance and then your left arm can stretch up to the sky , stacking one shoulder over the other one hip over the other .

Maybe you start to look up towards your thumb if that's a little too much , keep your gaze right in front of you or even down on the floor .

And if you'd like to see if you can float and lift your left heel up just as high as your hip .

Hm .

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And if you can't breathe , you know , you've gone too far in this pose and left foot comes down , take a big side body stretch bicep along the ear and left hand comes back down .

Let's find our first downward facing dog .

So from table top hose , you'll need to walk your hands a couple inches past your shoulders before tucking your toes under and lifting your hips up and back .

So feet about hip with distance apart , go ahead and paddle the feet so you can bend one knee and straighten the opposite leg and just switch that a few times .

Getting a nice stretch in your calves , the back of your knees into your hamstrings and try to lengthen out through your spine , straightening your arms relaxing your neck , let your head be heavy and you can start to walk your feet towards the top of the mat for a rag doll fold .

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So keep your feet pretty wide .

You can bend your knees a lot here , maybe hold onto your elbows as you sway a little bit side to side .

Big stretch through the back of your legs and release your fingertips down to the floor , bend your knees a little bit more just so you can bring your big toes together to touch .

So feet together and now bend your knees as much as you can let your hips come down nice and low as you lift up into your chair pose , roll your shoulders down and away from your ears .

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And as if you are sitting down in a chair really fire up through your glutes , fire up through your thighs , bring your hands at your heart , sink down a tiny bit lower and then go ahead and press all the way up to stand , release your arms by your sides , roll your shoulders back and separate your feet .

So they're once more about the hit with distance apart and I'm just going to turn your face towards you guys to make it easier for you to see .

So as you lean on your left leg , go ahead and squeeze to pick up your right knee and right leg off the floor .

So notice how one hip wants to lift up higher than the other .

Try to keep them both at the same height .

This is using ab strength and hip lexer strength .

Keep your gaze steady and see if you can all open up that right side to the side , similar to what we were doing on all floors and bring it back forward and lower it down .

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Let's go do the same thing .

Other side .

So lean onto your right leg , squeeze and lift that left knee up .

Make sure you're not tilting through your pelvis .

Try not to dig with your toes and I'll go ahead and open all the way up to the side , big rotation in that hip all the way forward again and release .

Ok .

So one more time we're gonna add on from here .

Lean on your left leg , squeeze and lift your right knee up .

Go ahead and open up to the side and then make your way to your tree pose .

So you're going to place that foot somewhere alongside the inside of that leg maybe up towards the thigh or you might be down at the shin level , which is totally fine as well .

So choose where you want to place your right foot , try to push and squeeze everything together to lift up a little bit taller .

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And once you feel like you have some balance , maybe you play with opening up your arms .

So holding your breath does not make this any easier and think of growing even taller in this pose .

Let's bring our hands back together in front of the heart and carefully release and we'll go and switch sides , shake it out .

So leaning on your right leg , go ahead and squeeze to lift that left knee up as high as it will go and then open it out to the side and we're going to place it for tree pose .

So place that foot anywhere along the inside of the leg that feels good .

Try not to push out in your hip .

So much .

So really squeeze everything in , holding up nice and tall .

Take your time .

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Notice if you're digging your toes into the floor , try to lighten a little bit through your toes and maybe you can reach your arms up and out one more big breath here and hands come together at the front of the heart and release .

So turn so that you're facing the long edge of the mat , like knee and go ahead and widen your feet .

So widen the legs , widen the feet and you want both feet to be parallel to the shorter edges of your mat .

Hands on your hips as you inhale , lift up and only exhale , you're going to hinge forward and fall down , place your hands wherever is accessible to you .

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So this is one of those poses where maybe if the floor is far away , you might want to have a block or two under your hands and you can always play with the distance between your feet , but just try to relax your head , relax your neck big openings to the backs of the legs here , start to walk your hands out in front of you again , bring your hands to your hips , push your feet into the floor and come all the way up really strong here .

Now , turn both heels in all toes pointing out in a diagonal .

So about to the top corners of your mat and then bend into your knees into your temple .

Pose as you ease those knees open .

You really need to work into your glutes here and go ahead and reach your arms up overhead .

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Inhale , exhale , sink down a little lower two more like this here .

Inhale , big circle with the arms , exhale .

Draw that in last one , an hill and exhale , bring your hands to your thighs .

You should feel them activate from here and just let yourself kind of rest on your legs and see if you can drop one shoulder down or rolling the other one back and then you switch the other shoulder drops coming back through to neutral .

Push into your feet , come all the way up , turn so that your front toes are pointing towards the top of the mat and your back foot should be parallel to the back of your mat .

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And Warrior two bend into that front knee as you open out through your arms , palms are facing down .

And as you bend into that front knee , think of squeezing it open towards your little toe , deep opening into our hips here as you inhale , straighten that front leg , bring your arms up overhead to touch .

Exhale .

Press down a little deeper into Warrior too .

A few more like this .

Inhale up .

Exhale , press and push down two more .

Breathe in and straighten .

Exhale , push down last one .

Inhale and exhale .

Warrior two .

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Drop your right hand to your thigh , Reach that left arm up and over big side body stretch back to Warrior two , straighten your front leg , turn those toes in .

So it's parallel to the top of the mat and now pivot so that you're facing towards the back of your mat .

Warrior two same thing , but just on the other side .

So as you bend into that back , knee , squeeze it open , you want your knee on top of your ankle , bend it down and then inhale , straighten the leg , reach your arms up , exhale , press and sink a little deeper .

So flowing with your breath , make this a mindfulness practice and he'll stretch it up .

Exhale , get deeper into your hips .

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Last one , inhale and exhale .

We'll reverse our warrior left hand down , right arm up , pull the belly in , come all the way back through to center , push the legs straight , turn the right toes in .

So exactly like what we did before hands on your hips , both feet are parallel to the shorter edges of your mat .

Lift up and fold on down .

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And this time , see if you can walk your hands over towards your right foot and right leg , maybe holding on to your shin , to your ankle , to your foot and switch sides , go and stretch a little deeper towards the other leg for reaching for the left shin or the left ankle .

Come all the way back to center .

Lift your chest up first , bring your hands to your hips and really push your feet into the floor to lift all the way up .

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And we're gonna step to the top of the max hands at your heart , close your eyes , find the flow of your breath again here and inhale arms rise , exhale , fold all the way down .

You can definitely bend your knees here halfway , lift flat back , exhale , fold and find downward dog from here .

So can you step those feet back , hands , shoulder with distance apart , feet or about hip with distance apart or so curl your tailbone up towards the sky , stretch everything out a little bit longer and we're going to step our right foot forward in between the hands at the top of the mat .

You might need to use your hand to help it along back , knee comes down to the floor .

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So low lunge , we want our right knee directly over the top of that ankle and then you can push your feet into the floor in order to lift up .

So really lengthen your tailbone down , draw the lower belly in and use that to find a little bit more length .

So we're looking for a nice stretch to the front of our left thigh and left hip , bring your hands down towards the mat .

Push into your right heel so that you can straighten that leg and fold .

Getting deeper into your hamstrings , relax your shoulders , your neck , your head .

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And now a little bit of a challenge from here , bend into that front knee once more and come back through to your table top pods and kick that right leg up and back .

So roll your right hip down , the front of your leg should be facing the floor and maybe you stay exactly as you are .

If you'd like to go a little further , you're going to reach your left arm forward , bicep is along your ear .

Take an inhale , reach it out and exhale round and contract from your elbow and knee together to touch two more like this .

Inhale , stretch long exhale , squeeze , pull it in last one in hill and exhale table top pose .

And let's take a child's pose .

Big toast together , widen your knees , bring your hips towards your heels and fall down .

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So just taking a few breaths here to slow down our heart rate , checking in seeing how you feel from the sequence so far , trying to let your hips be heavy and we'll make our way back to downward facing dog .

So take your time hands will be shoulder with distance apart to feet , our hip with distance apart as you lift your hips up and back and just make any little movements and adjustments that feel good here to stretch out downward .

Dog is a really wonderful full body activating pose .

There's really nothing .

It's not working here and we're gonna go to the other side for our low lunge .

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So you can step your left foot forward to the top of the mat in between your hands , right knee comes down to the floor .

So knees on top of the ankle , push into your feet in order to lift up .

So what we don't want here , especially if you are flexible is to dump all of the weight into the low back .

Try to stay up a little bit higher , reach your tailbone down , pull your belly in and then lift up from there .

So while we are stretching deeply in this pose , it's also very much about strengthening and about finding stability in our joints .

Let's bring the fingertips down to the floor , push into your left heel just straighten that front leg as you fold .

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You can definitely bend your left knee here if you need to and start to bend into that front knee , we're coming back to table top hose on all fours , hands under shoulders , knees under hips and extend your left leg up and back , roll that left hip down .

So the front of the thighs facing the floor .

And maybe you stay here , there's already a lot going on .

Or if you'd like , you can stretch your right arm forward , take an inhale to lengthen and then exhale , bring your elbow and knee together to touch two more like this .

Inhale .

Out .

Exhale , contracting .

Last one , inhale and exhale .

But really send one last time .

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Let's find our child's pose , big toes together , knees apart , fool them , try to relax your body completely .

So we start to cool down and we're just going to make our way to lay down on our backs .

Ok .

So you can lie back down , keep your knees bent , so your feet are flat to the floor , your feet should be about hip with distance apart and you want to have your heels pretty close in towards your glutes .

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Really roll your shoulders down and away from your ears .

Palms are facing up to the sky , squeeze your glutes , power up through your thighs and see if you can push to lift your hips off of the floor .

So you're lifting and pushing your hips up as high as they can go without letting your knees open up to the sides .

So really keep your knees stacked over the top of your ankles , you're going to have to hug in through your inner thighs a little bit in order to do this .

So this is your bridge pose .

See if you can squeeze a little more to lift a little higher , no tension in your neck and slowly release inch by inch until your hips are back to the floor .

You can extend your arms out to the sides into a little cactus shape or a T shape .

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Hips move over to the right and let both knees and thighs drop to the left into a lang spinal twist , collarbones facing up , inhale , lift the knees back up , we'll switch sides .

So move your hips a little bit over towards the left side of your map .

And let both knees drop down to the right one thigh over the other .

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Come back to those slow steady breaths , inhale , lift all the way back through to center and just pull your knees in towards your belly .

If that feels good , giving it a squeeze , we're setting ourselves up for Shabana final resting pose .

So go ahead and extend out long with your legs with your arms .

Give yourself lots of space to get comfortable and settled here .

You and I know it might be tempting especially at home to exit the video at this point and stop your practice .

But I really , really , really encourage you to stay here , really let yourself enjoy this time of rest and relaxation .

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This is like digesting after a big meal .

It gives your opportunity , your body the opportunity to really process all of this good hard work that you've done .

So give yourself permission to linger here to connect to your breath and to notice how your body feels .

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Anyway , that is comfortable , close your eyes once you're there and you can bring your hands together at the front of your heart , showing yourself gratitude , really recognize and honor all of your hard work .

And we'll close with a chant of one time .

Inhale the chant , big breath in .

I must stay .

Thank you so much , Yogis .

Please do subscribe to my channel and leave me a comment and let me know how this went for you .

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If you'd like to stay a little bit longer on your match , you can follow this up with a really simple guided affirmation meditation .

The link is right here and also I have a free 30 day morning yoga challenge right here on youtube .

I'd love to have you join us .

You can click right here for more information .

Thank you .


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