So let me just do this short video to explain what lemon juice can do and what it can't do .
There's no study at all that demonstrates that drinking lemon juice is gonna help you lose weight .
However , there is some benefit to consuming lemon juice .
So let's just talk about the 3 benefits .
Number 1 , it has Citric Acid .
Okay ?
The advantage of consuming Citric acid is that it will bind with oxalates and reduce the connection between oxalates and calcium thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones .
So that's number 1 .
Okay .
Number 2 , lemon juice can provide a good amount of vitamin c .
So each lemon provides about roughly half the RDAs for vitamin C .
But if you buy lemon juice that's pasteurized which all the lemon juice out there on the shelf is pasteurized , that means it's heated .
That heat will destroy the vitamin c and so the amount of vitamin c you're gonna have is much much less .
But sometimes they add in vitamin c as a synthetic version of vitamin c called Ascorbic acid .
And my view point is it's not the same thing .
So lemons do have a good amount of vitamin c if it's in the raw state .
And there's a tremendous amount of benefits from vitamin C especially if you're deficient .
And number 3 , even though lemons are acidic , when you consume lemon juice that will turn into an alkaline compound about an hour after you consume it .
And the benefit of having your urine alkaline is that it will decrease the risk of gout .
So the painful symptoms of gout mainly occur when the pH of your urine is overly acidic .
So if we were to alkalize the urine a little bit , you would have less symptoms from gout .
And there's also a type of kidney stone that is involves Uric acid .
So this will potentially decrease your risk from getting Uric acid stones .
So that pretty much summarizes what lemon juice can do and definitely what it can't do .
It's not gonna help you lose weight but it has some other benefits right here .
Thanks for watching .
Hey , we're back .
With another amazing recipe .
No grains , no sugar , totally keto .
There's no suffering in keto .
Absolutely not , Karen .
And it's an immune system builder .
Absolutely .
You have to check this out .
I think you should hurry up , watch the recipe , and make it yourself .
It's just so easy to be keto .
But is it simple ?
It's super simple .
We hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying eating it .