2.47 --> 74.16
So in the blog , create new blog up under the click panel title .
So in the title , um new blog address in the address in the video library , summary of click checking the address available tomorrow and the address is available .
So they create uh the create block click .
So the title and the theme in fact dot com dot co dot n domain name , free free in the website address dot blogspot dot com and the dot blog spot dot com , the top level domain and they blocked spot dot com .
187.63 --> 292.0
Ur address done and uh location or optional feature is the location in the options in the particular page uh comments and some of the particular options , break to break the option , click you play on the preview of the line in the poster .
In the preview options to data underline a font color , highlight , color , uh text size and font uh published by the , that's all you paid in the posting on the post , the number .
So in the post published by this post and pages pages on the top level was about me contact particular category pages on the mostly uh top level pages are about our contact or testimonials .
Starts from the statistics and the um overview post which is the top 10 posting , a comic pages , pages section over traffic sources on social media .
482.489 --> 544.289
So that is about earning page page is a great .
So you put on the page for example about this .
OK .
This page is all about me .
Two more sample text is a published man .
Mhm You are passing automatically matter as we pick up there options like you know about page , the layout take on a different OK .
And um layout in the section of the layout section , the layout in the about me and about a gadget in the search option where the html code at pro code , I post a blog search at search this blog .
OK .
He added save arrangement view blog to this blog added the option custom , you know the options , uh highly customizable .
It's customized but basic .
Uh Our team finally in the settings options in the .
So in the title settings , basic section , the title description in the and is the visible to search engines .
In case is a Google of course .
So yes , choose default option and the blog address when the and uh even the http S people default away and when the H GPS in the secured domain in the URL in the protocol .
So the default and uh coauthor at main address , the email address , admin option , um contributor options , curriculum , you learn the basic settings after the post and comments and sharing settings .
751.349 --> 829.549
So in the entire in the email address in the post section on the draft in the posting using email option .
854.679 --> 915.369
So publishing timings common timings Indian timings in case in India art , the date header format is fine and the time stamp is fine in the format .
In the custom time , comment , time stamp format is fine .
The update art through the search preferences .
Even the extra uh technical options is a large number of uh either import and export backup options .
That's all .
Thanks for watching .