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2023-07-20 13:02:28

30 min Bedtime Yoga For A Good Night's Rest - Beginner Evening Yoga

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Hi guys .

Thank you so much for joining me today .

We're doing an evening yoga class .

Perfect to do right before you go to bed .

So make sure you can get yourself really comfortable here and maybe have a couple of pillows or a blanket close by .

We won't be using any props so no need for a block or a strap or anything like that .

We're gonna start seated .

So cross legged , if that's comfortable to , you , drop the shoulders away from the ears , reach the crown of the head up tall and let's stretch out the neck .

So drop your right ear towards the right shoulder , press the left shoulder down and keep the chin slightly elevated .

So you're not rolling down , you should feel a little bit of a stretch into the left side of your neck .

If you'd like to go a little further , you're going to crawl your left fingertips out to the side .

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Maybe use your right hand to gently rest over the top of the head and then pull the ear far away from the left shoulder .

If it's too much with your right hand over the top of your head , just keep it down a little because this is a bedtime practice .

We don't want to use too much force or energy .

We want this to be a soothing relaxing practice .

So breathe deep in and out through the nose .

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Five breaths right here , start to roll the chin down towards the chest , stretching more towards the back of the neck , top of the shoulder blade .

Yeah .

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Use your right hand to cradle the head and slowly lift it all the way back up to center .

Before we do the other side , bend the elbows at a 90 degree angle .

Cross your right arm underneath your left binding once or twice , press the shoulders away from the ears and drop the forehead towards the biceps .

Yeah .

Release fingertips to the floor .

Let's do the neck release on the second side .

So drop the left ear towards the left shoulder .

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If you want to go deeper , you're gonna crawl your right fingertips out to the side of the mouth and maybe the left hand rests on the head to pull the right ear away from the top of the shoulder .

Yeah .

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Start to roll the chin down towards the left shoulder and left armpit , cradle your head with your hand and use the left palm to lift all the way back up , bending the elbows .

So eagle arms on the second side , left arm underneath your right binding once or twice , start to drop the forehead towards the biceps .

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Release and unwind , let's make our way into a tabletop hose on our hands and knees .

I'm drawing some hip circles here .

No right or wrong way to do this .

Just move with your breath .

This is a great way to warm up the hips and get in touch with our lower back .

Getting any kinks out of the way .

Noticing how your day has affected your body .

Let's reverse in the other direction coming all the way back up to center , moving through cat and cow on an inhale .

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Drop the belly lift the gaze curl tailbone up as you pull the heart forward , exhale chin to chest around the upper back , press the palms to the floor .

Take a few more , go at your own pace .

So as you inhale , you lift on the exhale , we round and contract two more full cycles coming back to neutral .

Keep your hips over the tops of the knees , walk your palms forward , coming into puppy poles , forehead releases down to the floor , pressing the chest down to the ground .

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Take your last three breaths here , stretching through both sides of the waist , softening the neck .

Let's bend the elbows slide forward onto your belly into Sphinx's pose .

So farm stay down to the ground , maybe walk the palms a couple inches forward .

So you control how deep you go on this back , bend the further in you have your elbows , the more intense it will be .

So if you need to lessen it just slide your elbows forward , focus on lifting the chest and pulling the heart forward .

As you draw the shoulders back , tops of the feet are pressing down into the map .

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We want to let go of the day .

We've had any to do lists .

We might be thinking of just putting that to the side .

I'm focusing on the breath , preparing for a great night's sleep .

Let's melt the heart forward and down , widen the palms so wider than your shoulders , come up onto the fingertips and we'll take some little cobra from here .

So as you inhale , head and chest off the floor , lift up and then exhale forward and down .

Let's do that two more times .

So inhale , slowly lift , no need to go up too high .

Exhale , release .

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Last one and hell coming up , exhale release , bring your palms underneath the shoulders , press back into your table top poses and we'll take a super easy down dog .

So palms our shoulder with distance apart , keep your feet wide .

So towards the edges of the mat and then lift the hips up and back and go ahead and paddle the feet , bend the knees , try to get comfortable here , maybe wiggling a little from side to side , shaking up the head , just enjoying the full body stretch .

We're not here too long .

We don't want to use too much strength or effort in this practice .

So , from this downward dog , look forward and we're gonna step our right foot in between the palms to the top of the mat .

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Lower the right knee down onto the ground , sorry , lower the left knee down onto the ground and come on up for your low lunch .

So tailbone reaches down palms , reaching up , hips , pressing forward , taking an easy twist .

Let's bring the left hand to the floor .

Keep your right arm up as you open the chest , look down , bring your right fingertips to the floor from here .

We're coming into a seated twist .

So curl the back toes under , lift the left knee off the mat and you're gonna slide that left knee behind your right ankle until you can settle both hips to the floor .

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So I'm crossing my right foot over the top of the left thigh , pressing both hips to the ground , bring your right fingertips behind you about six inches on an inhale .

Left arm reaches up and length and exhale , twist over towards the right .

So maybe just grab a hold of that thigh as you pull the right shoulder back , keep all four corners of your right foot down on the floor .

Pulls the lower belly in unwind .

Let's extend that right leg forward , bring your left foot to the inside of your right thigh .

We're setting ourselves up for a forward fold .

Inhale , reach the arms up and then exhale hinge at the waist to fold , make this really passive .

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So from here you're just gonna bend your right knee and bring your right shin in front of your left .

So both knees are bent .

Right leg is just stacked a little bit in front of the left .

If this doesn't work , you can just do an easy cross legged stance .

We're gonna walk the palms forward and fold all the way down , maybe padding the forehead with the palms or the forms I twists are a really great way to decompress and to slow down .

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Lock the hands back in , lift back up and we're gonna make our way back into that easy downward facing dog .

So palms our shoulder with distance apart , keep the feet really wide as you curl the toes under and lift the hips up and back .

So stretching out to the backs of the legs reaching out through the arms .

Let's do that sequence on the second side .

So look forward and step your left foot in between the palms , lower the right knee down onto the ground , coming up into your low lunch .

Arms reach up , lift up and out of the lower back .

One of the best poses you can do if you sit for a long time during the day , which many of us do and let's take our twist .

So just drop the right hand to the floor .

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Keep the left arm up , pull the left shoulder back as you open the chest , bring your left palm to the floor , curl the back toes under .

So you can lift the right knee off the mat .

We're coming into our seated twist .

So you're gonna slide your right knee behind the left ankle and then sit the hips down , realign yourself .

So you're crossing your left foot over the right thigh .

Plant the left sit bone to the floor .

Left fingertips go behind you , inhale right arm extends up and then exhale , twist to the left , maybe grab a hold of your thighs .

You pull it in towards the chest , try not to round forward or slouch here .

You want to reach the head up towards the sky lengthening the spine .

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Breath is slow and steady and fluid .

Notice if it feels restricted or shallow , let's unwind and release .

Extend your left leg forward and bring your right foot to the inside of that left thigh .

Taking our hamstring stretch to reach the arms up , inhale , exhale to fold .

Make this really easy and passive , bend your knee as much as you'd like breathing into the back body .

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Walk the palms back in , lift the chest , taking that seated forward , fold , bend the left knee and you're just gonna bring the left shin a couple inches in front of the right shin , walk the palms forward and set the forehead on the block on the forms or directly to the floor .

Five breaths here , nice and slow .

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Let's unwind and lift back up .

Bring your feet flat on the floor .

Knees are bent , palms are behind you and just try to lift the chest up , keep the elbows bent and squeezing in towards each other .

So you're trying to feel a stretch into the shoulders , maybe down into the biceps , gonna release lower all the way down onto your back .

Keep your knees bent feet on the floor .

So from here , let's make our way into reclined pigeon pose .

You'll need to cross your right ankle over the top of the left thigh .

Keep that foot firmly flexed and press the knee away from you .

This is enough .

Stay here .

Otherwise you're gonna pull your left knee in towards the belly .

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Pull it in a tiny bit closer .

Give it a big squeeze .

Keep your right ankle crossed over the thigh , but just set the left foot back down to the floor .

We're gonna take an it band stretch from here .

So all you need to do is drop your left leg over to the left until your right foot comes down flat to the ground .

I find it useful here to grab a hold of the right ankle with my left hand and then reach your right arm out to the side .

So the right shoulder stays down on the mat .

If you're not feeling much here .

It might be because your knee is falling in towards you .

You want to try to keep pressing your right knee as far away from you as possible until you get a deep stretch into the it band and the outer edge of your right hip .

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Take five breaths here , coming into a laying spinal twist from here and let go of your ankle .

So both arms are out into a tee and you can lift your leg back up , just keep crossing your right thigh over the left thigh before letting both knees drop over towards the left .

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So for this , you want to make sure that your right shoulder stays down on the ground , feel the back body supported on the earth .

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And before we do that sequence on the second side , just pull your knees in towards your chest .

Give them a big squeeze , maybe lift head and shoulders off the mat , bring your nose towards the knees , set the feet back down .

Let's take reclined pigeon pose .

Cross your left ankle over the right thigh , press your left knee away from you either stay here with the foot flexed or draw the right knee in towards the belly .

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Yeah , let's set the right foot down to the floor , making our way into our it band stretch .

Keep your legs in the same shape as they are .

Just let the right thigh drop down to the floor until the left foot comes down onto the ground .

Catch a hold of your left ankle with your right hand .

Remember we're trying to press our left knee away from us and extend the left arm out into a tee , sending deep belly breaths all the way down into that left hip , inviting it to open and soften .

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Take another long , deep inhale , feel the chest and the belly rise and then let's come into our lang spinal twist .

So lift the knees just a little so you can cross your left thigh directly over the right , maybe shift your hips a little bit more to the left before dropping both knees over to the right .

So arms can extend out into a teeth .

Keep trying to plant your left shoulder blade down on the floor .

Chest is facing up .

These twists are a great way to help improve digestion and relieve discomfort in the lower back .

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Great way to end the day .

Firm up the belly just a little bit so you can lift the knees uncross the legs and just like we did before pull your knees to your chest .

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Give them a big squeeze , maybe lift head and shoulders off the floor , bring your nose towards the knees and let's release , bring your arms out to the sides , just lift your legs up , flex and point the toes , bend and straighten the legs be nice even more .

Let's make our way to in our final resting po and you might want to grab some blankets or some pillows , setting yourself up so that you can let go completely feeling the back body supported .

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Notice if you are tensing the muscles in the face or the jaw , let the shoulders drop away from the ears .

I encourage you to stay here for a few minutes or really as long as you would like if you enjoyed this bedtime practice , please remember to subscribe to my channel .

Give this video a thumbs up .

Thank you so much .

Have a wonderful evening and a wonderful rest .

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