This is a very interesting topic .
I found a study that demonstrated that you can actually reduce your liver fat by almost 50% in just 2 weeks .
And I'm not kidding .
This is not a joke .
This is a credible study .
There was a 14 day intervention study putting people on a carbohydrate restrictive diet .
This is called the ketogenic diet , where they consumed less than 30 grams of carbohydrates per day and this demonstrated decreased liver fat by 43.8 percent .
So it's not actually 50% , but it's close in subjects with obesity and NAFLD .
What is that ?
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease .
Now , there are several other interesting things about this .
Number 1 , there wasn't much weight loss .
On average , there was only like a 1.8% weight loss , which is pretty insignificant , and there is no change in waist circumference .
Now this is very good information to know because if you start a ketogenic diet and you lost hardly any weight the 1st week and there's no change in your waist , you might just quit and think it's not working .
Apparently , the body gets rid of liver fat and organ fat as a priority before it goes after other types of fat .
And apparently , the loss of liver fat was due to decreased something called de novo lipogenesis .
What is that ?
That means there's a greatly reduced conversion from carbohydrates to fat .
There's like a 79.8% decrease .
So no longer are we getting this conversion from carbohydrates to fat .
And there was also an increase in actual overall fat burning , called it fatty acid oxidation , by just under 5x .
So we had this 5 times greater fat oxidation or fat burning effect in the liver .
Amazing .
Now there's some also very interesting additional things on this study .
First of all , the participants did not lower their calories .
The average amount of calories per day was over 3,000 .
So this was not a globe calorie diet .
There was also significant lower markers for liver damage , significant lower fasting insulin levels and lowered HOMA IR , which means there was less insulin resistance , there was improved insulin sensitivity , there was lowered liver inflammation , and there was a rapid increase in folate producing bacteria and folate in their blood .
So apparently in the ketogenic diet , your microbes make more folate .
Now what is up with this folate ?
What does the folate do in relationship to your liver ?
Well , it improves liver fat metabolism and it keeps liver inflammation on the low side .
And they found 94 bacterial strains were altered after going on this low carb diet with major shifts in microbes occurring just in one day .
If you're new to my channel or you're not new , you've been watching my videos and you haven't started ketogenic diet , I think this right here is a good enough reason to get started right away .
So I put a link down below the exact version of the ketogenic diet you need to start immediately .
Check it out .
Hey .
Before you go , if you're benefiting from any of my content , I would love to hear about your success story .
Please share it in the link down below .