Job vocabulary , pronunciation .
Now , let's work on pronunciation .
In English , like other languages , we tend to say our words together .
For example , let's use this sentence .
A taxi driver drives a taxi .
So , 1 by 1 , a taxi driver drives a taxi , but we put it together .
It sounds like this , don't write it like this .
A taxi driver drives a taxi .
Okay .
So these go together .
A taxi driver drives a taxi .
This is for the sound only .
Alright ?
Let's look at another one .
A manager manages an office .
So , a manager manages an office .
But the sound is like this .
A manager manages an office .
A manager manages an office .
So , this go together .
Alright ?
A manager manages an office together .
Alright ?
Now , let's do some practices and we'll see what some other sentences look like .
Here's 1 , an artist draws pictures .
An artist draws pictures , an artist draws pictures together .
An engineer designs technical projects .
When we put it together an engineer designs technical projects .
A police officer protects people .
A police officer protects people .
A police officer protects people .
Alright ?
Here's another one .
Sales assistant sells things .
When we put it together , a sales assistant sells things .
An actor acts .
When we put it together , an actor acts .
An actor acts .
And finally , an accountant manages money .
When we put it together , an accountant manages money .
So if you listen again , you can see how they go together .
An artist draws pictures .
An engineer designs technical projects .
A police officer protects people .
A sales assistant sells things .
An actor acts .
An accountant manages money .
Okay .
So this is pretty normal .
Now , I want to work on a different kind of pronunciation , the sounds of A and E .
Now , we're going to work with just 2 vowels .
A and e , because they have different sounds .
We'll talk about short a , a , and short e , a , a .
Alright .
Now , here are some words with the a sound .
Am , at , answer man , ask and actor taxi .
Okay .
Again , it's the sound .
Am , at , answer , man , ask , and , actor , taxi .
Now , here are some words with the e sound .
Men , pen , send , sell , tech , nickel , and dentist .
Men , pen , send , sell , technical , dentist .
Okay , ae .
Now we're going to look at some words and it doesn't matter if you don't know them .
This is only for practicing the sound of ah and Now , let's look at the monitor and we'll do them together .
Here we go .
First , Matt met , sat sit .
Add , ed .
Said , Sid .
Dad did .
Bad bid .
And , end .
Banned , bend .
Had , head , bag , big , man , men .
Alright , very good .