Had a question about the best forms of magnesium .
So I'm gonna touch on that today .
So we have magnesium citrate , which is very common .
It's pretty good .
It's , it absorbs easily .
It's great for nocturnal leg cramps , So if you have cramps at night , use this .
Good for constipation and can prevent headaches .
Next one is magnesium glycinate .
Now , glycinate is an amino acid , glycine .
So we have this combination of magnesium and glycine , which is a protein bound mineral .
So it does absorb readily and the glycine adds some additional , calming factors .
So it's kind of an anti anxiety , it can help you sleep , and so does magnesium .
So together , they can create an anti stress effect .
It's good as an anti inflammatory , it can support blood sugars , and there's virtually no laxative effects .
Then we have another one called magnesium threonate .
Sometimes it's l threonate .
This is best for your brain .
It improves cognitive function , prevents the loss of synapses in animal studies , but it's very expensive .
Next one is magnesium orotate .
This type penetrates the cell very deeply into the mitochondria and it's good for top athletes because it improves energy , it helps your mitochondria , but it is also very expensive .
Then we have magnesium taurate , which is good for your blood sugars .
It's really good for blood pressure in animal studies , so if you have a pet rat that has high blood pressure , give him or her some magnesium taurate .
And then we have magnesium malate .
This is good for fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue syndrome , and it does not have too much of a laxative effect .
Now , the versions I would recommend avoiding would be the magnesium sulfate , magnesium carbonate , magnesium oxide , and magnesium hydroxide .
Last point I want to bring up in this very short video is that when you take magnesium , vitamin D and B6 help absorb magnesium .
Alright .
Thanks for watching .
Hey .
Before you go real quick , I have a course entitled how to bulletproof your immune system .
It's a free course .
I want you to take it , and here's why .
Here's you .
Here is your environment .
Everyone is focused on this over here , avoiding your environment .
But what about here ?
What about strengthening your immune system ?
That's what's missing .
This course will show you how to bulletproof yourself and so you can tolerate and resist your environment much better by strengthening your own immune system .
I put a link down in the description right down below .
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