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2023-07-22 12:45:24

10 Min Basic Hatha Yoga for Beginners _ Beginners Yoga Routine _ ChriskaYoga

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Hi , I'm Christina and welcome to my channel , Chrissa Yoga today , we'll be doing a 10 minute , quick and simple basic yoga sequence .

The yoga is pretty popular on this channel .

It's one of my most , actually , almost my most viewed video on this channel .

The 30 minute yoga for beginners class .

Everyone's always asking me for more yoga , more healthy yoga .

But today , we'll be doing a really quick and simple 10 minute yoga sequence that you can do when you're short on time .

And so to get you a quick fix of yoga in for the day .

So I hope you enjoy it before we get started .

If you are not subscribed yet to this channel , please take two seconds and hit the subscribe button below .

It's completely free to subscribe .

I would really appreciate it .

I would love to have you as a part of the community .

Everyone here is so great and so nice .

So I would love for you to join us .

So if you're ready , have your yoga mat and let's get started .

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Begin in a cross legged , seated position on the ground , cross your shins , bring your feet under your knees , sit up tall , bring your hands to your legs , close your eyes and begin to deepen your breath breathing deeply in and out through your nose .

Come to focus on your in house and your ex house and remain here for several deep breaths .

Slowly come to open your eyes on your next inhale .

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Raise your arms all the way up towards the ceiling , looking up and then on an exhale , place your hands down and then bring your fingertips to the ground behind you elbows pointed back , lift your chest up , looking up and coming to an arch .

When your next exhale , release your body from the arch and come to a hands and knees position will come to a child's pose , touch your big toes together , separate your knees slightly , set your hips onto your heels , relax your torso over the thighs and bring your forehead to the ground .

Reach your arms out in front of you and relax them .

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Quiet the mind for a moment , come inward , breathe deeply and hold , bring yourself up to a hands and knees position .

Once again from here , step the right leg forward , bringing the knee directly above the lung .

Toes pointed forward .

Keep the left leg back on the diagonal .

You should be feeling a stretch in the front of your left hip and your left claw softening the right hip socket looking down , keep as much length in your spine as you can breathe here in your low lunge .

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And then shift your weight onto the left leg , flex the right foot and straighten the right leg .

Look down , have your hands framing the right foot on the ground .

Once again , keeping as much length in your spine as possible , feeling a stretch in the entire back of your right leg and hold here and from here , bring the right leg underneath your body and switch legs .

Step the left leg forward , coming into low lunch , lunging forward onto the left leg .

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Your hips are raised up towards the ceiling .

Breathe here feeling a slight arch in your back , melting the chest towards the ground here and hold .

I will take a wide leg , child's pose .

Touch your big toes together , separate your knees about the width of your yoga mat .

Drop your forehead down to the ground , reach your arms out in front of you , sink your chest down towards the ground , open your chest and your armpits towards the floor .

Breathing here .

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Bring yourself up onto your hands and knees , bring your legs parallel to one another and hips distance apart from here , tuck your toes , your hands are right underneath your shoulders , straighten your legs , lift your hips up and back .

Coming into a downward facing dog .

In your first downward dog , move your legs .

You can peddle your leg , move in any way that you need to alleviate any stiffness .

You might be feeling in your hips and your leg muscles .

You can walk from side to side as I'm doing here and do whatever you need to do for a few breaths .

Slowly come to stillness and your downward facing dog hold for several deep breaths .

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And from here , step your right leg forward in between your hands , bring your knee directly above the right ankle .

Stay on the ball of your left foot , keeping your heel up and come up into a high lunge , reaching your arms up towards the ceiling , lunging forward into your right leg .

Keep your left leg nice and straight and active and just hold here and gently bring your hands back down to the ground and step back into downward facing dog , lifting your hips up and back on the diagonal .

Press your heels down from here , we'll come into high lunge on the left stepping the left leg in between your hands , knee above the ankle , keep the right leg , straight heel up and raise your torso and arms up .

Coming into high lunge on the left .

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Continue to lunge forward into the left leg .

Keeping the right leg active and energized reaching the arms up and from here , place your hands back down onto the floor .

Step the left foot back into downward facing dog .

Hold your downward dog and breathe .

Press your hands into the ground , rebound up through your shoulders , lift your hips up and back , press your heels down in the direction of the ground .

Hold here from here , walk your feet forward towards your hands .

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Take as many steps as you need , coming to a forward fold and once you're here , hold on to opposite elbows in both of your hands .

You can keep a slight bend in your legs here and just allow your torso and your head to hang over your legs .

You can also choose to gently sway your torso from side to side , alternate bending and straightening your legs here .

Whatever you need to do , just completely relax your head and your neck and allow your body to hang over .

Come back to your forward fold and take an inhale .

Lift your torso up , comes to standing or reach your arms all the way up .

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From here , take the right wrist in your left hand and tilt your torso over to the left , stretching the right side of your body , reaching your right arm up and over , pulling it gently over with the other hand on an inhale , come back up and switch sides .

Take hold of the left wrist in your right hand .

Tilt over to the right , stretching the left side of your body .

Exhale , come back up and release your hands down by your sides .

Thank you so much for watching .

I really hope you enjoyed this class .

If you liked it , please hit the like button down below the video , the thumbs up , it would really support the channel and help it to grow and reach more people along with that .

Also , what would help the channel to grow would be if you comment it down below the video , letting me know what you thought of the class .

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If you enjoy these quick classes , if you would like me to do more 10 minute sequences , longer classes , any requests for upcoming yoga classes you would like to see from me .

I always love to hear from you and I always reply .

So please leave me a comment down below .

Also , as I mentioned before , please subscribe to this channel if you aren't yet subscribed .

If you are welcome back .

And thank you so much for being here again today .

If you aren't , please subscribe , it is free and hit the notification bell next to the subscribe button to be notified every time I post a new free yoga class , which is at least once a week .

Also make sure that you're following me over on my Facebook page as well .

I just posted a new abs yoga workout on there and I will be posting new and exclusive yoga classes on Facebook only in addition to these yoga classes on youtube every single week .

So don't forget to head over there and follow my Facebook page as well .

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All of the links to everything that I mentioned and more are listed in the description box below .

Thank you so much .

See you next time .


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