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2023-07-21 08:49:45

Hatha Yoga For Beginners At Home (30 min Workout)

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Hello , it's Leslie Fightmaster and City's class is a class for beginners .

So we're gonna start sitting up if this isn't comfortable for you to sit up , you don't have to , you can start lying down , which is where we're going to go next .

So if you would like to bring your hands together in front of your heart , and we'll begin with an intention , an intention .

It's just to do the very best that we can today .

I want to have an open mind .

So we'll come on to the back and just extend your legs out , allow your feet to flop open , bring your arms by your side , your palms faced up and we call this pose .

This is a pose we come into at the end of our practice as well .

We're just going to start to focus on our breath .

So begin to breathe in and out through your nose and we'll start what is called the breath .

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So inhaling through the nose , exhale out your mouth like you're fogging a mirror and then inhale again , exhale like you're foggy in the mirror and then close your mouth halfway through .

And that is the sound that we make , when we breathe , it's a little constriction in the back of the throat and it helps to warm our body from the inside and it also helps to keep our focus and attention .

So come into that breath , I'll remind you to come back to it .

And while you're here lying on the floor and breathing , just take notice of the parts of your back that touch the mat and the parts that don't .

And now point your toes up to the ceiling , flex your ankles and take your arms by your sides .

As you inhale , reach your arms up and overhead in line with your ears .

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Watch if your ribs pop up and your lower back pops up off the floor .

If that happens , draw the front ribs in and reach your tailbone towards your heels and then exhale the hands down by your side .

So do it again .

Inhale , lift the arms up and over and you might not get them up as far as the ears .

If your rib cage pops out , draw it in and keep reaching the tabone toward the heels .

Exhale , bring the arms down by your sides .

Once again , inhale , reach your arms up , you can stop anywhere along the way .

So if bringing the arms by the ears causes the rage to really flare up , then don't go so far .

Exhale lower back down , dry your right knee into your chest and just give it a hug so that you can stretch out your hip flexor on the right side and just hold on to the right shin .

Or if that's a little much , you can always hold on behind the right thigh .

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Keep the left leg active with the left toes pointing up and breathing in and out through the nose .

Reliefs , take a breath in , exhale left leg into chest , holding here and breathing and steady breath in and out through the nose , allow your shoulder blades to relax away from your ears .

Make sure you're not holding any tension in the jaw or anywhere on your face , release the left leg , inhale the right leg .

And again , and this time will extend the right leg up toward the ceiling and hold on somewhere along the legs so you can hold on behind your thigh .

If your leg doesn't come as far up , that's fine .

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But try to straighten out the knee and maybe it won't completely but do the best that you can to straighten out the knee and reach through the heel , release your right leg and draw the left knee and hug it in .

Hold on anywhere along the leg .

So you can hold on behind the thigh or down by the cap and again , try to straighten out the knee , even if it doesn't go up perpendicular to the floor , that's fine , steady breathing and he and exhale , release the leg and then touch your shoulders with your fingertips and point your elbows up and start to make some circles .

I'm just gonna loosen up the shoulders .

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So pointing the elbows up , make your circles just progressively bigger and bigger again , continue your steady breathing and then pause and start to go the other way , starting your smaller circles and then beginning to get to have them come larger and larger and breathing nice and steady in and out through the nose and then release that bend your knees feet onto the floor , carefully , roll off to your right side .

So this is a way to get up safely .

So you're all the way on the right side with your left hand pressed into the floor , let your head come up last and then come up to seated and then we'll make our way onto our hands and knees .

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So I have a yoga blanket that I'm going to put under my knees to show that you can pat up your knees if your knees need any padding .

And if you don't have a yoga blanket , you can use a towel , inhale , bring your chest forward and lift your chin and tailbone up .

So the belly drops down and then exhale round your back , bring your chin and towards your chest , pressing away from the floor again , inhale to come forward , lifting the chin and tailbone , draw the shoulder blades toward your waist as you exhale , tuck your tailbone and round your back on the inhale , bring your chest forward , nice lung inhale and on your exhale , press away from the floor around the back and let your head hang down , lengthen the neck and inhale .

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Coming forward with the chest , lift your chin and tailbone , exhale , draw the belly and draw the ribs and round the back and then we'll take the hips to the heels for child's pose if that isn't comfortable to take your hips back because your knees bother you , get your blanket or your towel , put it between your calves and the backs of your thighs .

And if it's not comfortable to rest your head on the floor , you can rest your head on a yoga block or on your hands and just take a couple long breaths here again , connecting with your breath , having your inhale and your exhale be equal in length .

Sometimes it's easier to take a long breath in , but harder to take a nice long exhale or vice versa .

So we'll come back up onto the hands and knees , putting your blanket under your knees .

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If you like it , line up your wrists , under your shoulders and your knees under your hips again , dry your belly in .

So just let your belly sink right down and then press away from the floor like the cat post and just let it drop down and then press again .

So we want right in the middle and we want to find that natural spine that we had when we were lying on the floor .

So there's a little low back in or a little arch in the lower back .

But we don't want to exaggerate it , extend the right leg out toes , tucked under , drop the outer right hip down , squeeze the left hip in toward the midline and then start to lift .

So we don't want to arch the back as we lift the leg .

And we also don't want to lift the outer hip up .

So as you lift the right leg , lift it from the inner thigh , keep dropping the outer right hip down .

So we try and keep the hips level and release it down and then we'll do the left one .

So extend the left leg back , tuck the toes under , drop the outer left hip down a little and draw the right hip in toward the center .

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Lift the leg watch that your low back doesn't over arch wash that you don't lift the hip when you lift the leg .

So when you lift the leg lifted from the inner thigh , continue your breath .

I know it's a lot at once or it can be and then release it back down and we'll do that once again .

So right leg back , tucking the toes under , lift that leg straight up from the inner thigh .

Let your outer hip drop down , pin the left hip in towards center as well .

Keep the belly lifted gently so that the back doesn't over ach look forward .

Don't let the head drop and release it down and the left leg back , tuck the toes under drop , the outer left hip lift the left leg from the inner thigh , keep the outer hip dropping down .

Drawing the right hip in , press away from the floor .

Gently lift the belly and the ribs in and up .

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Crow of the head reaching forward and release it .

Take the hips back to the heels into child's pose .

Feel free to rest your head on your hands or on a yoga block and use that blanket between the calves and the backs of the knees .

If child's pose isn't very comfortable for your knees and then making our way back up .

So if you have yoga blocks , grab two yoga blocks , keep them by the front of the mat .

If you don't have yoga blocks , you can reach for the floor .

I'm gonna step the right foot up by the right hand .

So the right knee is over the ankle , my hands are on the yoga blocks .

If yours don't reach the floor , you can rest your hands on your right thigh .

Pull your right hip back here and send your left hip forward and you're welcome to put the blocks up even higher .

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But as you sink forward , we don't want the knee to go past the ankle .

Now , we'll straighten the right leg as you exhale , start to fold forward over your straight right leg and pull your right hip back as you do , sending the left hip forward and keeping the hips level again , rend into your right knee , keep your belly drawn and knees is over the ankle , pull your right hip back , take another breath here and then straighten the right leg again , come up onto the heel and fold forward over the straight right leg and exhale .

Step back into table hands on the blocks or not , step your left foot forward , sink your hips forward .

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You can have your blocks up or down or rest your hands on your thigh , pull your left hip back , sending your right hip forward .

Make sure that your left knee does not go past your ankle .

Keep your belly drawn in and up .

Now as you breathe here , exhale straight in the front leg and fold forward over the straight front leg , pulling the right hip back , take a breath here and then re bed that knee sinking forward again , pulling back on the left hip , keeping the front ribs pulling in as best you can steady breathing and exhale straight in the leg .

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So , in this pose , these poses this when we stretch out the hamstring muscles and then when the knee is bent , we stretch out the so or the hip flexor muscles and those tend to get tight from sitting in chairs , rebind the knee and then take it back next to the other knee and put your blocks off to the side and come back into child's pose again .

Remembering you can put that blanket between the backs of your calves and the backs of your thighs .

Now extend your arms forward and spread your fingers wide and make sure that your arms are shoulders distance apart and walk the hands forward so that your elbows are straight , come up onto your knees , tuck your toes under and start to lift your knees up off the floor .

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But keep them bent , keep sticking your hips up toward the ceiling and then straighten your legs any amount and they don't have to straighten and then take the knees back to the floor and take the hips back to the heels , rest your head on your hands or on the floor lengthen out the spine here and then again , extend the arms forward , make sure their shoulders distance apart , be sure to spread your fingers wide , start to press on to the base of your fingers .

So they're flat like pancakes , lift the hips , start to stretch again into down dog this time , reach the right heel down , but keep the left knee bends and then switch , bend the right knee , left heel toward the floor and switch and switch .

Make sure you're pressing down into the base of your fingers and lifting your forearms away from the mat .

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Sore wrist creases parallel with the front of the map .

Take your knees back down and rest again in child's post and rest your head on the floor on a block or on your hands .

We do downward facing dog a lot .

It is a great way to stretch out the spine .

So come back up onto the knees , tuck your toes under , coming into down , top arms and ears in line , feed our hips with and lift your right leg up into the air and then just bend the knee , open the hip for a moment and then set it down , left leg up , bend the knee , open the hip for a moment and then set that leg back down , take the knees down and rest back into child's pose so downward dog .

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And because we're in an inversion , it's sort of like being in traction for your spine .

It's really good for it .

Right leg up on the inhale as you exhale , step it forward as far as you can .

If it doesn't come up by your left hand , then pick it up and put it there , stand on the ball of your back foot , bring your hands onto your blocks or you can hold onto your leg , pull your right hip back and send your left hip forward .

Make sure your left knee is over the ankle .

So if it didn't come far enough forward , you just pick it up and put it there .

Take your bottom knee down or your back knee down .

Sorry , the left knee , step back into down dog , inhale the left leg back and uplift it from the inner thigh .

Step it all the way through .

If it doesn't make it , pick it up and put it there .

Stay on the ball of the back foot , you know , try and keep your hips level .

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So pull the left hip back here , right hips coming forward and the chest is lifted .

So we're lengthening through the spine .

Looking forward , reach through the back heel so that your back leg , your right leg is nice and active and then take that back knee down , move the blocks out of the way and make your way into downward facing dog again .

Now , if you need a rest at any time , just take the knees down , child's pose , walk your hands to your feet , walk your feet to your hands .

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So you're in a forward fold , then bend your knees and bring your hands to your hips and come all the way up to standing and we'll find the front of the mat and we'll find to Daina pose or sometimes called mountain pose , take your feet hips with a part or you can take big toes together , heel slightly apart and then just start to rock forward and back on your feet , side to side on your feet and now find a nice even center .

So you're pressing down evenly through the base of your big toes and little toes , inner and outer heels and then grab a block if you have it .

If not pretend one is there right between your inner thighs and lift your shoulders up back and then let them drop down slightly as you lift your chest and pull in your belly as you squeeze the block gently , your inner thighs spin back as you inhale , circle the arms out , around and up .

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Now remember those ribs they want to flare out , don't let them bring them in .

You can also take your arms out a little wide or they don't have to be shoulder distance apart .

Exhale , sweep the arms back down .

So as you inhale , your palms will face up , inhaling all the way up , maybe look up if that's ok on your neck .

As you exhale , face your palms out and bring the arms down by your sides and again , palms face up , inhale , reach up , make sure your ribs aren't popping out .

Draw the front ribs in tail bone down because we don't want too much arch in the low back exhale , bring the hands all the way down .

So when we stand in mountain poses or Tina , it's the safest position for our bodies because all the bones are stacked on top of each other and not much stress .

Inhale , sweep the arms up as you exhale , take the arms back down .

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Now find your hip bones right below the hip bones about an inch down is where your thighs and your torso meat .

We want to move from that place when we forward fold .

If you have blocks , put your blocks in front of you hands on blocks and lengthen your spine and then exhale and fold forward any amount , make sure the outer edges of your feet stay parallel , inhale , come halfway up , lengthen the spine , bring hands to hips , come all the way back up .

So we want to make sure we're not bending from the waist , but we're hinging from the hips .

Inhale , sweep the arms up as you exhale hinge from the hips .

So hips will go back and as you come forward , hands to the blocks or maybe just below the knees in hell , halfway up hands can be on the shins or on the blocks .

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Pull the belly in , make sure the hips are directly over the heels , axle and fold forward .

Let your head hang down , inhale , come up with a long spine and sweep the arms up and exhale .

Bring your hands back to the heart and we'll move the blocks out of the way again and take a quarter , turn to one side of your map , turn your right leg all the way out and bring your back toes in a little bit line up your front heel with your back arch , inhale your arms to a t your wrist right above your ankles and then exhale , bend your right knee over your ankle , make sure the knee doesn't go past the ankle .

Ok .

So we don't want it to go past , we don't want it to be behind .

We want to stack it up directly knee points over your middle toes , inhale straight in the right leg .

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You reach your arms up as you exhale re bed into the right knee , make sure it's still in line with the ankle .

Gaze over the fingertips , keep your belly drawn in shoulder blades , drawing down towards your waist .

Inhale straighten the leg , reach up through the arms , make sure the ribs stay in exhale , rebind .

Now , take your right hand and sweep from your inner right thigh to your inner knee .

Bring it around and press onto the top of your hip and draw it down and underneath you then take your back hand , lift your back , inner thighs slightly up toward the ceiling , pressing your back thighs straight back and then take your feet to parallel and we'll do the other side , turn the left leg all the way up , make sure you're still lined up , front heel and back arch , inhale your arms to a tee and exhale , bend your left knee over your ankle , point it right directly over your middle toes .

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Keep a steady gaze over the fingertips and breathe inhale the arms up as you exhale , rebind that knee over the ankle .

Keep lifting the belly and lifting the chest but soft in the shoulder blades in the jaw .

Inhale , reach up through your arms .

Exhale , rebind your knee .

Now , inner thigh to the inner knee , bring your left hand behind you drop your left hip down toward the floor .

So as if it's reaching right to the floor to your right hand to your back thigh , lift up through your back , inner thigh , press your back thigh back and then straighten the leg , take your feet to parallel and step them together and turn back to the front .

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And then we're just going to sit right down on the map and lie on our backs for bridge post , line up your heels under your knees , bring your arms by your sides , Find that neutral spine then inhale , lift up your hips and your low back .

Maybe your middle back , exhale and lower back down .

Imagine you're still holding the block between your inner thighs , take the sides of your mat with your hands and lift up again into bridge and pull gently with your hands .

So you're trying to pull the mat in half and this will stretch out your chest , exhale and lower down .

Keep your neck nice and long and then one more time lift up , press into the heels , reach your tailbone toward the backs of your knees .

Keep your breath nice and steady , gently pressing , sorry , gently holding the mat and pulling the hands away from each other .

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Release and hug your knees into your chest , gently rock side to side to give your low back a little massage and then roll yourself off to the right .

So we're carefully gonna press the left hand end of the floor , come up with your head last .

It's important not to just jerk yourself up to seated .

So if you do have a blanket or a towel , you're gonna sit right on the edge of it to elevate your hips .

This helps to keep your spine nice and long .

This pose is called cena .

It looks easy .

But once you stay here for a little bit , it gets quite challenging .

So pull your toes back , flex your ankles , that'll keep your leg muscles engaged and with your hands next to your hips , but just lightly pressing down .

Keep as much length in the spine as you can find and roll your shoulder heads back to lift your chest .

We gonna take a forward fold .

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If you have a strap or a belt , you can use that inhale length in your spine as you exhale again , hinging from the hips , not bending from the waist just like when we were standing , come forward any amount , but keep the spine lengthening .

Try not to round your back here .

It doesn't matter how far you get into a pose , it never matters .

It only matters that you feel a stretch and if you feel a stretch , the pose is doing its job , blood is rushing in toxins are rushing out and it's good for your body this way .

Inhale the head up , exhale release , put your strap off to the side blanket off to the side as well .

Come on to your back and then hug your knees into your chest and gently rock yourself for a moment , then arms to a tee , shift your hips off to the right and drop your knees over to the left and turn .

Look over your right shoulder .

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You can always rest your knees on a blanket or a block or even put a block between the knees .

Inhale center , shift your hips off to the left , drop your knees over to the right and then look over your left shoulder .

Take a couple of long breaths here , I'm back to center now , lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and start to extend your legs out .

Allow your feet to flop , open arms by your sides with your palms faced up .

So this is the same position that we started in .

This is called , it literally means corpse pose .

So at the end of our practice , we just relax , allow everything to sink into the floor , release any attention to the breath , just breathe naturally .

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And then once you get into a comfortable position , let's try to completely let go and relax just for a minute or so and begin to reawaken your body from reaching out through your fingers and your toes .

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So our yoga practice helps us to quiet our minds .

So it's not so busy , roll off to your right side and then you'll carefully press yourself up .

So I always like to end with a quote .

This is a quote from my teacher Diana Christensen .

She said , the quality of our mind becomes the quality of our life , our hands to the forehead , to remind us to have clear and loving thoughts , our hands to the heart center , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions , our hands to the mouth , reminding us to have clear and loving communications .

So we end bowing forward in must , must generally means the light in me , recognizes and honors the light in you .

Thank you so much for practicing today .

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And if you liked our class , please push the like button and tell your friends and share it .

If you would like to help support Fight Master Yoga .

There's a link below to make a donation through paypal or you can visit Fightmaster yoga dot com .

You can support us by shopping on Amazon through our site .

It doesn't cost you anymore .

Thank you so much .

Bye bye .


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