So what's all this talk about this , this liver thing ?
Is it is it that important ?
Do we really need a liver ?
Yes , you need a healthy liver .
And the problem is the majority of population has a fatty liver .
And a lot of people don't even know that they have fat in the liver until they get an ultrasound or they get a CAT scan .
And then they're , they're shocked .
So I think it's number 1 important understand about the liver and the importances as well as how to get the fat out of the liver .
There's a great simple thing that you can do , which I'm going to talk about .
And there's also a drink that you can make every day to reduce fat on your liver and with some pretty good science behind it .
And I'm gonna put those links down below with each of the ingredient that I'm going to talk about .
The first thing I want to mention about , the liver is that people don't realize that bile is made by the liver , they think it's made by the gallbladder .
Now , the gallbladder is just a sack that holds the bile .
But I want to talk about the importance of bile for a second because the liver makes the bile .
And the more you understand about what bile does , you'll appreciate , the liver much , much more .
Now bile is a detergent that helps you break down fat .
But exactly what does that mean breakdown fat ?
Let's say for example , this is some fat , okay .
And this is traveling through the stomach , you just ate some fat , and it's going to be now going down into the small intestine .
So the stomach will kind of break it down to a certain level .
But then we need help from the gallbladder releasing bile to act on this , this big clump of fat .
Right ?
So the problem is that , bile needs help to break this thing down , and it uses help from the pancreas .
There's an enzyme and the pancreas called lipase .
Okay ?
Lipid meaning fat , ace meaning enzyme .
The problem is that in order for lipase to do its job , it needs the biles help .
And what the bile is going to do , it's going to break down this significantly so there's more surface area for the enzyme to act on .
So this is what bile does .
So the bile starts to break this down into small little pieces here .
So let me just kinda break all that down right here .
So now we have a much greater surface area of fat for the enzyme lipase to do its job .
Okay .
So simply bile increases the surface area of fat , so you can get more of a complete digestion of that fat in the extraction into the small intestine .
That's where it gets absorbed .
So without enough bile , then the enzyme can't do its job , And now you don't get enough vitamin a .
The first symptom of a vitamin a deficiency is like night blindness .
So you're you're driving at night , it's raining , and you just can't quite see .
It's hard to see at night .
Okay .
Night vision .
That's vitamin a .
I mean , vitamin a also , counters , bad sinus problems if you have an immune system issue .
So if you have really bad sinuses , chances are you could be deficient in vitamin a .
But vitamin a does a lot of other things as well .
Then we have a lack of vitamin e .
Well , that could show up in your heart .
So maybe you get more inflammation in the heart , in the , coronary arteries , which shows up as calcification , higher levels of cholesterol plaquing , things like that .
Other than that , it probably won't do anything else .
I'm being very sarcastic .
Then we have vitamin D .
Let's say you can't absorb vitamin D .
Well , that's a big problem because you need it for , getting rid of pain .
You need it for decreasing blood pressure .
You need it for the formation of calcium in your bones , and as well as the absorption of calcium in the small intestine .
So if you don't have vitamin D , the rate of absorption of calcium is like way , way lower .
With vitamin D , you absorb 20 times as much calcium as if you didn't have it .
So now you have all sorts of calcium problems like bone loss and problems sleeping at night and you name it .
Then we have vitamin k with vitamin k 1 and vitamin k 2 .
If you're deficient in vitamin k 1 , then you you get bruising easily .
You bleed easily .
You can't clot as well .
And with vitamin K 2 , a deficiency of that , you have a calcium building up in the arteries , as well as the joints .
Then we have , other fats like omega 3 fatty acids .
You need that to keep your inflammation really low .
And with fat enough omega 3 fatty acids , you have all sorts of inflammatory conditions , arthritis , heart problems , even dementia , because of the involvement in your brain .
Your brain apparently needs a lot of omega 3 fatty acids .
Now , the other thing that bile does is it helps get rid of the excess amount of cholesterol .
Let's say , for example , you decide that you're gonna lose weight and you get on the ketogenic diet .
And now all of this fat cell is releasing its triglyceride and its cholesterol .
That's what's in a fat cell , the combination of triglycerides , which is can be used for energy , and also cholesterol , which can't be used as energy .
So we need bile to help eliminate that excess amount of cholesterol .
So if you don't have enough bile , because you don't have enough capacity of liver function , then you end up with gallstones .
Gallstones are created by a super concentrated cholesterol situation because there's not enough bile to emulsify and break it down .
So we get this crystallization of cholesterol .
So when people have gallstones , they actually need more bile .
They don't need necessarily less cholesterol .
And then you also have people that are on statin drugs , which basically block the production of cholesterol .
And guess what bile is made out of ?
Cholesterol .
This is why the risk goes way up in getting gallstones and all these other issues if someone's on a statin .
And then the other big important , purpose of bile salts is to help eliminate toxins .
And now your body becomes instantly more toxic because you don't , you can't get rid of the toxins that are floating to the liver .
Because the purpose of the liver is not to store toxins .
It's to break down toxins into harmless particles .
So if you can't break them down , then , and you're taking medication and you're being exposed to planet Earth , boy , you get a lot of extra poisonous things that are flooding to the bloodstream and to your body .
So we really need this liver to work correctly .
Another symptom of a fatty liver is that , you start getting a heavier liver , it becomes enlarged .
And that pressure , doesn't fit in the cavity anymore on the right side .
So it backs up and it puts pressure into the right side of your neck up to here to the shoulder .
So you get shoulder pain .
You get a lot of tension in your right trap , and that can create a fullness underneath the right rib cage is one of the symptoms .
And , you know , people say , well , I need to , flush out my gallbladder .
Well , you know , you need to get rid of the fat in the liver .
It's a little bit different than fleshing out , anything which I'm gonna explain .
The other important part about the , the liver is its conversion function from t 4 to t 3 , your thyroid .
Without a good liver , you can't convert the thyroid hormones .
So you might have hormones there , but they're not activated because they can't be converted .
80% of all the active form of t three , the thyroid hormone , works through the liver .
So without that liver fully functioning , maybe you get , 70 or 60 or 50 percent of it being converted .
And here you are wondering , why do I have a thyroid problem , there's no reason to have a thyroid problem .
The problem is not the thyroid , it's your liver , it's the conversions .
Okay .
Very important .
The other very important function of the liver is to buffer , certain excesses of , sex hormones , like estrogen and testosterone .
It's not good to have too much testosterone or too much estrogen .
And so without the liver working right , you cannot form the proteins to buffer those hormones .
And so then we have , issues like , polycystic ovarian syndrome in women , which is , too much androgen .
And we also have too much estrogen in even men .
They start getting all sorts of problems with , breast tissue and low testosterone .
And the list goes on and on and on .
Now , because I talked a bit more on bile , I do wanna mention some other symptoms to , to try to identify if you have low bile .
Okay .
Number 1 , do you have an intolerance to digesting fat ?
When you eat fat , do you find that you get more bloating ?
That would be an indication that you need more bile .
Do you find that your stool is light colored , like pale or even gray , Or does it float ?
Or does it leave skid marks ?
That could mean that you're low in bile .
Do you find that after you eat , you're just not satisfied ?
Well , maybe because you're not extracting the fats to be absorbed to then tell the brain like , okay , I'm done eating .
That could be a sign that you need more bile .
If you have , nausea or you have indigestion or bloating , those can be signs , bloating , burping , belching are classic signs of low bile as well .
Alright , so now that you have some basics on the liver and the importance of bile , Bile is really important into keeping the fat out of the liver .
So anything you can do to increase bile reserves is going to help you get rid of a fatty liver .
So some people even take purified bile salts .
And I did put a link down below for more information on that .
But today I want to talk about , a really simple shake you can make to to help reduce fat on your liver .
Now , I just want to let you know that being on the ketogenic diet , as well as doing intermittent fasting together can reduce the fat on your liver by 50% in just 14 days .
If you haven't seen that video , I put that down below .
So I just wanted to give you that foundation first because it's essential to go on keto and you're doing intermittent fasting if you have a fatty liver .
But this shake I'm gonna talk about next is a really simple thing everyone can do to keep fat off your liver , and it's backed by some pretty good science .
So the ingredients are simple .
You're gonna use kale , you're going to use blueberries and you're going to use kefir .
Okay ?
I would use organic kale and organic blueberries and I would keep them in the freezer .
Okay , keep them in the freezer , they're much easier to blend .
So you just take your blender out , and you take 2 cups of kale frozen , and you can break it up into little chunks .
Just put 2 cups of kale in there because it blends really nicely when it's cold and it tastes better too .
And then you put 1 cup of blueberries .
Blueberries not only have quercetin , but so does kale .
Quercetin is the ultimate , weapon against a fatty liver , not to mention its involvement in many other aspects of your health , including having a stronger immune system .
But quercetin is a is a fabulous phytonutrient to target a fatty liver .
But there's many other things in kale and blueberries that also help you with fatty liver and liver function in general .
So we take 2 cups of frozen kale .
Okay , put in the blender , we take 1 cup of frozen blueberries , okay , we put a cup of water .
And we also put 1 cup of plain whole fat kefir .
Okay , don't get the flavour kind don't get the sweetened kind .
Get the organic if possible , grass fed if possible , whole milk , plain kefir , that's going to give you the probiotics that you need to reduce fat on your liver .
So we have the water , the kefir , the cow , and the blueberries .
And then you're gonna simply blend this up for a couple of minutes .
Okay ?
And blend it up really nicely and then shug it down .
It tastes really good , and it's extremely effective in reducing fat on your liver and do that every single day in combination with a healthy keto diet , as well as intermittent fasting .
Now , if you haven't seen my video on how to reduce fatty liver within 14 days , put it right here , check it out .