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2023-07-20 13:00:52

15 Min Yoga FULL BODY STRETCH & Deep Relaxation

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Welcome .

This is a 15 minute deep , full body stretch .

Feel free to have some props nearby like pillows , bolsters yoga blocks .

Anything that you may need .

If you feel like you might want to modify , we'll begin in a wide legged child's pose just taking the knees as wide as you comfortably can and will thread the right arm underneath the left .

You can keep that left hand planted just in front of your face or you can reach it up towards the top corner of the mat .

This variation is optional , feel free to rest the forehead on the mat and you can just reach the hands forward .

And of course , you have the option to skip this pose .

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If it does feel uncomfortable and will gently release and switching sides , we gently release and coming right into our child's pose option here to modify .

If need be , you can place pillows underneath the hips between the hips and heels .

You can even rest the torso over a few pillows as well .

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Will begin drying the breath into the chest as you exhale , softening the shoulders , the upper back , softening the arms , the hands , we draw the breath into the belly , expanding the lower back as you inhale , as you exhale , allowing the hips to be heavy , softening the bottoms of the feet and the toes .

When you're ready , we'll gently release .

Coming into a tabletop pose , rests on your shoulders and knees and hips on an exhale .

Rounding through the spine .

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Take your gaze down for cat pose , inhaled , dropping the belly , take her gaze up for cow will continue sinking breath with movement flowing at your own pace .

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Go ahead and come to a neutral spine , walking the hands forward , begin to gently rock side to side , maybe finding some organic movement here when you're ready , sending the hips towards your heels , rounding through one vertebrae at a time all the way to your belly .

Keep a slight bend in the elbows , cobra pose , option to rock side to side , gazing over one shoulder over the other .

Remember to live through the sternum soft in the shoulders .

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So you're eating that full stretch throughout the entire front body tucking the tailbone to protect the lower back here on an exhale , tucking be toeses pressing into the hands , sending the hips up for down dog .

Walk it out here finding some organic movement .

You can twist side to side just pressing the mat away from you .

Remember to really ground into the mat , pressing the mat away from you .

Let the head be heavy .

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No tension in the neck on an inhale .

Left leg lifts a hell taking the knee and ankle to the top of the mat .

For pigeon posed option to place pillows underneath the hips underneath that left hip and the front of the right thigh for added height and support , feel free to skip this pose .

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If it doesn't feel right , you don't want to feel anything more than just a gentle stretch option to rest up right here or go ahead and take your fold , folding over the left leg , resting your forehead on your forearms or a pillow or block will begin drawing the breath into the belly as you actually allowing the hips to be heavy , softening the legs softening that right knee , the right foot letting go of any tension here with each exhale .

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Right leg lifts , exhale that right knee and ankle to the top of the mat .

Inhale , lifting through the sternum option here to modify , taking a moment .

And when you're ready , if you'd like , you can go ahead and fold over that right leg .

Taking a moment to really connect with the breath here , drawing the breath into the belly as you exhale , softening the hips softening that left leg .

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Now , this might be a bit intense for many of you .

So feel free to lean forward , lift the hips in time .

We'll get there slowly draw the hips towards the heels with time sitting nice and tall , drying the breath into the belly and we'll release , shake out the toes and then we'll come to our seat , placing the right heel beside the left hip so that the right knee is pointed forward and keeping that left foot just on the inside of the right knee or you can take it to the outside if this is enough , stay right here and he'll sit tall or as you exhale , go ahead and take a twist right elbow to the outside of the left knee , left hand just behind you .

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Once again sitting nice and tall if through the sternum , as much as you can , as you exhale , softening the shoulders , he in healed a release and we'll switch sides .

Left heel rests beside the right hip , right foot on the inside or the outside of that left leg in , he'll sit tall as you exhale .

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Take that left elbow to the outside of the right knee , right hand in back , gazing over the right shoulder , sit tall , creating space with your inhales , letting go with each exhale and we'll go ahead and release .

Take a moment here .

Give yourself a big hug .

Will come to a comfortable seat and held the hands up over head .

Ax hillsides stretch towards your left right hand , reaches up and over , inhale the hands back up .

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Exhale sides stretch towards your right in .

He'll reach the hands up , he'll release the hands down in your big breath .

Reach up a hell released in Hill .

Reach Ags Hill this time .

Hands to heart center .

Thank you for joining .

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